Should students get loans to go to college?

The federal government is the No. 1 reason college is so costly, why schools no longer educate, why healthcare costs are unaffordable without insurance. I have no problem with loans for those students who want them. But they should not be necessary. A person should be able to work and attend college on a pay as you go basis as it once was. They may not be able to attend a costly prestige private university but they can get a quite adequate education at a state school.

It should not be paid by the federal government as that puts an unconstitutional burden on citizens who choose not to go to college and those who prefer to pay their own way.

There is no such thing as FREE anything that requires contribution or participation by others. Somebody has to pay, and in my opinion those who should pay should be those who want the product or service for themselves or their children, etc.
I disagree
It was Republican State Governments slashing student aid and raising the cost of State Universities

Federal Government has little to do with running universities

Should students get loans to go to college?​

It's not the fact that loans are taken out that's the problem. It's the amount of loans allowable which is driving the inflation of tuition.
There is no such thing as FREE anything that requires contribution or participation by others. Somebody has to pay, and in my opinion those who should pay should be those who want the product or service for themselves or their children, etc.
India and Pakistan agree. 1st World countries not so much.

And yes I paid for all of mine via work and loans. The wife's were less than mine and mine were considerably less than the kids.
I paid for all the Daughters and Boy's undergrad (he get paid more than I do via his Doctorate endowments...MATH ROcks! ).
India and Pakistan agree. 1st World countries not so much.

And yes I paid for all of mine via work and loans. The wife's were less than mine and mine were considerably less than the kids.
I paid for all the Daughters and Boy's undergrad (he get paid more than I do via his Doctorate endowments...MATH ROcks! ).
We helped our kids as much as we were able but they both had hefty student loans when they graduated college. Daughter got her bachelor's degree in three years at a state college, got a full scholarship to Stanford where she earned her master's in year four and earned a fellowship that helped her go on to get her PhD. She makes a great salary now. Our son for various reasons took seven years to get his degree in engineering and now is a highly successful professionally certified and much awarded and credentialed mechanical and petroleum engineer who earns a terrific salary. He was able to pay all our granddaughter's college and living expenses while she earned her degree in four years. And she is now earning a very nice salary.

Also our kids worked all through their education to help with college expenses and paid off their student loans in full on time. Which is why it is especially galling now that kids from upper middle income homes attending prestige colleges, many spending a lot of their free time protesting things, are being bailed out by the government at everybody else's expense. There is nothing good to say for that.
Yes they should teach for next to nothing. "Someone needs to do that job, and for cheap". Typical

I meant to say the reason students need to get loans is so professors can make their alimony payments for getting caught after class with some nubile coed.
More anti-education propaganda

The overwhelming majority of students major in business, healthcare, education, STEM, liberal arts

How many banks are willing to risk money on an 18 year old?
If the banks wouldn't take the risk and loan them vast amounts of money why in the hell should the government (we the taxpayers)? By the way, if you earned $2 per hour performing a summer job, you were overpaid and your education was wasted.
If the banks wouldn't take the risk and loan them vast amounts of money why in the hell should the government (we the taxpayers)? By the way, if you earned $2 per hour performing a summer job, you were overpaid and your education was wasted.

Because they are minors with no income and many come from poor families
Without subsidized student loans, students from low income families could not afford college
My kids HAD to attend college and get a degree. There was NO alternative. Nothing else was acceptable in our family.

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