roots of Palestinian resistance

I honestly don't think Lipush was 'celebrating' so much as she was rebuking the other poster for abusing the term 'karma'.

And the POINT about the unfortunate Palestinians is that HAMAS and Islamic Jihad DO NOT CARE who gets hurt how badly in their pursuit of murdering anyone they can within Israel. It's not 'deflection' to notice what even the likes of HRW and others have noticed about the jihadi filth among the Palestinians.

I don't believe that at all and not sure why you would say that.
[MENTION=49350]amity1844[/MENTION]: If Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, et. al. promote suicide bombings, how can you refute and deny what you bolded in MHunterB's quote that you quoted? Does not a suicide bomber get hurt, well actually killed? Therefore any organization that promotes such would logically not care how badly anyone gets hurt in their pursuit of their goal.
I honestly don't think Lipush was 'celebrating' so much as she was rebuking the other poster for abusing the term 'karma'.

And the POINT about the unfortunate Palestinians is that HAMAS and Islamic Jihad DO NOT CARE who gets hurt how badly in their pursuit of murdering anyone they can within Israel. It's not 'deflection' to notice what even the likes of HRW and others have noticed about the jihadi filth among the Palestinians.

I don't believe that at all and not sure why you would say that.

Because you don't want to believe that Palestinian muslims are evil, violent, murdering rapists that don't have any thought for how many people get hurt as long as they get what they demand. This yiu have proven beyond reasonable doubt by your posts full of BLOOD LIBELS and ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA blaming the Jews for all the problems.
I honestly don't think Lipush was 'celebrating' so much as she was rebuking the other poster for abusing the term 'karma'.

And the POINT about the unfortunate Palestinians is that HAMAS and Islamic Jihad DO NOT CARE who gets hurt how badly in their pursuit of murdering anyone they can within Israel. It's not 'deflection' to notice what even the likes of HRW and others have noticed about the jihadi filth among the Palestinians.

I don't believe that at all and not sure why you would say that.

Because you don't want to believe that Palestinian muslims are evil, violent, murdering rapists that don't have any thought for how many people get hurt as long as they get what they demand. This yiu have proven beyond reasonable doubt by your posts full of BLOOD LIBELS and ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA blaming the Jews for all the problems.

People who are under attack will do things to defend themselves that they would not normally do.
I don't believe that at all and not sure why you would say that.

Because you don't want to believe that Palestinian muslims are evil, violent, murdering rapists that don't have any thought for how many people get hurt as long as they get what they demand. This yiu have proven beyond reasonable doubt by your posts full of BLOOD LIBELS and ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA blaming the Jews for all the problems.

People who are under attack will do things to defend themselves that they would not normally do.

Yet they were not under attack all the time, and still they did these things. As it tells in the hadiths Mohamed raped a 12 year old Jewish girl in the blood of her murdered family and made her one of his sex slaves. The Palestinians brothers in the UK were not under attack when they raped the schoolgirls and then sold them as prostitutes to other muslims. The Palestinian brothers that flew the planes into the WTC were not under attack, nor were the ones that planted bombs on London transport.

The simple episode from August 2005 shows that the Palestinians have no intention of doing anything but mass murdering everyone they can.
Oh, come on, that is a loaded term. Child marriage is still practiced across most of the world, but paradoxically rarely in the Arab world. In India and southeast Asia there is a great deal. And to call it "rape" is just being bigoted. So let's not be too judgmental.
Oh, come on, that is a loaded term. Child marriage is still practiced across most of the world, but paradoxically rarely in the Arab world. In India and southeast Asia there is a great deal. And to call it "rape" is just being bigoted. So let's not be too judgmental.

Really, it sure seems prevalent in the Muslim world where even the clergy take as brides such young girls. One wonders what these old guys have to talk about to these girls who should be playing with their dolls. I think most of us were happy when we read that the lttle Yemeni girls was able to get a divorce. To force someone into marriage so young is pathetic.
Oh, come on, that is a loaded term. Child marriage is still practiced across most of the world, but paradoxically rarely in the Arab world. In India and southeast Asia there is a great deal. And to call it "rape" is just being bigoted. So let's not be too judgmental.

"let's not be too judgmental"...
So where exactly is one allowed to become "judgmental"?
[MENTION=49350]amity1844[/MENTION]: If Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, et. al. promote suicide bombings, how can you refute and deny what you bolded in MHunterB's quote that you quoted? Does not a suicide bomber get hurt, well actually killed? Therefore any organization that promotes such would logically not care how badly anyone gets hurt in their pursuit of their goal.

The US invaded Iraq knowing that troops would get killed and thousands did.

So I don't understand your point.
I don't believe that at all and not sure why you would say that.

Because you don't want to believe that Palestinian muslims are evil, violent, murdering rapists that don't have any thought for how many people get hurt as long as they get what they demand. This yiu have proven beyond reasonable doubt by your posts full of BLOOD LIBELS and ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA blaming the Jews for all the problems.

People who are under attack will do things to defend themselves that they would not normally do.

And those things that they have done are the reasons for why the Palestinians are in the situation that they are in now.
We tried it in 2005. The rockets passed from the settlements to the green line.

Who are you trying to fool?
No, you didn't try it in 2005, you still maintain "effective control".

That's not leaving!

There is no single Israeli soldier or Israeli civilian in the Gaza strip.

That is called leaving.

Control? of course there is one, they launch rockets from there, control is needed.

But you're losing thie debate, because you're factually wrong, pal; give it up.
Oh, come on, that is a loaded term. Child marriage is still practiced across most of the world, but paradoxically rarely in the Arab world. In India and southeast Asia there is a great deal. And to call it "rape" is just being bigoted. So let's not be too judgmental.

Are you a perv?!:eek:

That just sounded awful, what you said there.
There is no single Israeli soldier or Israeli civilian in the Gaza strip.

That is called leaving.

Control? of course there is one, they launch rockets from there, control is needed.

But you're losing thie debate, because you're factually wrong, pal; give it up.
You don't have to have a physical presence to satisfy the definition of an "occupation".

If you maintain "effective control" of an area, then that area is considered under occupation.

So as long as you continue the illegal and immoral blockade, Gaza is still under occupation.
Who stole who's land? IIRC, the Jews were scattered by the Romans from their homeland, and ~600 years later the Muslims stole the rest of it from the remaining Jews/Israelites. By war.

And IIRC, around the late 1800's, the Jews who were returning to the provence/area called Palestine bought land from those who lived there.

What happened after that was . . . . . by war.
Some was bought, others were taken via the use of Jewish terrorism by driving the owners off their land.
what link are you referring to? Is it the picture that you posted in #17? Because other than the picture, there is no real link to facts to back it up.

I come here with an open mind trying to figure this whole thing out, but I find it hard to do so when there are so many half truths posted here without real backup.
First of all, post #17 is not mine, it's Tinny's. And secondly, the link I was referring to, was in post #12.

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