Trump says foreign college graduates should automatically get green cards

You conveniently left this part out...

"Asked for comment, the Trump campaign said in a statement that only after "the most aggressive vetting process in U.S. history" would "the most skilled graduates who can make significant contributions to America" be able to stay.

So yeah, highly skilled and vetted...not Lesbian Studies and Basketweaving.

Either you've been duped by leftwing media, or you are intentionally attempting to dupe us.
usually you and I agree. Not this time. I am losing interest in Trump real quick.

riddle me this.. if this is such good idea.. why didn't the Democrats come up with it?
looking like both parties hate the current voter base and want to replace them.
I didn't conveniently leave anything out. They came out with that statement AFTER the interview and his remarks went viral on social media and he started getting criticized by some of his supporters who actually exhibited some independent thought.

So which is it? Is it all two year and four years graduates or is after "the most aggressive vetting process ni U.S. history" (which you know is bullshit)? If that's the latter, why not say that in the first place as opposed to waiting until there's an uproar.

Furthermore, why has he changed his position from before? This is what he campaigned on in 2016

During his 2017-2021 presidency, Trump's administration took steps aimed at curbing U.S. companies' use of skilled foreign workers on H-1B visas, a key visa option for international students seeking to remain in the United States.

What changed?
Asked and answered.
of course it is measurable, but you know who will make every fucking excuse to deny it.
I never disagreed it was measurable, and I'm very confident in asserting the Univ of Penn has the ability to track changes in costs, and attribute the changes to specific events. I'm just not certain that Trump's flip flopping to support OBAMA POLICY will cause tuition to rise. I suspect it will allow employers to not pay as much as they might otherwise.
I didn't conveniently leave anything out. They came out with that statement AFTER the interview and his remarks went viral on social media and he started getting criticized by some of his supporters who actually exhibited some independent thought.

So which is it? Is it all two year and four years graduates or is after "the most aggressive vetting process ni U.S. history" (which you know is bullshit)? If that's the latter, why not say that in the first place as opposed to waiting until there's an uproar.

Furthermore, why has he changed his position from before? This is what he campaigned on in 2016

During his 2017-2021 presidency, Trump's administration took steps aimed at curbing U.S. companies' use of skilled foreign workers on H-1B visas, a key visa option for international students seeking to remain in the United States.

What changed?
The CONTEXT was a podcast about the TECH INDUSTRY!

YOU, like the rest of the lying media tried to bullshit us about it being ALL college graduates because YOU have no critical thinking skills outside of Orange Man Bad.

If an industry is CRITICALLY SHORT of qualified workers NOBODY with an ounce of common sense thinks in that situation, allowing QUALIFIED HIGHLY SKILLED AND VETTED IMMIGRANT COLLEGE GRADUATES a green card upon graduation IS A BAD IDEA!!!

Did the capitalization and the exclamation points help this information permeate your thick skull?

I hope so...cuz that's the best I can do to try to get through to you.
We’d be flooded by immigrants, making the southern border look like a ghost town, but helping out Americans with their student loans is a no-go!

You do realize students must have a visa to enter a USA college or university, right?
This is not Trump being a "nice guy"

I disagree with Both of you. This will encourage INCREASED tuition for ALL. This is another scam to
A. Fleece the US students of money by raising tuition
B. Make the colleges and educators more money
here is how it benefits High Tech...
No longer will they have a lottery for H1B.. No more expensive "sponsoring" or Visas..

This is all about saving money for Silicon Valley and this is why you saw a bunch of the CEO's get behind Trump and make big contributions

this is NO different than Trump telling the oil companies "give me 1B for my campaign"
H-1B visas are for companies to hire experience foreign workers. They are not going to sponsor someone in the hope that college for 4 years will make them more attractive than Americans. You are barking up the wrong tree.
Colleges will know that those people coming are going to have $$$$ and not be getting a loan. They see this as an opportunity to raise the rates. US students will get stuck with bigger loans, and the universities will make record $$$
You do realize these students have to be admitted to the US via a student visa first?
Trump is floating a policy that foreign students who come here for college and graduate with a degree should automatically receive a green card upon graduation. I’m curious what Trump’s supporters think about this proposal.

Hmmmm, somehow it feels like you aren't presenting the entire truth here.....
Trump said in 2016 he was putting an end H-1B visas because American jobs should go to Americans. Now he says every foreign college graduate should receive an automatic green card.

Why did he change his mind?
They have an investment in the US by attending college here instead of their country.

I recently spent a very long time in the hospital, receiving care from dozens of doctors over that period. Do you know how many of those doctors were born and raised in the US? I would estimate about half.

Just my regular doctors who are or have been my specialists are almost all foreign born. My endocrinologist was Egyptian. My gastroenterologist is Pakistani. The surgeon who gave me a new liver was Indian.

I have no problem with them coming here, attending our schools and then staying to practice medicine. That is what they intended to do, and I am happy they did.
You do realize these students have to be admitted to the US via a student visa first?
:itsok: Getting your visa to study in the United States takes time but can be a surprisingly easy procedure. Universities, colleges, and schools in the United States continue to be very interested in welcoming students from all countries.
usually you and I agree. Not this time. I am losing interest in Trump real quick.

riddle me this.. if this is such good idea.. why didn't the Democrats come up with it?
looking like both parties hate the current voter base and want to replace them.
The context was a Tech Industry podcast. If Americans aren't interested in these critically short only makes sense to offer legal immigrant college graduates a green card to work in these fields.

The context was a Tech Industry podcast. If Americans aren't interested in these critically short only makes sense to offer legal immigrant college graduates a green card to work in these fields.

off-shore it and be done.
:itsok: Getting your visa to study in the United States takes time but can be a surprisingly easy procedure. Universities, colleges, and schools in the United States continue to be very interested in welcoming students from all countries.
The threads all over the place, and I'm not totally innocent. But the issue shouldn't be, and isn't, H1bs, or student visas. And doctors ...

But as you said earlier, the issue is how much Capital pays. Biden deep sixed his supposed reforms to help wage earners. Trump's going one better for Capital handing out visas like crack, after being workers "champion" in 16. roflmao at maga idiots

Capital should show they don't have sufficient applicants, and pay new hires what they were paying Americans. Hey, I'll go one better. To hire a foreigner on a Hb1, make Captial advertise the opening in US colleges or employer competitors at .... 10% more than the foreigner would get.

Have a nice weekend. Everyone, including Skyler.
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