Ron Johnson and Rick Scott want to end Medicare and SS.

Not really. But there are many who will look you in the eye and tell you how good you have it.
You know how many people have said their employers told them "You're lucky to have this job".

While paying them shit, no benefits, etc.

Just the way republicans like it.
Seeing as nobody knows exactly when Boomer deaths will peak, annual reviews make sense. Post Boomer SS and Medicare should be substantially cheaper, it's ludicrous not to be prepared.
Social Security and Medicare have always been popular. Republican politicians fearfully refer to them as "the third rail." They have never liked them, but they know that if they touch them they will get a terrible shock.
Being popular does not mean they don't need reforms in order to survive
The national debt only became a problem with the Republican insistence on tax cuts for the rich, and the delusion that tax cuts pay for themselves.
The cut in tax rates caused a very substantial increase in revenues flowing into the treasury. The national
Debt was an issue in the Kennedy / Nixon ptesidential contest.
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If he did it was an honest living, performing necessary work, and he deserved a living wage and good retirement and health benefits.
Why does washing dishes deserve a “living wage?” It’s an entry level job. It’s meant to introduce someone into the labor force as a first job.

Just what is a living wage? Who determines what that is?
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The cut in tax rates caused a very substantial increase in revenues flowing into the treasury. The national
Debt was an issue in the Kennedy / Nixon ptesidential contest.
From the last year Carter was president, 1980, to the last year Reagan was president, 1988, the top tax rate declined from 70% to 28%.

The national debt increased from $980 billion in 1980 to $2,602 billion in 1988.

Anyone with an accurate memory of the Reagan administration knows that it was not a time for bold new initiatives in domestic spending. Indeed, cuts in welfare spending led to increases in homelessness. The only increase of any significance was in military spending. This was unnecessary because the United States was at peace, and already spend more on the military than the Soviet Union, Communist China, and several other countries combined.
Why does washing dishes deserve a “living wage?” It’s an entry level job. It’s meant to introduce someone into the labor force as a first job.

Just what is a living wage? Who determines what that is?
A living wage enables one to rent an apartment. Washing dishes, is seldom an entry level job. It rarely leads to anything better.
he national
Debt was an issue in the Kennedy / Nixon ptesidential contest.

These are the facts:

At the end of the Second World War, 1945, the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) was 114%. By 1960 this had declined to 54%. By 1980, Carter's last year in office, it was 32%. It had declined during the wars in Korea and Vietnam. When Trump left office in 2020 it had risen to 129%.

This was the result of Reagan, Bush II, and Trump cutting taxes for the rich.
A living wage enables one to rent an apartment. Washing dishes, is seldom an entry level job. It rarely leads to anything better.
Washing dishes is a job which introduces one to the job market. People washing dishes are not supporting a family. They are generally teenagers earning a few bucks for spending money or someone supplementing a primary income.

Now, who determines what a living wage is? The federal government?
Now, who determines what a living wage is? The federal government?
The voters.

Pew Research Center
APRIL 22, 2021

Most Americans support a $15 federal minimum wage​

About six-in-ten U.S. adults (62%) say they favor raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, including 40% who strongly back the idea. About four-in-ten (38%) say they oppose the proposal, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted April 5-11.

The Biden administration and many congressional Democrats favor increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour from the current rate of $7.25 an hour.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said Wednesday that Social Security and Medicare should be up for congressional approval each year, instead of staying under their current status as federal entitlement programs.

“Social Security and Medicare, if you qualify for the entitlement, you just get it no matter what the cost,” Johnson said in an interview that aired Tuesday on “The Regular Joe Show” podcast.

GOP's new plan: Raise taxes on working people, end Social Security and Medicare​

Let the republicans in congress, it will be the end of SS and Medicare as we know it. What would these people in WI and Florida do with Medicare and SS.

Take the SS cap off, it should be there anyway. Medicare is going towards private anyway, they will hike the prices up when a certain % age have Medicare Advantage Plan (private)
What a deceptive thread title. Typical Liberal false hyperbole. FAIL.

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