Romney: Time for Republicans to swallow hard and pass permanent amnesty bill


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
I guess that means it's time for the "real conservatives" to come in and trash Romney the RINO

Former Massachusetts Governor and failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney believes Republicans should "swallow hard" and pass a permanent amnesty bill in the wake of President Barack Obama's executive amnesty that even Romney conceded would encourage more illegal immigrants to enter the country.

Romney recently told Spanish-language Univision that Obama is "giving people false hope" and "communicating to people outside this country, ‘Hey, get into the United States illegally and stay, because they’ll always let you stay.'”

Romney's solution is for Congress to pass a “permanent clarification of our immigration laws so that people know where they stand," because Obama's executive amnesty is only temporary. But Romney said that he was "pretty confident that what the president’s doing will so inflame passions on the part of many in my party… that they will be far less likely to move aggressively on the type of permanent reform that’s so badly needed." He hoped the party could work on some piecemeal solutions on immigration to get the ball rolling.

"Maybe even then, Republicans will swallow hard and say, 'OK, even despite the fact that we now have a stick in our eye launched by the president, we’re going to go ahead and try and see if we can’t make some improvements to the immigration system,'" Romney said. "I hope we’re able to do that.”
Mitt Romney Republicans Should Swallow Hard Pass Permanent Amnesty Bill

In other news "real conservatives" that have been staying home from voting, are continuing to place Cruz and other non-establishments powerfully ahead of the crowded 2016 GOP political field. Oh wait.... No they aren't....

Mitt Romney Leads Poll For 2016 - Business Insider
Mitt Romney still favorite of GOP voters for 2016 - Washington Times
National news from McClatchy DC News Washington DC

Let's revisit this powerful moment when "real conservative" Ted Cruz refuses to give a straight answer on what he defines marriage as and tells us the tea party is more concerned about fiscal issues than social issues, all while decrying "establishment candidates"

Sen. Cruz on tea party s social focus
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Why do people want to make easy access to America's jobs what is left of them to other than Americans?
PLEASE, haven't we had enough of these MODERATE PROGRESSIVE, let's just get along, I surrender to the Democrats, Republican RINO'S?

Romney said nothing about permanent amnesty. What a liar. Why do you do this?
From the article summarizing Romney's conversation with Univision;

Speaking to Univision, Romney did acknowledge that the "nation voted overwhelmingly against the president’s policies" but indicated that he still felt the new Congress should pass a more permanent amnesty bill.

“He may not have liked what the prior Congress did or did not do. But there is a new Congress about to be sworn in in January, and he should give that Congress the opportunity to do what they said they’ll do, which is to work together to put legislation on his desk," Romney told Univision.
PLEASE, haven't we had enough of these MODERATE PROGRESSIVE, let's just get along, I surrender to the Democrats, Republican RINO'S?

Yes! We need Cruz! He's going to get the "real conservative" vote out!


Romney is a competent, pragmatic leader, and a better person than any 2016 hopeful. Specially those "real conservatives". The ones who shy away from social issues and dodge marriage questions (CRUZ)
I missed Romney saying that Republicans had to pass permanent amnesty. It's not there. Can liberals and the left wing ever freaking stop lying?
PLEASE, haven't we had enough of these MODERATE PROGRESSIVE, let's just get along, I surrender to the Democrats, Republican RINO'S?

Yes! We need Cruz! He's going to get the "real conservative" vote out!


Romney is a competent, pragmatic leader, and a better person than any 2016 hopeful. Specially those "real conservatives". The ones who shy away from social issues and dodge marriage questions (CRUZ)

I guess getting his ass beat by a Community Organizer is a PLUS in your book. You think subversives won't use that 47% again, and have the BINDER OF WOMEN card, on the top of the pack?.... He seems to be a nice guy, who finished LAST!
I missed Romney saying that Republicans had to pass permanent amnesty. It's not there. Can liberals and the left wing ever freaking stop lying?

Read the whole article

Speaking to Univision, Romney did acknowledge that the "nation voted overwhelmingly against the president’s policies" but indicated that he still felt the new Congress should pass a more permanent amnesty bill.

“He may not have liked what the prior Congress did or did not do. But there is a new Congress about to be sworn in in January, and he should give that Congress the opportunity to do what they said they’ll do, which is to work together to put legislation on his desk," Romney told Univision.

PLEASE, haven't we had enough of these MODERATE PROGRESSIVE, let's just get along, I surrender to the Democrats, Republican RINO'S?

Yes! We need Cruz! He's going to get the "real conservative" vote out!


Romney is a competent, pragmatic leader, and a better person than any 2016 hopeful. Specially those "real conservatives". The ones who shy away from social issues and dodge marriage questions (CRUZ)

I guess getting his ass beat by a Community Organizer is a PLUS in your book. You think subversives won't use that 47% again, and have the BINDER OF WOMEN card, on the top of the pack?.... He seems to be a nice guy, who finished LAST!

None of this matters because "real conservatives" are having their asses beaten by Romney

So if losing is losing, then be consistent on that view. If an establishment candidate shies away from social issues and wants to focus on fiscal concerns, then what is Cruz?

If losing makes someone a bad pick to run, then what does Cruz, Rand, and everyone else having their teeth kicked in by the loathed Romney say about them?

If "real conservatives" are going to carry those crucial swing states, why aren't any of these "real conservatives" gaining any 2016 traction?
I missed Romney saying that Republicans had to pass permanent amnesty. It's not there. Can liberals and the left wing ever freaking stop lying?

Read the whole article

Speaking to Univision, Romney did acknowledge that the "nation voted overwhelmingly against the president’s policies" but indicated that he still felt the new Congress should pass a more permanent amnesty bill.

“He may not have liked what the prior Congress did or did not do. But there is a new Congress about to be sworn in in January, and he should give that Congress the opportunity to do what they said they’ll do, which is to work together to put legislation on his desk," Romney told Univision.

PLEASE, haven't we had enough of these MODERATE PROGRESSIVE, let's just get along, I surrender to the Democrats, Republican RINO'S?

Yes! We need Cruz! He's going to get the "real conservative" vote out!


Romney is a competent, pragmatic leader, and a better person than any 2016 hopeful. Specially those "real conservatives". The ones who shy away from social issues and dodge marriage questions (CRUZ)

I guess getting his ass beat by a Community Organizer is a PLUS in your book. You think subversives won't use that 47% again, and have the BINDER OF WOMEN card, on the top of the pack?.... He seems to be a nice guy, who finished LAST!

None of this matters because "real conservatives" are having their asses beaten by Romney

So if losing is losing, then be consistent on that view. If an establishment candidate shies away from social issues and wants to focus on fiscal concerns, then what is Cruz?

If losing makes someone a bad pick to run, then what does Cruz, Rand, and everyone else having their teeth kicked in by the loathed Romney say about them?

If "real conservatives" are going to carry those crucial swing states, why aren't any of these "real conservatives" gaining any 2016 traction?

We still have a good YEAR before the candidates start to get ROUGH with each other! We'll see!
This reminds me of the pre-1980 presidential campaign. Gerald Ford was expected to be the nominee, and Reagan was not taken that seriously. It's too early to predict anything and polls don't mean shit right now.
I missed Romney saying that Republicans had to pass permanent amnesty. It's not there. Can liberals and the left wing ever freaking stop lying?

Read the whole article

Speaking to Univision, Romney did acknowledge that the "nation voted overwhelmingly against the president’s policies" but indicated that he still felt the new Congress should pass a more permanent amnesty bill.

“He may not have liked what the prior Congress did or did not do. But there is a new Congress about to be sworn in in January, and he should give that Congress the opportunity to do what they said they’ll do, which is to work together to put legislation on his desk," Romney told Univision.

PLEASE, haven't we had enough of these MODERATE PROGRESSIVE, let's just get along, I surrender to the Democrats, Republican RINO'S?

Yes! We need Cruz! He's going to get the "real conservative" vote out!


Romney is a competent, pragmatic leader, and a better person than any 2016 hopeful. Specially those "real conservatives". The ones who shy away from social issues and dodge marriage questions (CRUZ)

I guess getting his ass beat by a Community Organizer is a PLUS in your book. You think subversives won't use that 47% again, and have the BINDER OF WOMEN card, on the top of the pack?.... He seems to be a nice guy, who finished LAST!

None of this matters because "real conservatives" are having their asses beaten by Romney

So if losing is losing, then be consistent on that view. If an establishment candidate shies away from social issues and wants to focus on fiscal concerns, then what is Cruz?

If losing makes someone a bad pick to run, then what does Cruz, Rand, and everyone else having their teeth kicked in by the loathed Romney say about them?

If "real conservatives" are going to carry those crucial swing states, why aren't any of these "real conservatives" gaining any 2016 traction?

How can permanent be anything other than permanent?

What office does Romney currently hold? What position of authority does Romney have?

IOW, who gives a shit what he said. If you do (and you seem to) why?

This would be a false appeal to authority fallacy but Romney is not even an authority at this point...
"Romney: Time for Republicans to swallow hard and pass permanent amnesty bill"


Simply enact GWB's immigration reform plan.

"Romney: Time for Republicans to swallow hard and pass permanent amnesty bill"


Simply enact GWB's immigration reform plan.

Since I doubt anyone will post to my comment I made earlier, let's see if you will try it?
Why do people want to make easy access to America's jobs (what is left of them) to other than Americans?
For exactly the same reason we do in the UK. Minimum wage jobs, for example that require physical outdoor labour are very hard to fill using indigenous labour. There is an entitlement problem with both countries unemployed.
PLEASE, haven't we had enough of these MODERATE PROGRESSIVE, let's just get along, I surrender to the Democrats, Republican RINO'S?

Yes! We need Cruz! He's going to get the "real conservative" vote out!


Romney is a competent, pragmatic leader, and a better person than any 2016 hopeful. Specially those "real conservatives". The ones who shy away from social issues and dodge marriage questions (CRUZ)

so I take it you voted for him? And now we are suppose to take the words of a loser to heart
You people will sell us out just to look all compassionate
Romney is not only a RINO but a corporate pirate..his companies loves the low paid....
PLEASE, haven't we had enough of these MODERATE PROGRESSIVE, let's just get along, I surrender to the Democrats, Republican RINO'S?

Yes! We need Cruz! He's going to get the "real conservative" vote out!


Romney is a competent, pragmatic leader, and a better person than any 2016 hopeful. Specially those "real conservatives". The ones who shy away from social issues and dodge marriage questions (CRUZ)

I guess getting his ass beat by a Community Organizer is a PLUS in your book. You think subversives won't use that 47% again, and have the BINDER OF WOMEN card, on the top of the pack?.... He seems to be a nice guy, who finished LAST!

So drole.....and incorrect....

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