Ron DeSantis for President

Then I suggest you stop it all by stopping posting about it. I don't see LQBT, Trans and others posting but I see you MAGAts posting your fat asses off.

Yeah, that's not going to happen. As long as the trannies are doing it, we're going to discuss it.
It's all about financing and finances. Rather than you MAGAts telling us all this, a true fiscal conservative would allow the public to vote with their pocketbooks.
Actually it's about the government living within it's means.

So I am calling your fearmongering and then you claim I am doing it. Then you go off in talking about NYC Burrows which has a 3.6 per thousand murder rate while you dream Texas has almost 10 per thousand. LA is 7.4, Portland at 2.0, Chitown is just under 3. I am more likely to be murdered in Texas than any other place in the US and Canada. Lybia has a lower murder rate than Texas. Florida is at 5.9 which is still worse than the "Blue States" and Cities. Florida is gaining on Texas though. But just when you think Florida might become competitive (a negative) Texas has 3 more Mass Murders in less than 2 weeks.

I suggest you clean up your Red States before you attempt to play the old, Hey, look over there routine.

LoL... You suck at being sneaky. Population of NYC, 8.5 million. Chicago 2.7million. LA 3.84 million.

If NYC had 1000 more homicides than Chicago, and you use percentages, it's going to make NYC look safer.
Well, DeSantis is a lot closer in the polls to Biden. What they are really saying BL, is that they know Trump is good for AT LEAST 75 million votes, probably more now whereas they don't think they can whip up another 81 million for Biden again.
and when DeSantis starts his tour, he sure has something to talk about! and whats Joe gonna do then?
Yeah, that's not going to happen. As long as the trannies are doing it, we're going to discuss it.

Actually it's about the government living within it's means.

LoL... You suck at being sneaky. Population of NYC, 8.5 million. Chicago 2.7million. LA 3.84 million.

If NYC had 1000 more homicides than Chicago, and you use percentages, it's going to make NYC look safer.

NYC has a very low percentage. You can try and rewrite history if you wish but you are more likely to be murdered in Texas than in NYC.
Yeah, that's not going to happen. As long as the trannies are doing it, we're going to discuss it.
I don't see Trannies and such posting about any of this at all. You are creating another "Fearmongering" routine. What's the matter, you lost your last one so you just make up another one?
I don't see Trannies and such posting about any of this at all. You are creating another "Fearmongering" routine. What's the matter, you lost your last one so you just make up another one?

I don't know of any trannies on this forum. Being that they're a very small portion of the population, I don't get why they're trying to push for so much. Or why the left is trying to allow them to come into our schools.
If I wanted my kid to see a freak show, I'd take him to a carnival.
This Cortez guy is now an ex Trump advisor. He's endorsing DeSantis now. And it sounds like for some very good reasons.

Ron DeSantis for President | Opinion

Governor Ron DeSantis represents the best possible option to win the presidency in 2024 and to govern as a highly capable, patriotic populist leader.

I have worked as a dedicated spokesman and advocate for Donald Trump for much of the last seven years, so I do not arrive at that conclusion flippantly. But our America First movement has always been bigger and more important than any one individual, and heading into this crucial election, our activism and our votes must be guided by a clear-eyed assessment of recent failures and potential future successes.

Here are the three most compelling reasons to support Governor DeSantis:

1. We've seen this Biden-Trump movie already—and no one likes it.

Is a rematch of 2020 really the best America can do in a moment like this one?

The country is miserable. That's not some........Finish reading here.
Nope. Populism blows. DeSantis is a poster boy for why.
NYC has a very low percentage. You can try and rewrite history if you wish but you are more likely to be murdered in Texas than in NYC.

They have over $8 million people, FFS, so percentages mean nothing.
Do the math.
1000 homicides in a town of say 10,000 is 10%
1000 homicides in a town of 1,000,000 is .1%

It's still 1000 homicides.

There was almost 130,000 major crimes in NYC and their 5 burrows last year.
Rump was including the Nazis, white power and the KKK. Are you doing the same?

I'm sure there was some decent people in all those organizations. Probably some good people in antifa and BLM. I don't know any of them personally.
Some folks get sold on the good things about any bad group.

You ever see the movie "The Black Legion" with Humphrey Bogart?
I don't know of any trannies on this forum. Being that they're a very small portion of the population, I don't get why they're trying to push for so much. Or why the left is trying to allow them to come into our schools.
If I wanted my kid to see a freak show, I'd take him to a carnival.

"They" aren't trying to push one bit. It's your bunch of hate mongers that are pushing. You stop and the problem goes back to being below the radar once again and the hate stops.
They have over $8 million people, FFS, so percentages mean nothing.
Do the math.
1000 homicides in a town of say 10,000 is 10%
1000 homicides in a town of 1,000,000 is .1%

It's still 1000 homicides.

There was almost 130,000 major crimes in NYC and their 5 burrows last year.

Yet the number of murders per 1000 or 100,000 is much lower than the state of Texas. Dance, little bear, Dance Terrorist.
DeSantis not only cut taxes, but he eliminated some too. That makes him a LOT more fiscally conservative than Trump.

BTW, my main reason for not supporting Trump, is because he's NOT a fiscal conservative.
I am a DeSantis supporter but I am still pissed at him for supporting the damn Internet tax. He ran on a platform of no new taxes and almost immediately got that filthy Internet tax through the Legislature.

I also don't like the idea we didn't get full Constitutional carry. Open carry was omitted from the Constitutional Carry bill. DeSantis didn't push the legislature hard enough.

Those two things are bummers but everything else he did was great.
I am a DeSantis supporter but I am still pissed at him for supporting the damn Internet tax. He ran on a platform of no new taxes and almost immediately got that filthy Internet tax through the Legislature.

I also don't like the idea we didn't get full Constitutional carry. Open carry was omitted from the Constitutional Carry bill. DeSantis didn't push the legislature hard enough.

Those two things are bummers but everything else he did was great.

I see your point. But he doesn't author legislation. And can't force them to put things into it. He can advise, he can push. He can even threat to veto it. You no longer have to have a permit to conceal carry. What's wrong with that?

This article, I'm guessing is what you're talking about. Making out of state retailers pay FL sales tax. If I buy something online from Georgia, that they bought from FL, then I'd be paying online sales tax that would be going back to FL.
And you'd be doing the same.

BTW, this Rep. Anna Eskamani, D-Orlando is trying to make out like there's no other money that's going to help put money back into the unemployment fund, or that teachers in FL didn't just get a raise.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs online sales tax bill estimated to produce $1 billion a year

I see your point. But he doesn't author legislation. And can't force them to put things into it. He can advise, he can push. He can even threat to veto it. You no longer have to have a permit to conceal carry. What's wrong with that?

This article, I'm guessing is what you're talking about. Making out of state retailers pay FL sales tax. If I buy something online from Georgia, that they bought from FL, then I'd be paying online sales tax that would be going back to FL.
And you'd be doing the same.

BTW, this Rep. Anna Eskamani, D-Orlando is trying to make out like there's no other money that's going to help put money back into the unemployment fund, or that teachers in FL didn't just get a raise.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs online sales tax bill estimated to produce $1 billion a year

I understand the rational for the filthy Internet tax but I don't like any new taxes. I buy a lot of stuff on line and that created a significant increased tax burden. Why give the government more money? The combined Fed, State and local cost of government is almost 40% of our GDP and that is way too much.

It never would have passed without DeSantis support.

Not a deal breaker for my support of DeSantis but something I think was not needed and it transferred the money I have to the filthy ass government and I don't like it.
Yet the number of murders per 1000 or 100,000 is much lower than the state of Texas. Dance, little bear, Dance Terrorist.

Texas has a lot of criminals. Can't argue with that.

I'm a firm believer that NO violent criminal should be released until they're fit for society. This BS yearly limit on how long a prisoner can stay in prison is stupid. Many of them are released when they're still not fit for society.

Building a lot of new prisons is expensive. This is why I think business's should be allowed to build on prison property, and have inmates do the work. They could make clothes, build cars, cell phones, or anything. The company pays the prisoners something .25 cents per hour, and pay the prison $5 or $10hr. This would completely take the tax burden off the tax payers, and allow the state to build more prisons.
They could even allow only those companies who have outsourced jobs to a foreign country, to come back to the USA.

Some lefties would call this slave labor. I say so what? They were fit for society. Maybe they can be fit for slavery. If they're not fit for society, at least they can do society some good. They should've kept their noses clean.
Texas has a lot of criminals. Can't argue with that.

I'm a firm believer that NO violent criminal should be released until they're fit for society. This BS yearly limit on how long a prisoner can stay in prison is stupid. Many of them are released when they're still not fit for society.

Building a lot of new prisons is expensive. This is why I think business's should be allowed to build on prison property, and have inmates do the work. They could make clothes, build cars, cell phones, or anything. The company pays the prisoners something .25 cents per hour, and pay the prison $5 or $10hr. This would completely take the tax burden off the tax payers, and allow the state to build more prisons.
They could even allow only those companies who have outsourced jobs to a foreign country, to come back to the USA.

Some lefties would call this slave labor. I say so what? They were fit for society. Maybe they can be fit for slavery. If they're not fit for society, at least they can do society some good. They should've kept their noses clean.

Sorry but the Emancipation Decree says otherwise. It is slavery and unconstitutional no matter how you present it. But you MAGAts always try and enslave others so I understand why you would think of this.
I understand the rational for the filthy Internet tax but I don't like any new taxes. I buy a lot of stuff on line and that created a significant increased tax burden. Why give the government more money? The combined Fed, State and local cost of government is almost 40% of our GDP and that is way too much.

It never would have passed without DeSantis support.

Not a deal breaker for my support of DeSantis but something I think was not needed and it transferred the money I have to the filthy ass government and I don't like it.

I remember when we got that internet sales tax. I was pissed to. For a while, I'd look for products from states that didn't have online sales tax. Sometime would even pay a little more, just to keep from having to give some state government a dime.
This is on thing that brought me to the conclusion to just stop voting for liberal Republicans. I could see having to pay online sales tax if I lived in a leftist state. But I was in Texas at the time. 70% GOP majority.

I don't mind paying some taxes. We need roads, teachers, cops and prisons. Amongst other things. But some of that other crap, yeah na.
This is one reason I don't support Trump. He signed off on way too many spending bills that went to way too much BS. like gender studies.

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