Rosenstein is out... Mueller the Dem-slave gets a new boss

Why are republicans so upset at criminals being prosecuted?

Why do you feel like you are going to prison just because someone with an R by their name is going to prison...that's on them, why do you feel its on you?

you guys take this party cheerleading too far.....
Because their conscience tells them that they support criminal activity. That's why.
Nobody believes that the Mueller investigation is unbiased anymore.
Sure there's a few core believers on the left who still think that there will be
A dual impeachment and removal of Trump/Pence and that the drooling hag will becomte he nation's first woman president. You cannot fix that kind of stupid.

Mueller will now have boundaries...
He will now be made to do his job the way he is supposed to do it which means the fishing trip is over.... Oh and I guess that means the investigation is also over because all he has left is fishing.

I saw Rosenstein being grilled, he's a lying scum bag.
Trump kept too many Establishment left overs, but I think he did that in part to let them play their hands and expose themselves for what and who they are.

Trump is not the idiot the left wants to think he is.
If he wasn't, he wouldn't be this criminally exposed with seventeen investigations looking into him.
All those investigations have one thing in common: No crime.
Nope! Wrong, and I proved otherwise, and you haven't. You lied.
With multiple indictments and guilty pleas, the fishing has already produced a great bounty. Mueller is doing an excellent job uncovering the crimes and the criminals.

Process crimes and digging up old buried crimes that DOJ passed on prosecuting a decade ago are not a 'great bounty' you pathetic partisan hack.
"I say so"? No, the law says so. I have nothing to do with it, while you"look up into the sky". As a matter of fact, your only counter argument is to "look up into the sky". "Where's the proof"? I gave it to you. Look up the statutes and the activities that took place with Trump and his co-conspirators, and the truth is dead in front of our eyes. But keep "looking up into the sky"and the sky will eventually set you free.
You gave nothing but more lib bullshit.
If that were true, you would have laid out an intelligent counter argument to the contrary, and you did not.You just failed miserably, and you have nothing to counter the facts with. Don't you just feel like a total idiot sometimes?
It's true you just cant accept the facts f what I proveded.
You've provided nothing. You're a liar.
The five steps of collusion around the hacking and release of the stolen emails are simple:

  1. Russia’s military intelligence unit hacked the emails of Trump’s Democratic opponents.
  2. Russia alerted the Trump Campaign that they are in possession of the stolen emails.
  3. The two sides met to coordinate.
  4. Russia released emails through its trusted intermediary WikiLeaks, timed to benefit the Trump campaign.
  5. Trump made the emails central to his message in the final weeks of the campaign.
Step three never happened doofus.
You gave nothing but more lib bullshit.
If that were true, you would have laid out an intelligent counter argument to the contrary, and you did not.You just failed miserably, and you have nothing to counter the facts with. Don't you just feel like a total idiot sometimes?
It's true you just cant accept the facts f what I proveded.
You've provided nothing. You're a liar.
The five steps of collusion around the hacking and release of the stolen emails are simple:

  1. Russia’s military intelligence unit hacked the emails of Trump’s Democratic opponents.
  2. Russia alerted the Trump Campaign that they are in possession of the stolen emails.
  3. The two sides met to coordinate.
  4. Russia released emails through its trusted intermediary WikiLeaks, timed to benefit the Trump campaign.
  5. Trump made the emails central to his message in the final weeks of the campaign.
Step three never happened doofus.
Key Meetings and Contacts

The June 9 Meeting: In perhaps the most pivotal moment in the known collusion timeline, three of the Trump campaign’s most senior officials met with Kremlin-linked operatives specifically to discuss the “dirt” the Russian government had on Hillary Clinton.

  • The Offer: On June 3, Rob Goldstone, an intermediary for a Russian oligarch, sent Donald Trump Jr. an email with the subject line “Russia – Clinton – private and confidential.” In the email, Goldstone offered to set up a meeting regarding “official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary [Clinton] and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to” Trump as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”
  • The Acceptance: Less than 20 minutes later, Trump Jr. responded, agreeing to the meeting and saying, “if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer” (emphasis added). While much of the focus has been on the first part of the sentence, in which Trump Jr. seems to both know of Russia’s support for his father’s campaign and enthusiastically accept Goldstone’s offer, the second part is also important: Not only did Trump Jr. suggest coordinating dropping the dirt, he suggested a time roughly coinciding with the first WikiLeaks dump.
  • The Meeting: After several more emails, and multiple calls between Donald Trump Jr. and the Russian pop star on whose behalf Goldstone sent the email, the pair set up the meeting for June 9 at 4 p.m. in Trump Tower. Attending on behalf of the Trump campaign were Trump Jr., Trump’s son-in-law and director of digital operations Jared Kushner, and the campaign’s chairman Paul Manafort; representing Russian interests were Goldstone, the lawyer and Magnitsky Act opponent Natalia Veselnitskaya, the real-estate executive and suspected money launderer Irakly Kaveladze, and the lobbyist and former counterintelligence officer Rinat Akhmetshin, along with a translator.
The Trump campaign’s backchannels to WikiLeaks. After learning of the stolen emails and Russia’s plans to release them anonymously, the Trump campaign established at least three backchannel lines of communications to Russia’s cut-out WikiLeaks.

  1. Roger Stone knew Podesta was hacked before Podesta did: Stone, a long-time Republican operative and informal adviser to Trump, publicly discussed his backchannels to both Guccifer 2.0 and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange multiple times during the campaign. (Stone and WikiLeaks have both since denied communicating, only for subsequent reporting to reveal direct messages between the two on Twitter.) Stone also publicly revealed his knowledge of the upcoming publication of emails from John Podesta on August 21, tweeting, “Trust me, it will soon [be] Podesta’s time in the barrel.” The tweet was especially revealing because at that point nobody else, including Podesta himself, knew that the emails had been stolen.
  2. Cambridge Analytica asked WikiLeaks to get the stolen emails: Cambridge Analytica, the disgraced data firm the Trump Campaign hired to essentially serve as the data “brain” of the campaign, also reached out to Assange during the summer of 2016 asking to get the hacked Clinton emails in order to “to turn them into a searchable database for the campaign or a pro-Trump political action committee.” (Assange has confirmed he received Cambridge Analytica’s offer, which he claims he declined.)
  3. Donald Trump Jr. messages with WikiLeaks: In September, Trump Jr. communicated with WikiLeaks through private messages via Twitter. WikiLeaks began the conversation on September 20 by providing Trump Jr. with a link to and login information for an anti-Trump website, and subsequently suggested potential campaign strategy, including boosting WikiLeaks material and contesting the results of the election, on multiple occasions. In one instance, Trump tweeted a link to the latest batch of Podesta emails just 15 minutes after WikiLeaks suggested to Trump Jr. that his father do so.
If that were true, you would have laid out an intelligent counter argument to the contrary, and you did not.You just failed miserably, and you have nothing to counter the facts with. Don't you just feel like a total idiot sometimes?
It's true you just cant accept the facts f what I proveded.
You've provided nothing. You're a liar.
The five steps of collusion around the hacking and release of the stolen emails are simple:

  1. Russia’s military intelligence unit hacked the emails of Trump’s Democratic opponents.
  2. Russia alerted the Trump Campaign that they are in possession of the stolen emails.
  3. The two sides met to coordinate.
  4. Russia released emails through its trusted intermediary WikiLeaks, timed to benefit the Trump campaign.
  5. Trump made the emails central to his message in the final weeks of the campaign.
Step three never happened doofus.
Key Meetings and Contacts

The June 9 Meeting: In perhaps the most pivotal moment in the known collusion timeline, three of the Trump campaign’s most senior officials met with Kremlin-linked operatives specifically to discuss the “dirt” the Russian government had on Hillary Clinton.

  • The Offer: On June 3, Rob Goldstone, an intermediary for a Russian oligarch, sent Donald Trump Jr. an email with the subject line “Russia – Clinton – private and confidential.” In the email, Goldstone offered to set up a meeting regarding “official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary [Clinton] and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to” Trump as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”
  • The Acceptance: Less than 20 minutes later, Trump Jr. responded, agreeing to the meeting and saying, “if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer” (emphasis added). While much of the focus has been on the first part of the sentence, in which Trump Jr. seems to both know of Russia’s support for his father’s campaign and enthusiastically accept Goldstone’s offer, the second part is also important: Not only did Trump Jr. suggest coordinating dropping the dirt, he suggested a time roughly coinciding with the first WikiLeaks dump.
  • The Meeting: After several more emails, and multiple calls between Donald Trump Jr. and the Russian pop star on whose behalf Goldstone sent the email, the pair set up the meeting for June 9 at 4 p.m. in Trump Tower. Attending on behalf of the Trump campaign were Trump Jr., Trump’s son-in-law and director of digital operations Jared Kushner, and the campaign’s chairman Paul Manafort; representing Russian interests were Goldstone, the lawyer and Magnitsky Act opponent Natalia Veselnitskaya, the real-estate executive and suspected money launderer Irakly Kaveladze, and the lobbyist and former counterintelligence officer Rinat Akhmetshin, along with a translator.
The Trump campaign’s backchannels to WikiLeaks. After learning of the stolen emails and Russia’s plans to release them anonymously, the Trump campaign established at least three backchannel lines of communications to Russia’s cut-out WikiLeaks.

  1. Roger Stone knew Podesta was hacked before Podesta did: Stone, a long-time Republican operative and informal adviser to Trump, publicly discussed his backchannels to both Guccifer 2.0 and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange multiple times during the campaign. (Stone and WikiLeaks have both since denied communicating, only for subsequent reporting to reveal direct messages between the two on Twitter.) Stone also publicly revealed his knowledge of the upcoming publication of emails from John Podesta on August 21, tweeting, “Trust me, it will soon [be] Podesta’s time in the barrel.” The tweet was especially revealing because at that point nobody else, including Podesta himself, knew that the emails had been stolen.
  2. Cambridge Analytica asked WikiLeaks to get the stolen emails: Cambridge Analytica, the disgraced data firm the Trump Campaign hired to essentially serve as the data “brain” of the campaign, also reached out to Assange during the summer of 2016 asking to get the hacked Clinton emails in order to “to turn them into a searchable database for the campaign or a pro-Trump political action committee.” (Assange has confirmed he received Cambridge Analytica’s offer, which he claims he declined.)
  3. Donald Trump Jr. messages with WikiLeaks: In September, Trump Jr. communicated with WikiLeaks through private messages via Twitter. WikiLeaks began the conversation on September 20 by providing Trump Jr. with a link to and login information for an anti-Trump website, and subsequently suggested potential campaign strategy, including boosting WikiLeaks material and contesting the results of the election, on multiple occasions. In one instance, Trump tweeted a link to the latest batch of Podesta emails just 15 minutes after WikiLeaks suggested to Trump Jr. that his father do so.

And NOTHING HAPPENED at the June 9th meeting, sir duh and the Russian was a Dimocrat operative anyway.

It's true you just cant accept the facts f what I proveded.
You've provided nothing. You're a liar.
The five steps of collusion around the hacking and release of the stolen emails are simple:

  1. Russia’s military intelligence unit hacked the emails of Trump’s Democratic opponents.
  2. Russia alerted the Trump Campaign that they are in possession of the stolen emails.
  3. The two sides met to coordinate.
  4. Russia released emails through its trusted intermediary WikiLeaks, timed to benefit the Trump campaign.
  5. Trump made the emails central to his message in the final weeks of the campaign.
Step three never happened doofus.
Key Meetings and Contacts

The June 9 Meeting: In perhaps the most pivotal moment in the known collusion timeline, three of the Trump campaign’s most senior officials met with Kremlin-linked operatives specifically to discuss the “dirt” the Russian government had on Hillary Clinton.

  • The Offer: On June 3, Rob Goldstone, an intermediary for a Russian oligarch, sent Donald Trump Jr. an email with the subject line “Russia – Clinton – private and confidential.” In the email, Goldstone offered to set up a meeting regarding “official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary [Clinton] and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to” Trump as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”
  • The Acceptance: Less than 20 minutes later, Trump Jr. responded, agreeing to the meeting and saying, “if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer” (emphasis added). While much of the focus has been on the first part of the sentence, in which Trump Jr. seems to both know of Russia’s support for his father’s campaign and enthusiastically accept Goldstone’s offer, the second part is also important: Not only did Trump Jr. suggest coordinating dropping the dirt, he suggested a time roughly coinciding with the first WikiLeaks dump.
  • The Meeting: After several more emails, and multiple calls between Donald Trump Jr. and the Russian pop star on whose behalf Goldstone sent the email, the pair set up the meeting for June 9 at 4 p.m. in Trump Tower. Attending on behalf of the Trump campaign were Trump Jr., Trump’s son-in-law and director of digital operations Jared Kushner, and the campaign’s chairman Paul Manafort; representing Russian interests were Goldstone, the lawyer and Magnitsky Act opponent Natalia Veselnitskaya, the real-estate executive and suspected money launderer Irakly Kaveladze, and the lobbyist and former counterintelligence officer Rinat Akhmetshin, along with a translator.
The Trump campaign’s backchannels to WikiLeaks. After learning of the stolen emails and Russia’s plans to release them anonymously, the Trump campaign established at least three backchannel lines of communications to Russia’s cut-out WikiLeaks.

  1. Roger Stone knew Podesta was hacked before Podesta did: Stone, a long-time Republican operative and informal adviser to Trump, publicly discussed his backchannels to both Guccifer 2.0 and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange multiple times during the campaign. (Stone and WikiLeaks have both since denied communicating, only for subsequent reporting to reveal direct messages between the two on Twitter.) Stone also publicly revealed his knowledge of the upcoming publication of emails from John Podesta on August 21, tweeting, “Trust me, it will soon [be] Podesta’s time in the barrel.” The tweet was especially revealing because at that point nobody else, including Podesta himself, knew that the emails had been stolen.
  2. Cambridge Analytica asked WikiLeaks to get the stolen emails: Cambridge Analytica, the disgraced data firm the Trump Campaign hired to essentially serve as the data “brain” of the campaign, also reached out to Assange during the summer of 2016 asking to get the hacked Clinton emails in order to “to turn them into a searchable database for the campaign or a pro-Trump political action committee.” (Assange has confirmed he received Cambridge Analytica’s offer, which he claims he declined.)
  3. Donald Trump Jr. messages with WikiLeaks: In September, Trump Jr. communicated with WikiLeaks through private messages via Twitter. WikiLeaks began the conversation on September 20 by providing Trump Jr. with a link to and login information for an anti-Trump website, and subsequently suggested potential campaign strategy, including boosting WikiLeaks material and contesting the results of the election, on multiple occasions. In one instance, Trump tweeted a link to the latest batch of Podesta emails just 15 minutes after WikiLeaks suggested to Trump Jr. that his father do so.

And NOTHING HAPPENED at the June 9th meeting, sir duh and the Russian was a Dimocrat operative anyway.

It's true you just cant accept the facts f what I proveded.
You've provided nothing. You're a liar.
The five steps of collusion around the hacking and release of the stolen emails are simple:

  1. Russia’s military intelligence unit hacked the emails of Trump’s Democratic opponents.
  2. Russia alerted the Trump Campaign that they are in possession of the stolen emails.
  3. The two sides met to coordinate.
  4. Russia released emails through its trusted intermediary WikiLeaks, timed to benefit the Trump campaign.
  5. Trump made the emails central to his message in the final weeks of the campaign.
Step three never happened doofus.
Key Meetings and Contacts

The June 9 Meeting: In perhaps the most pivotal moment in the known collusion timeline, three of the Trump campaign’s most senior officials met with Kremlin-linked operatives specifically to discuss the “dirt” the Russian government had on Hillary Clinton.

  • The Offer: On June 3, Rob Goldstone, an intermediary for a Russian oligarch, sent Donald Trump Jr. an email with the subject line “Russia – Clinton – private and confidential.” In the email, Goldstone offered to set up a meeting regarding “official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary [Clinton] and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to” Trump as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”
  • The Acceptance: Less than 20 minutes later, Trump Jr. responded, agreeing to the meeting and saying, “if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer” (emphasis added). While much of the focus has been on the first part of the sentence, in which Trump Jr. seems to both know of Russia’s support for his father’s campaign and enthusiastically accept Goldstone’s offer, the second part is also important: Not only did Trump Jr. suggest coordinating dropping the dirt, he suggested a time roughly coinciding with the first WikiLeaks dump.
  • The Meeting: After several more emails, and multiple calls between Donald Trump Jr. and the Russian pop star on whose behalf Goldstone sent the email, the pair set up the meeting for June 9 at 4 p.m. in Trump Tower. Attending on behalf of the Trump campaign were Trump Jr., Trump’s son-in-law and director of digital operations Jared Kushner, and the campaign’s chairman Paul Manafort; representing Russian interests were Goldstone, the lawyer and Magnitsky Act opponent Natalia Veselnitskaya, the real-estate executive and suspected money launderer Irakly Kaveladze, and the lobbyist and former counterintelligence officer Rinat Akhmetshin, along with a translator.
The Trump campaign’s backchannels to WikiLeaks. After learning of the stolen emails and Russia’s plans to release them anonymously, the Trump campaign established at least three backchannel lines of communications to Russia’s cut-out WikiLeaks.

  1. Roger Stone knew Podesta was hacked before Podesta did: Stone, a long-time Republican operative and informal adviser to Trump, publicly discussed his backchannels to both Guccifer 2.0 and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange multiple times during the campaign. (Stone and WikiLeaks have both since denied communicating, only for subsequent reporting to reveal direct messages between the two on Twitter.) Stone also publicly revealed his knowledge of the upcoming publication of emails from John Podesta on August 21, tweeting, “Trust me, it will soon [be] Podesta’s time in the barrel.” The tweet was especially revealing because at that point nobody else, including Podesta himself, knew that the emails had been stolen.
  2. Cambridge Analytica asked WikiLeaks to get the stolen emails: Cambridge Analytica, the disgraced data firm the Trump Campaign hired to essentially serve as the data “brain” of the campaign, also reached out to Assange during the summer of 2016 asking to get the hacked Clinton emails in order to “to turn them into a searchable database for the campaign or a pro-Trump political action committee.” (Assange has confirmed he received Cambridge Analytica’s offer, which he claims he declined.)
  3. Donald Trump Jr. messages with WikiLeaks: In September, Trump Jr. communicated with WikiLeaks through private messages via Twitter. WikiLeaks began the conversation on September 20 by providing Trump Jr. with a link to and login information for an anti-Trump website, and subsequently suggested potential campaign strategy, including boosting WikiLeaks material and contesting the results of the election, on multiple occasions. In one instance, Trump tweeted a link to the latest batch of Podesta emails just 15 minutes after WikiLeaks suggested to Trump Jr. that his father do so.

And NOTHING HAPPENED at the June 9th meeting, sir duh and the Russian was a Dimocrat operative anyway.

Trump was unaware of a meeting where nothing happened?
Why did Trump lie about such an inconsequential thing?
With multiple indictments and guilty pleas, the fishing has already produced a great bounty. Mueller is doing an excellent job uncovering the crimes and the criminals.

Process crimes and digging up old buried crimes that DOJ passed on prosecuting a decade ago are not a 'great bounty' you pathetic partisan hack.
The crimes are not a decade old. The guilty pleas and indictments are three years and less. Where the hell have you been?
You've provided nothing. You're a liar.
The five steps of collusion around the hacking and release of the stolen emails are simple:

  1. Russia’s military intelligence unit hacked the emails of Trump’s Democratic opponents.
  2. Russia alerted the Trump Campaign that they are in possession of the stolen emails.
  3. The two sides met to coordinate.
  4. Russia released emails through its trusted intermediary WikiLeaks, timed to benefit the Trump campaign.
  5. Trump made the emails central to his message in the final weeks of the campaign.
Step three never happened doofus.
Key Meetings and Contacts

The June 9 Meeting: In perhaps the most pivotal moment in the known collusion timeline, three of the Trump campaign’s most senior officials met with Kremlin-linked operatives specifically to discuss the “dirt” the Russian government had on Hillary Clinton.

  • The Offer: On June 3, Rob Goldstone, an intermediary for a Russian oligarch, sent Donald Trump Jr. an email with the subject line “Russia – Clinton – private and confidential.” In the email, Goldstone offered to set up a meeting regarding “official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary [Clinton] and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to” Trump as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”
  • The Acceptance: Less than 20 minutes later, Trump Jr. responded, agreeing to the meeting and saying, “if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer” (emphasis added). While much of the focus has been on the first part of the sentence, in which Trump Jr. seems to both know of Russia’s support for his father’s campaign and enthusiastically accept Goldstone’s offer, the second part is also important: Not only did Trump Jr. suggest coordinating dropping the dirt, he suggested a time roughly coinciding with the first WikiLeaks dump.
  • The Meeting: After several more emails, and multiple calls between Donald Trump Jr. and the Russian pop star on whose behalf Goldstone sent the email, the pair set up the meeting for June 9 at 4 p.m. in Trump Tower. Attending on behalf of the Trump campaign were Trump Jr., Trump’s son-in-law and director of digital operations Jared Kushner, and the campaign’s chairman Paul Manafort; representing Russian interests were Goldstone, the lawyer and Magnitsky Act opponent Natalia Veselnitskaya, the real-estate executive and suspected money launderer Irakly Kaveladze, and the lobbyist and former counterintelligence officer Rinat Akhmetshin, along with a translator.
The Trump campaign’s backchannels to WikiLeaks. After learning of the stolen emails and Russia’s plans to release them anonymously, the Trump campaign established at least three backchannel lines of communications to Russia’s cut-out WikiLeaks.

  1. Roger Stone knew Podesta was hacked before Podesta did: Stone, a long-time Republican operative and informal adviser to Trump, publicly discussed his backchannels to both Guccifer 2.0 and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange multiple times during the campaign. (Stone and WikiLeaks have both since denied communicating, only for subsequent reporting to reveal direct messages between the two on Twitter.) Stone also publicly revealed his knowledge of the upcoming publication of emails from John Podesta on August 21, tweeting, “Trust me, it will soon [be] Podesta’s time in the barrel.” The tweet was especially revealing because at that point nobody else, including Podesta himself, knew that the emails had been stolen.
  2. Cambridge Analytica asked WikiLeaks to get the stolen emails: Cambridge Analytica, the disgraced data firm the Trump Campaign hired to essentially serve as the data “brain” of the campaign, also reached out to Assange during the summer of 2016 asking to get the hacked Clinton emails in order to “to turn them into a searchable database for the campaign or a pro-Trump political action committee.” (Assange has confirmed he received Cambridge Analytica’s offer, which he claims he declined.)
  3. Donald Trump Jr. messages with WikiLeaks: In September, Trump Jr. communicated with WikiLeaks through private messages via Twitter. WikiLeaks began the conversation on September 20 by providing Trump Jr. with a link to and login information for an anti-Trump website, and subsequently suggested potential campaign strategy, including boosting WikiLeaks material and contesting the results of the election, on multiple occasions. In one instance, Trump tweeted a link to the latest batch of Podesta emails just 15 minutes after WikiLeaks suggested to Trump Jr. that his father do so.

And NOTHING HAPPENED at the June 9th meeting, sir duh and the Russian was a Dimocrat operative anyway.

Trump was unaware of a meeting where nothing happened?
Why did Trump lie about such an inconsequential thing?
It is totally impossible that he didn't know.
With multiple indictments and guilty pleas, the fishing has already produced a great bounty. Mueller is doing an excellent job uncovering the crimes and the criminals.

Process crimes and digging up old buried crimes that DOJ passed on prosecuting a decade ago are not a 'great bounty' you pathetic partisan hack.
The crimes are not a decade old. The guilty pleas and indictments are three years and less. Where the hell have you been?
Too bad none of you scum can prove anything.
With multiple indictments and guilty pleas, the fishing has already produced a great bounty. Mueller is doing an excellent job uncovering the crimes and the criminals.

Process crimes and digging up old buried crimes that DOJ passed on prosecuting a decade ago are not a 'great bounty' you pathetic partisan hack.
The crimes are not a decade old. The guilty pleas and indictments are three years and less. Where the hell have you been?
Which crimes? And which of them were while Manafort worked for the Trump campaign and might have something remotely to do with the so-called Russian collusion?

And what are the CRIMES that this special counsel is called up to investigate?

No one has as yet given a valid answer to that question.

The Special Counsel statute requires a crime to be specified and so far there is no specified crime that Mueller is investigating at all. If so what is that crime?

It wasnt Manaforts old bullshit from the Ukraine, that is certain.
Trump was unaware of a meeting where nothing happened?

Why would that surprise you? And what if he did know something? What would he have known? EVERYTHING that went on? Got a debreif later afterwards? Knew of the general topic but nothing of the speciofics?

What knowledge do you think Trump had of the meeting?

And no, nothing happened as the people who showed up wanted to discuss topics other than what Jared wanted to discuss and the meeting ended.

Why did Trump lie about such an inconsequential thing?

Why do you presume he lied?

Because he beat Hillary?

With multiple indictments and guilty pleas, the fishing has already produced a great bounty. Mueller is doing an excellent job uncovering the crimes and the criminals.

Process crimes and digging up old buried crimes that DOJ passed on prosecuting a decade ago are not a 'great bounty' you pathetic partisan hack.
The crimes are not a decade old. The guilty pleas and indictments are three years and less. Where the hell have you been?
Too bad none of you scum can prove anything.
Don't have to. Indictments, guilty pleas, and jail sentences do it all for us. Lol! And you idiots ignore reality. That's good. Why? Because more reality is on its way.
Nobody believes that the Mueller investigation is unbiased anymore.
Sure there's a few core believers on the left who still think that there will be
A dual impeachment and removal of Trump/Pence and that the drooling hag will becomte he nation's first woman president. You cannot fix that kind of stupid.

Mueller will now have boundaries...
He will now be made to do his job the way he is supposed to do it which means the fishing trip is over.... Oh and I guess that means the investigation is also over because all he has left is fishing.

I saw Rosenstein being grilled, he's a lying scum bag.

Obama laid down a shit load of booby traps on his way out. Rosenstein was one of them.

Trump was unaware of a meeting where nothing happened?

Why would that surprise you? And what if he did know something? What would he have known? EVERYTHING that went on? Got a debreif later afterwards? Knew of the general topic but nothing of the speciofics?

What knowledge do you think Trump had of the meeting?

And no, nothing happened as the people who showed up wanted to discuss topics other than what Jared wanted to discuss and the meeting ended.

Why did Trump lie about such an inconsequential thing?

Why do you presume he lied?

Because he beat Hillary?

The office was obtained illegally through campaign hush money to hide affairs. And he can be indicted because it was a conspiracy between three people to cheat the American people out of a fair election.
Trump was unaware of a meeting where nothing happened?

Why would that surprise you? And what if he did know something? What would he have known? EVERYTHING that went on? Got a debreif later afterwards? Knew of the general topic but nothing of the speciofics?

What knowledge do you think Trump had of the meeting?

And no, nothing happened as the people who showed up wanted to discuss topics other than what Jared wanted to discuss and the meeting ended.

Why did Trump lie about such an inconsequential thing?

Why do you presume he lied?

Because he beat Hillary?

The office was obtained illegally through campaign hush money to hide affairs. And he can be indicted because it was a conspiracy between three people to cheat the American people out of a fair election.

Good luck with that angle... You'll be putting half of Congress in jail.

Ain't happening dude.

BTW....I thought it was about collusion
I mean that was nothing and now this is nothing.

Landslide 2020.

With multiple indictments and guilty pleas, the fishing has already produced a great bounty. Mueller is doing an excellent job uncovering the crimes and the criminals.

Process crimes and digging up old buried crimes that DOJ passed on prosecuting a decade ago are not a 'great bounty' you pathetic partisan hack.
The crimes are not a decade old. The guilty pleas and indictments are three years and less. Where the hell have you been?
Which crimes? And which of them were while Manafort worked for the Trump campaign and might have something remotely to do with the so-called Russian collusion?

And what are the CRIMES that this special counsel is called up to investigate?

No one has as yet given a valid answer to that question.

The Special Counsel statute requires a crime to be specified and so far there is no specified crime that Mueller is investigating at all. If so what is that crime?

It wasnt Manaforts old bullshit from the Ukraine, that is certain.
Working the edges isn't going to save you boss. I noticed you had no counter argument to mine about the crimes being three years or less, but instead punted by going to Manafort. Lol! Flynn, Papadopolous, Gates, Butina, Cohen, the Russians, are not old crimes. Get your head out of your ass.

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