Ron DeSantis vs trump - good poll

Trump's too liberal for me. Operation warp speed was bad. But his Platinum Plan was pure socialism, with a teaspoon of racism thrown in for flavoring.
There is only one political party in the US. It is the Party of Big Government. The Democrats are the bat shit crazy Leftest branch and the Republicans are the more moderate branch but we get big government from both.

No matter what the make up of Congress or who is in the White House the size of the Federal government always grows, we still have a filthy welfare state and we still have enormous taxation.

The changes we will see from one administration to another is really minimal when you look at it objectively.

An administration like we saw with The Worthless Negro and are now seeing with Potatohead can really screw the economy up and a Republican administration can undo some of that damage but in reality the bloated structure stays the same.
The trend is ron's friend....

If rudy Giuliani had taken AG, and trump had picked a good FBI director, things would be different.

Trump is over because trump picked sessions and chris wray.

Too old, too disliked, too toxic.

Ron DeSantis however is rising, and his negatives are low.

Ron is also going after MFV and public education.

No brainer....
what is mfv?
There is only one political party in the US. It is the Party of Big Government. The Democrats are the bat shit crazy Leftest branch and the Republicans are the more moderate branch but we get big government from both.

No matter what the make up of Congress or who is in the White House the size of the Federal government always grows, we still have a filthy welfare state and we still have enormous taxation.

The changes we will see from one administration to another is really minimal when you look at it objectively.

An administration like we saw with The Worthless Negro and are now seeing with Potatohead can really screw the economy up and a Republican administration can undo some of that damage but in reality the bloated structure stays the same.

The GOP majority could, but won't. They're all talk and no show. Trump's "I'll balance the budget in 4 years, and pay down the then $19 trillion debt to zero in 8 years, " was such a blatant lie that it was incredible to watch people believe that crap. And never even asked why he didn't.
I think it was because he wasn't supposed to. Or maybe he just didn't care who's money he was spending when he signed all those appropriations bills.
It's true that you have to spend money to make money. But they've spent 10s of trillions, with no profits in sight.

I honestly can't figure out why the democrats aren't trying to recruit Trump.
Look, Democrats will scour the earth for dirt on Desantis and if they can't find any they will just fabricate something to destroy him. KNOW YOUR OPONENT there's no LIE Democrats won't tell to win an election.
It's funny how you say this with no sense of irony of self-awareness whatsoever.
I do think he'll try, but we're already seeing them soften on him. As usual, they'll be led by talk radio and MAGA media in their thinking.

So then the question will be, what he does next. I think there's a pretty good chance he'll try EVERYTHING, which could be pretty entertaining.

Well as long as he bends over for Progs he will be more palatable for you. Imagine what we believed of Biden. Promises were made, gifts were exchanged. And he lies like the worst serpent. The deepest part of the swamp where he and Jill mutated from.
Correction: Once the left get to know him they won't like him. Although, I have to admit, I would vote for someone else in the primaries.

I am saying Republicans are not going to fall in love with DeSantis if Trump throws him under the bus

I don’t see DeSantis drawing support of moderates in a General Election
I am saying Republicans are not going to fall in love with DeSantis if Trump throws him under the bus

I don’t see DeSantis drawing support of moderates in a General Election
The left think Trump has some magical hold over Republicans like some cult leader. He doesn't. He never did, not even on Jan 6th. . It was always an illusion.
It's funny how you say this with no sense of irony of self-awareness whatsoever.

"...there's no LIE Democrats won't tell to win an election." Truer words were never spoken.

Remember the "Steele Dossier?
How about FBI Operations Crossfire-Hurricane & Razor?
Maybe the "Mueller Investigations and "Russian Collusion"
How about FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith's falsifying evidence to get a FISA warrant?
The constant "fake news" by the MSM?

Maybe you need to write your list now to prove you are self-aware...
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