The comic value of watching the left realize Biden is beyond sunset yet they can't articulate their disapproval without invoking...

As I recall there were primaries that Biden won. I know the nomination was won by Biden by the time Virginia got a chance to weigh in.

Biden's performance was horrifying, I just couldn't watch the whole thing. Am I going to vote for Biden? You bet I am. I'd prefer a President that can't do anything to one that can do immense harm to the country.

So you don't care who's actually running things, you're cool with that invisible hand up xiden's backside. GOT IT!

Traitors for not only invading the US Capitol on 1/6, but supporting, obfuscating, and upon reflection, diminishing the roles of those who participated in that vile act.

So tell the class exactly what statue was turned over at the capitol, or was xiden just lying his ass off about that?

If you vote for a guy who called for these nut jobs to "fight" at the Capitol, failed to do anything for hours to stop the invasion of the Capitol, and on a daily basis says the US elections are rigged against him, you are the extremist. And nothing will change that, you morally bankrupt piece of filth.

Exactly what did you fail to understand about "Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard"?

Yes, it is. I know the common man is not going to be President. We went to those with some money or backing at some point. We crossed the Mendoza line with the elites smashing our faces in and laughing putting an inferior candidate in Joe. Perhaps like when Argentina went from a potential world power to a socialist potentially semi pauper with Peron. And Evita to finish it off.

I believe you Progs could not survive long without the Deplorables if all the safeties were removed.
LOL are you threatening me, pussy? LOL!

The few on here that are finally waking up to reality, and the entirety of the MSM talking heads just can't figure out how to condemn their party for the hole they've dug without bringing Trump into it.
It's as if they're mad at Trump for Bidens mental problems being exposed.

The republican voters chose Trump by voting.
The DNC chose Biden for Democrat voters without consent.

The fault for the situation you're in lies squarely in your own party which includes the MSM who hid Bidens condition.
Had to watch some the talking heads Sunday program. THe response to every single question about Biden's fitness was: TRUMP So transparent it's funny
Oblivious to what "reality"?? .. and calling people who don't accept your version of "reality" a threat isn't going to change my mind so why do it? Imagine a role reversal. I'll make a truth claim. If you don't believe me, may I call you a threat to the country? Would that be fair?
There is only one reality, dipshit. And you dont live in it. Get help, psycho.
You seem to be the one up to date on commiecrat lies, I'm not aware that any stature was overturned at the capitol on J6, xiden said there was in the debate. Was he lying?

So because they werent successful (I mean who would expect you clowns to succeed at anything?), that makes it ok? You're a disgusting anti-American piece of crap.
Trump sure was smart accepting a debate that had rules tailor-made to advantage his opponent.

Kudos to Trump and both mods for not revealing how shocked they were by the degree of Biden’s dementia on display.
I question whether the Dem cabal (whoever is making the decisions for the WH) intentionally insisted on these rules because they knew it would most clearly expose Biden's dementia

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