Ron Paul says tornado victims should not get aid

I get what Ron Paul is saying. Thats what a Hardcore Libertarian would say.

But the rest of us are thinking about the people that do not have insurance and/or need help right now. Kind of hard to build a house over night, Mr Paul. Kind of hard to import food considering that the stores are probably wiped out too.

How does one survive until the insurance(hopefully by a respectable company) claim comes through? How does one survive when you have the funds but the people you need to buy the goods from has no address? I know, you get into your pickup and drive over to the next town--if you can find your damn pickup!!

Ron Paul is not opposed to private charity. So nice straw man.

He is opposed to charity from the government. In the words of the right, a government handout.
Isn't it interesting how Libertarians' desire for "freedom" correspond so neatly with skinflints who don't want to give ANYONE, ANYTHING..

Feel free to quote one of us who said nobody wants to give anyone anything. I have a feeling we'll be waiting for your reply for quite a while.

He's just talking out his ass.

he's got nothing but felt compelled to poop on his keyboard for us all to enjoy.
Why would you call him a RINO? That infers that the Republican Party believes in limited government and that he's bucking their agenda. The GOP doesn't believe in limited government. Jindal ran to the feds like everyone else does when the going gets tough. People claim they want the government out of their lives, but the moment something bad happens to them, who do they run to?

So, you agree with Paul, that the government should have left it up to the localities to clean up their mess?

The Gulf Oil disaster was a different situation. I can see a case being made for federal assistance of the clean up being that the feds were responsible for inspecting the oil rigs and were proven to have been negligent in doing so. In that case, the federal government bared some responsibility. Furthermore, BP was also responsible and should be compensating local communities for the damages they caused.

At the time that Piyush was throwing his hissy fits, no one knew WHAT caused the leak in the Gulf, so I call bullshit on your attempt to cherry pick who gets disaster relief. And to some of your fellow "all heart" conservative brethren on here, IF charity had ever been enough, there never would have been a need for the government to create FEMA. In this sluggish economy, with unemployment hovering around 9%, charities are hurting for donations. Just ask Rick Santorum...
I get what Ron Paul is saying. Thats what a Hardcore Libertarian would say.

But the rest of us are thinking about the people that do not have insurance and/or need help right now. Kind of hard to build a house over night, Mr Paul. Kind of hard to import food considering that the stores are probably wiped out too.

How does one survive until the insurance(hopefully by a respectable company) claim comes through? How does one survive when you have the funds but the people you need to buy the goods from has no address? I know, you get into your pickup and drive over to the next town--if you can find your damn pickup!!

Ron Paul is not opposed to private charity. So nice straw man.

He is opposed to charity from the government. In the words of the right, a government handout.

There's no such thing.
I get what Ron Paul is saying. Thats what a Hardcore Libertarian would say.

But the rest of us are thinking about the people that do not have insurance and/or need help right now. Kind of hard to build a house over night, Mr Paul. Kind of hard to import food considering that the stores are probably wiped out too.

How does one survive until the insurance(hopefully by a respectable company) claim comes through? How does one survive when you have the funds but the people you need to buy the goods from has no address? I know, you get into your pickup and drive over to the next town--if you can find your damn pickup!!

Ron Paul is not opposed to private charity. So nice straw man.

He is opposed to charity from the government. In the words of the right, a government handout.

I get what Ron Paul is saying. Thats what a Hardcore Libertarian would say.

But the rest of us are thinking about the people that do not have insurance and/or need help right now. Kind of hard to build a house over night, Mr Paul. Kind of hard to import food considering that the stores are probably wiped out too.

How does one survive until the insurance(hopefully by a respectable company) claim comes through? How does one survive when you have the funds but the people you need to buy the goods from has no address? I know, you get into your pickup and drive over to the next town--if you can find your damn pickup!!

it's called;

The Red Cross
Salvation Army
Volunteers from your neighbors.

fuck you people have a really low opinion of your fellow Americans.

Did I talk about any of my Fellow Americans besides Ron Paul?


Why do you think I denigrate people that provide charity when I do not talk about them?
Im sorry but I agree with him. The people should have insurance. RENTAL insurance is cheap like 200 a year or less.. IF you own a house you should have insurance.. No excuses..
I get what Ron Paul is saying. Thats what a Hardcore Libertarian would say.

But the rest of us are thinking about the people that do not have insurance and/or need help right now. Kind of hard to build a house over night, Mr Paul. Kind of hard to import food considering that the stores are probably wiped out too.

How does one survive until the insurance(hopefully by a respectable company) claim comes through? How does one survive when you have the funds but the people you need to buy the goods from has no address? I know, you get into your pickup and drive over to the next town--if you can find your damn pickup!!

Ron Paul is not opposed to private charity. So nice straw man.

He is opposed to charity from the government. In the words of the right, a government handout.

I dont see how it is government charity when the government FORCES the tax payer to give it up.
Ron Paul says tornado victims should not get aid |

Nuts. My heart goes out to the people in tornado alley and I have no problem with my tax dollars going to help the survivors rebuild their lives.

Good, start forking more over.:clap2: Last I heard, we were around a $TRILLION deficit.

Nice to hear that you're willing to give more.

Wait, what's that? It's no longer your money? This generation of taxpayers aren't paying their expenses and mortgaging their kid's and grandkid's future on shits and giggles?

Oh well. At least typing out the OP made you feel good:doubt: It's not like you have to back it up with money... taxpayers haven't really been doing that in forever, and it's the internet to boot.:lol:

Or maybe, you can donate to charity that help these people and stop telling the rest of us what causes we should involuntarily donate too. Crazy, I know:cuckoo:
I get what Ron Paul is saying. Thats what a Hardcore Libertarian would say.

But the rest of us are thinking about the people that do not have insurance and/or need help right now.

If they don't have insurance then they suffer the consequences of their stupidity. Actions have consequences, although the government is doing everything it can these days to try and eliminate the negative ones. The problem is when you subsidize bad behavior you get more bad behavior. If you want to live in a free country then that means accepting you have the freedom to fail as well as the freedom to succeed.

How does one survive until the insurance(hopefully by a respectable company) claim comes through? How does one survive when you have the funds but the people you need to buy the goods from has no address?

Family, friends, charities. How the hell did we do it all before??

I know, you get into your pickup and drive over to the next town--if you can find your damn pickup!!

I know, you can come up with a thousand excuses to also explain away your abdication of personal responsibility.
Ron Paul is not opposed to private charity. So nice straw man.

He is opposed to charity from the government. In the words of the right, a government handout.


And What?

Who is talking about Private charity? What I am talking about is funds from the government as aid. Ron Paul only compared government Aid and insurance. I talked about government aid in the case that there is no insurance.

Now what did you think I was talking about?
Im sorry but I agree with him. The people should have insurance. RENTAL insurance is cheap like 200 a year or less.. IF you own a house you should have insurance.. No excuses..

I had rental insurance and didn't even pay THAT much. I added it to my auto policy for like $6 extra per month. It came in pretty handy when the building I lived in burned down and I lost everything.
Im sorry but I agree with him. The people should have insurance. RENTAL insurance is cheap like 200 a year or less.. IF you own a house you should have insurance.. No excuses..

I used to rent and had rental insurance. Please explain to me how rental insurance gets you clothing, water, food, shelter, transportation, etc. right NOW, when these people need it the most?
I get what Ron Paul is saying. Thats what a Hardcore Libertarian would say.

But the rest of us are thinking about the people that do not have insurance and/or need help right now.

If they don't have insurance then they suffer the consequences of their stupidity. Actions have consequences, although the government is doing everything it can these days to try and eliminate the negative ones. The problem is when you subsidize bad behavior you get more bad behavior. If you want to live in a free country then that means accepting you have the freedom to fail as well as the freedom to succeed.

How does one survive until the insurance(hopefully by a respectable company) claim comes through? How does one survive when you have the funds but the people you need to buy the goods from has no address?

Family, friends, charities. How the hell did we do it all before??

I know, you get into your pickup and drive over to the next town--if you can find your damn pickup!!

I know, you can come up with a thousand excuses to also explain away your abdication of personal responsibility.

Is not relying on Family, friends, and charities an abdication of personal responsibility as well?

You tell me.
Once again, that little Libertarian Satan sitting on Ron Paul's shoulder is making him say stupid stuff


I guess that makes sense, Republicans haven't been the party of self-responsibility in a long time. So long, that it has become a libertarian virtue.
He is opposed to charity from the government. In the words of the right, a government handout.


And What?

Who is talking about Private charity? What I am talking about is funds from the government as aid. Ron Paul only compared government Aid and insurance. I talked about government aid in the case that there is no insurance.

Now what did you think I was talking about?

Your post implied that without federal money then nobody would be able to get food, and all of this other nonsense. However, private charity would still exist. Thus making your post nonsense.
Im sorry but I agree with him. The people should have insurance. RENTAL insurance is cheap like 200 a year or less.. IF you own a house you should have insurance.. No excuses..

I used to rent and had rental insurance. Please explain to me how rental insurance gets you clothing, water, food, shelter, transportation, etc. right NOW, when these people need it the most?

It likely wont.
But I bet not one would go hungry or without a roof if government WAS NOT expected to help out.
Government gets in the way...Americans help Americans....we always had.


Governemnt red tape gets in the way.
Homeowners generally have insurance, but Federal Aid is necessary to provide for the clean up, repairs of electrical and water systems, roads, schools, buses, etc. etc. Keep in mind insurance companies are not in the business of paying claims, they are in the business of making money. Anyone who suffers a loss as have those who lost everything over the weekend will not be made whole, and whatever claim they receive will not come soon or easy.

Ron Paul and his Libertarian ideas are at best impractical.
He's not referring to roads, bridges, schools, or other "public" infrastructure, however.

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, appearing on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday, said victims of last week's severe storms and tornadoes should not receive emergency financial aid from the federal government.

What he said - and emergency aid would not supersede the insurance policy and usually is simply a low interest loan.

Federal property, however, would be up to the federal government, state property to the state government, and local property to the local government. He's talking about private citizens.

Ron Paul: No Federal Financial Aid for Tornado Victims - John Aloysius Farrell -

Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, stood by his libertarian beliefs on Sunday, saying that victims of the violent storms and tornadoes that have battered a band of states in the South and Midwest in recent days should not be given emergency financial aid from the federal government.

"There is no such thing as federal money," Paul said, on CNN’s State of the Union. "Federal money is just what they steal from the states and steal from you and me."

Paul is more interested in his "states rights" issue even after a "national" disaster.

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