Roosevelt's Great Depression

FDR was "Great" because:

1. Marxist history professors told me so
2. I reviewed the record and find 7 year Depression to be awesome. What can I say, I have low standards for greatness

Nope, you fail to understand history and economics, much like PC.

Your confirmation bias puts you into cognitive dissonance before you open any work on the material.

Jake chooses 1.
Under capitalism you have to provide the best jobs and products just to survive. Working for pennies happened in the USSR where there was no incentive to offer the best products and jobs.

Quite stupid, dear. You must be a Mises fool. Or you live in a parallel universe in from which you dart to make foolish statements. You give no evidence of "the best jobs and products just to survive." You merely mash the keyboard. Too stupid.
FDR was "Great" because:

1. Marxist history professors told me so
2. I reviewed the record and find 7 year Depression to be awesome. What can I say, I have low standards for greatness

Nope, you fail to understand history and economics, much like PC.

Your confirmation bias puts you into cognitive dissonance before you open any work on the material.

Jake chooses 1.

Frank puts his confirmation bias into action. :lol:
If PC and her stooges want to go through this each month on her topics, we are willing to correct her every time. We would be willing to go onto her net show, but she would end up crying in misery every time, so that won't happen.
Harding and Coolidge ended it in 18 months, not 7 years and they didn't need Hitler to start WWII end it either

Pent up economic demand, unleashed savings, and the re-integration of service personnel and industry eliminated the problem.

Apples and Oranges, Frank.

Pent up economic demand? After funding a world war?

Jake, stick with stuff you know
Study up on it, Frank, causing you are showing stupid.

Factories were turned over to armaments, home products were greatly curtailed, savings greatly increased, and demand went sky high.

Do you understand basic supply and demand economics in war time?
Study up on it, Frank, causing you are showing stupid.

Factories were turned over to armaments, home products were greatly curtailed, savings greatly increased, and demand went sky high.

Do you understand basic supply and demand economics in war time?
As Grandma told me, during the depression there was lots of things for sale but no money, during WWII there was lots of money but nothing to buy...
Study up on it, Frank, causing you are showing stupid.

Factories were turned over to armaments, home products were greatly curtailed, savings greatly increased, and demand went sky high.

Do you understand basic supply and demand economics in war time?
As Grandma told me, during the depression there was lots of things for sale but no money, during WWII there was lots of money but nothing to buy...

Frank needs it spelled out.
Republicans Harding, Coolidge and Hoover conspired with capitalists to drive labor into poverty and create a permanent slave labor workforce willing to work for pennies

They created a Dust Bowl to destroy the farmers in the Midwest and force them from their homes

Can you really be this dumb????
I mean...really?

Assuming that you actually believe that, watch me show what a liar both you and Roosevelt are.

1. Here is that view from demagogue Roosevelt, himself:
"Now it is worth remembering, and the cold figures of finance prove it, that during that time there was little or no drop in the prices that the consumer had to pay, although those same figures proved that the cost of production fell very greatly; corporate profit resulting from this period was enormous; at the same time little of that profit was devoted to the reduction of prices. The consumer was forgotten. Very little of it went into increased wages; the worker was forgotten, and by no means an adequate proportion was even paid out in dividends--the stockholder was forgotten."
Roosevelt's Nomination Address, Chicago, Ill., July 2, 1932

This is Franklin Roosevelt presenting the 'underconsumption thesis' : "... corporate profit resulting from this period was enormous; at the same time little of that profit was devoted to the reduction of prices. The consumer was forgotten. Very little of it went into increased wages;..."

Every one of those statements was a lie.

2. In order for the FDR's 'underconsumption thesis' to be true, these criteria must be met:
a. During the 1920s the rich had to be getting a significantly larger proportion of the national income. "... corporate profit resulting from this period was enormous..."

b. Employees must have been receiving a smaller share of corporate income. "... Very little of it went into increased wages; the worker was forgotten,..."

c. Consumers must have been consuming less of the GNP in the late '20s than in 1920. "... there was little or no drop in the prices that the consumer had to pay... The consumer was forgotten....."

True or false?

3. Time to slice and dice the Liberal propaganda.

a. In 1921, the top 5% earned 25.47% of the nation's 1929, the top 5%'s share skyrocketed all the way up to ......26.09%!!!!

b. Corporate profits? They averaged 8.2% from 1900 to 1920. But what about from 1920 to 1929??? They remained at 8.2%.
For those in Rio Linda, that means that there was no upsurge in said profits during the decade.

c. But what about employee wages during the decade of the '20s?? They rose...from 55% to 60% of corporate income.

d. Wait...what about the percentage of GNP that went to consumption? Bet it fell, huh? Wrong.
It rose from 68% in 1920 to 75% in 1927, 1928, and 1929.
"Coolidge and the Historians," by Thomas B. Silver, p.124-136, and Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal," p.34-35

So....while you Leftists fail 'reality 101,' you pass 'indoctrination 101' with flying colors!
You will be awarded your"Reliable Democrat Voter"pin.
Wear it with pride!

It has been suggested that Republicans so feared the emergence of FDR who would upset their plans of a permanent slave labor workforce that they intentionally gave him polio

Thankfully, FDR fought off the dastardly attempt by Republicans to destroy him and eventually led the United States emergence as a super power

The Republican plot to give FDR Polio is well supported by history

Republicans gave FDR polio in 1919, they held the presidency from 1920-1932

Connect the dots....connect the dots
I promise our GOP has changed; er, don't look at our far right wing though.
No students of economics?

Of course! How silly of me. Liberals don't have to understand the issues....they just have to nod and vote.

According to Schlesinger and the others, the evil industrialists of the 1920s kept pay low and prices high, so that workers didn't have the money to buy the products they were making.
The facts show that there was no truth to any of it.

"FDR’s policies were to the left of even Hoover’s. He established the National Recovery Administration. The bureaucracy created legal cartels that were forced to establish minimum prices and higher wages! This meant that there was a lack of competition in the economy, and prices remained high.

This, along with the prolonged unemployment due to artificially high wages, meant even more struggles for American citizens. In addition to these asinine economic interventions, FDR built on the already failed agricultural policies of Herbert Hoover. His American Agriculture Administration slaughtered six million pigs (I thought liberals were concerned for the hungry?) and destroyed ten million acres of cotton! This substantially slowed growth in agriculture.

In 1936, James E. Boyle of Cornell University argued that the AAA was responsible for the joblessness of at least two million Americans, mainly farmhands and sharecroppers. ....discouraging people from economic growth usually doesn’t lead to good employment figures."
The Enduring Myths of Herbert Hoover Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal TheCollegeConservative
Finally, an admission of failure: " FDR built on the already failed agricultural policies of Herbert Hoover."
Study up on it, Frank, causing you are showing stupid.

Factories were turned over to armaments, home products were greatly curtailed, savings greatly increased, and demand went sky high.

Do you understand basic supply and demand economics in war time?

Jake a wartime economy saved FDR from having a depression longer than his 7 years.

You should actually read, instead of just cutting and pasting reviews from fellow Progressives
Study up on it, Frank, causing you are showing stupid.

Factories were turned over to armaments, home products were greatly curtailed, savings greatly increased, and demand went sky high.

Do you understand basic supply and demand economics in war time?
As Grandma told me, during the depression there was lots of things for sale but no money, during WWII there was lots of money but nothing to buy...

Sounds like Michelle Obama's Masters Thesis
Republican deregulation and hands off economic policies gave us the Great Depression

We didn't elect another Republican for 20 years

George Bushs deregulation and hands off economic policies gave us the Great Bush Recession

It will be over 20 years before we elect another Republican

Fannie and Freddie were "Deregulated"?

Stop w/ that Repub talking-point @Frank1400PennAve CrusaderFrank :talktothehand:

FactWatch Fannie and Freddie were followers not leaders in mortgage frenzy Center for Public Integrity

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were victims not culprits - BusinessWeek

Start with the most basic fact of all: virtually none of the $1.5 trillion of cratering subprime mortgages were backed by Fannie or Freddie. That’s right — most subprime mortgages did not meet Fannie or Freddie’s strict lending standards.
The vast majority of those who defaulted were those that were taken-in by for-profit grifters AKA- CrusaderFrank's "job creators" lol CrusaderFrank
"Start with the most basic fact of all: virtually none of the $1.5 trillion of cratering subprime mortgages were backed by Fannie or Freddie. That’s right — most subprime mortgages did not meet Fannie or Freddie’s strict lending standards"

^ Absolute, total, 100% Grade AAA Bullshit.
of course you can back-up your subjective *cough* "opinion"? :eusa_whistle:
Republican deregulation and hands off economic policies gave us the Great Depression

We didn't elect another Republican for 20 years

George Bushs deregulation and hands off economic policies gave us the Great Bush Recession

It will be over 20 years before we elect another Republican

Fannie and Freddie were "Deregulated"?

Stop w/ that Repub talking-point @Frank1400PennAve CrusaderFrank :talktothehand:

FactWatch Fannie and Freddie were followers not leaders in mortgage frenzy Center for Public Integrity

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were victims not culprits - BusinessWeek

Start with the most basic fact of all: virtually none of the $1.5 trillion of cratering subprime mortgages were backed by Fannie or Freddie. That’s right — most subprime mortgages did not meet Fannie or Freddie’s strict lending standards.
The vast majority of those who defaulted were those that were taken-in by for-profit grifters AKA- CrusaderFrank's "job creators" lol CrusaderFrank
"Start with the most basic fact of all: virtually none of the $1.5 trillion of cratering subprime mortgages were backed by Fannie or Freddie. That’s right — most subprime mortgages did not meet Fannie or Freddie’s strict lending standards"

^ Absolute, total, 100% Grade AAA Bullshit.
of course you can back-up your subjective *cough* "opinion"? :eusa_whistle:

You'd have to know what a "Sub prime" mortgage is first
Republicans conspired with the Capitalists of the day to give them what they had always wanted, a workforce willing to work for pennies

Today's Republicans have the same playbook

100% stupid and liberal. Under capitalism you have to provide the best jobs and products just to survive. Working for pennies happened in the USSR where there was no incentive to offer the best products and jobs.

A liberal lacks the IQ to understand capitalism.
China is making capitalism work with cheap labor producing and selling horrible sub standard products. Your analytical conclusion and opinion is :bsflag:

China is getting rich. They are now buying more cars a year than Americans do.
Capitalism there instantly eliminated 40% of world poverty! Capitalism is the ultimate social safety net.
Which confirms that your original statement was BS. Without America's deep pockets to buy all the substandard, but cheap, crap China produces the Chinese economy would collapse.

too stupid!! Europe is their biggest customer.
Ya, so what, does that make US trade with China insignificant? Still has nothing to do with your original claim. You are just deflecting away from your BS claim.
That Republicans created the Great Depression is well documented

After disposing of FDR they had free reign to destroy the economy and create a subservient workforce willing to work for pennies.

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