Trump says foreign college graduates should automatically get green cards

Capital should show they don't have sufficient applicants, and pay new hires what they were paying Americans. Hey, I'll go one better. To hire a foreigner on a Hb1, make Captial advertise the opening in US colleges or employer competitors at .... 10% more than the foreigner would get
I agree with that.
:itsok: Getting your visa to study in the United States takes time but can be a surprisingly easy procedure. Universities, colleges, and schools in the United States continue to be very interested in welcoming students from all countries.
It's that time and the investment in the process that weeds out terrorists.
You like the idea because you’re ignoring the negative implications, like the possibility of bringing in spies and terrorists, which deeply concerns your fellow Trumpsters.

You said you think for yourself. Let’s see it.
So you are against all immigration?

Not even most MAGAs go that far
Trump said in 2016 he was putting an end H-1B visas because American jobs should go to Americans. Now he says every foreign college graduate should receive an automatic green gard.

Why did he change his mind?
The other side of that coin is that ONLY college graduates can be allowed to immigrate

None of the shoeless illiterates from egypt or central America get in
This is not Trump being a "nice guy"

I disagree with Both of you. This will encourage INCREASED tuition for ALL. This is another scam to
A. Fleece the US students of money by raising tuition
B. Make the colleges and educators more money
here is how it benefits High Tech...
No longer will they have a lottery for H1B.. No more expensive "sponsoring" or Visas..

This is all about saving money for Silicon Valley and this is why you saw a bunch of the CEO's get behind Trump and make big contributions

this is NO different than Trump telling the oil companies "give me 1B for my campaign"
STEM isn't just Silicon Valley.
You do realize students must have a visa to enter a USA college or university, right?
Not what I was talking about. Trump said he’d give educated Europeans preference for entry into the US! I guess he figures his supporters can’t compete with them anyway! Instead, he makes them scared of less-educated manual workers, which seems to be what he thinks of the MAGA faithful.

You failed to address what was asked and then made up a lie.

Quote me saying that.
You are complaining about giving green cards to college grads because you think they might be criminals

That tells me you are anti immigrant
You are complaining about giving green cards to college grads because you think they might be criminals

That tells me you are anti immigrant

You’re a liar. Here is what I said:

We’re both in favor of this idea.

You failed to address what was asked and then you made up a lie. And I guarantee you won’t address your proven lie either. You Trumpsters are extremely predictable.
STEM isn't just Silicon Valley.
:itsok: perhaps you are too stupid to understand what is going on?

Donald Trump traveled to Silicon Valley Thursday night and raised a reported $12 million from tech executives, a notable foray into a longtime Democratic stronghold.


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