The comic value of watching the left realize Biden is beyond sunset yet they can't articulate their disapproval without invoking...

At least I'm not a communist mother fucker that's out to destroy the country. Like you. And why won't answer a simple question?

You dont even know what a communist is. You're a low end know nothing. You support traitors and criminals.
That’s another thing I don’t get. I’ve had some Democrats admit that while Biden’s policies “aren’t the best,” they defend him by saying at least he’s a nice, decent guy.

WHERE are they coming up with that? He’s a nasty, lying old man with a bad temper who has demonized half of his constituents as threats to democracy.

The MSM told them that. It came from Drooling *Joes handlers.
We have a clear choice before US . Vote for an honest man who's spent years serving his country or voting for a selfish , evil convicted felon who only served himself. No contest.
Yes . We all know that the Drooling *Joe administration told the MSM what to tell you to think. The fact is Six Handicap *Joe has been a plagiarist, a liar and a thief his entire political career. He is not and never has been a nice guy.
Learn to think for yourself.
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