Trump says foreign college graduates should automatically get green cards

It wont be the greatest much longer after 100 million migrants shuffle across the border from mexico

You are not thinking rationally
not his fault. Trump is afflicted with a little known neurological disorder
known as a "HOOF IN MOUTH" disease. A very significant disaster in the
very FINE academic sector of the United States is NUTHIN' NEW. Our top-
notch universities have been infiltrated---for ALMOST 100 years---by islamo-
nazis. The problem starts with oil wealth----and onto the concept of "zakat".
The purchasing of "chairs" in top notch colleges----like Princeton, Columbia,
etc etc etc by islamo-nazi interests reaches all the way back to the 1930s. (for the record----the plague has reached even the more plebeian institutions---like CCNY (the CUNY system---NY) and Rutgers (the state university of
NEW JERSEY)-------both completely corrupted
Did you forget the topic of the thread?
No, so lets return to that

Limiting legal immigration to college grafs with degrees on STEM subjects only (along with the wife and children is my idea

Trump may adopt it someday but he hasnt said so yet

And its an idea not a fixed goal

But knowing how powerful the globalist lobby is I will settle for less as long as we are making progress
not his fault. Trump is afflicted with a little known neurological disorder
known as a "HOOF IN MOUTH" disease. A very significant disaster in the
very FINE academic sector of the United States is NUTHIN' NEW. Our top-
notch universities have been infiltrated---for ALMOST 100 years---by islamo-
nazis. The problem starts with oil wealth----and onto the concept of "zakat".
The purchasing of "chairs" in top notch colleges----like Princeton, Columbia,
etc etc etc by islamo-nazi interests reaches all the way back to the 1930s. (for the record----the plague has reached even the more plebeian institutions---like CCNY (the CUNY system---NY) and Rutgers (the state university of
NEW JERSEY)-------both completely corrupted
Ate you blaming trump or Unkotare ?
No, so lets return to that

Limiting legal immigration to college grafs with degrees on STEM subjects only (along with the wife and children is my idea

Trump may adopt it someday but he hasnt said so yet

And its an idea not a fixed goal

But knowing how powerful the globalist lobby is I will settle for less as long as we are making progress
I don't think STEM was part of the stipulation, and it is now most commonly known as STEAM.
Ate you blaming trump or Unkotare ?
I described the neurological issue with which Trump is afflicted. He is
actually---my "choice" As a politician he is not "in for it" for money or
prestige----he ALREADY GOT THAT. He is a rich man with noble intentions ---
(stop laughing----I really mean it) BUT---he speaks his "mind" explosively---
like a two year old. He lacks "filters"----socially the lack of filters creates
a social problem
Ate you blaming trump or Unkotare ?
I described the neurological issue with which Trump is afflicted. He is
actually---my "choice" As a politician he is not "in for it" for money or
prestige----he ALREADY GOT THAT. He is a rich man with noble intentions ---
(stop laughing----I really mean it) BUT---he speaks his "mind" explosively---
like a two year old. He lacks "filters"----socially the lack of filters creates
a social problem
I don't think STEM was part of the stipulation, and it is now most commonly known as STEAM.
Really? "STEM" was good enough for me----GIVE ME THAT OLD TIME
I don't think STEM was part of the stipulation, and it is now most commonly known as STEAM.
Stem wasnt part of what trump said

I added that

Thats how it works in the real world when ideas are being thrown around

Which is what trump was doing

Ok people come up with new and better ideas
I described the neurological issue with which Trump is afflicted. He is
actually---my "choice" As a politician he is not "in for it" for money or
prestige----he ALREADY GOT THAT. He is a rich man with noble intentions ---
(stop laughing----I really mean it) BUT---he speaks his "mind" explosively---
like a two year old. He lacks "filters"----socially the lack of filters creates
a social problem
You are a typical MAGA

You support trump but think for yourself, including seeing that trump is not perfect

Well done
You are a typical MAGA

You support trump but think for yourself, including seeing that trump is not perfect

Well done
I am NOT A MAGA----I do not sport political baseball hats of march in
idiot parades or ascribe to semi-fascist ideologies----I am, simply, ----logical
I am NOT A MAGA----I do not sport political baseball hats of march in
idiot parades or ascribe to semi-fascist ideologies----I am, simply, ----logical
You are lucid enough that you easily could be a MAGA
I described the neurological issue with which Trump is afflicted. He is
actually---my "choice" As a politician he is not "in for it" for money or
prestige----he ALREADY GOT THAT. He is a rich man with noble intentions ---
(stop laughing----I really mean it) BUT---he speaks his "mind" explosively---
like a two year old. He lacks "filters"----socially the lack of filters creates
a social problem

Really? "STEM" was good enough for me----GIVE ME THAT OLD TIME
Unko----I am intrigued----what do you have against "STEM" I was horrified when I discovered that my son (a really bright baby at age 3) did not have any idea as to the issue of LONG DIVISION at age ten. Also---long ago I did a little "subbing" in a parochial high school----I was horrified to learn that the "high schoolers" in that "school" could not do arithmetic---they depended on "calculators" This is a true story----I asked one recalcitrant--"how do you expect to 'make a living'? He answered---"my father's business" I asked---
"how will you know about your accounts"? his answer "we have an accountant" -------I almost threw up
And that includes junior colleges too. Anybody graduates from a college — you go in there for two years or four years. If you graduate, or you get a doctorate degree from a college, you should be able to stay in this country

“You Will Not Replace Us”
Then I’ll keep it real simple for you:

Quote me saying that, liar.
Not every criminal is willing to sign a confession

But we can figure it out

If you are against green cards for college grads because you suspect them of foul play that must apply to immigrants in general

Unless you think college grads are particularly dangerous but shoeless illiterate ditch diggers are not
Not every criminal is willing to sign a confession

But we can figure it out

If you are against green cards for college grads because you suspect them of foul play that must apply to immigrants in general

Unless you think college grads are particularly dangerous but shoeless illiterate ditch diggers are not
I directly told you I'm in favor of Trump's idea here.

So quote me saying what you accused me of, liar.

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