Rosenstein is out... Mueller the Dem-slave gets a new boss

Look at this coward cut and run with lies he or she can't back up. Lol! Aren't you tired of losing yet idiot?

The Uranium One deal was treason, but the Establishment is ignoring it.
Three investigations found nothing you idiot. Get out of here with your off topic lies.
Yeah, right, the Establishment investigating itself is so convincing!

IT is obvious that there were crimes and treason in selling off 25% of our nations uranium resources, fucktwat
Look at this coward cut and run with lies he or she can't back up. Lol! Aren't you tired of losing yet idiot?

The Uranium One deal was treason, but the Establishment is ignoring it.
Three investigations found nothing you idiot. Get out of here with your off topic lies.
Yeah, right, the Establishment investigating itself is so convincing!

IT is obvious that there were crimes and treason in selling off 25% of our nations uranium resources, fucktwat
We'll hot shot, when you reopen the investigation, you be sure to tell us all about it. In the meantime, your lies mean nothing. Carry on.
In that 2 years you've had a house protecting the scum instead of the people That's about to change ...and just because Mueller works in a careful deliberate way don't take that for weakness Trump fears what Mueller has
Still cant prove anything except that you are a deluded liar.
Debate the arguments I've already typed or get lost.
I dont waste my time debating you filthy liars. Never have never will. All that makes you do is spew for media fed garbage.
We've got another one folks. Another Trump apologizing coward running from a debate. Get out of here loser.
You dont want honest debate. So I learned a long time ago that trying to debate lying media parrots like you is a waste of time. All you can do is puke up media links.
LOL yep Trumpkins do hate people who provide links to facts.
Look at this coward cut and run with lies he or she can't back up. Lol! Aren't you tired of losing yet idiot?

The Uranium One deal was treason, but the Establishment is ignoring it.
Three investigations found nothing you idiot. Get out of here with your off topic lies.
Yeah, right, the Establishment investigating itself is so convincing!

IT is obvious that there were crimes and treason in selling off 25% of our nations uranium resources, fucktwat

Obvious to gullible Trumpkins.

  1. We import most of the uranium we use in the United States
  2. The Uranium One deal was a Canadian company selling its control of a mine in the United States to a Russian company- the United States never owned the uranium resources.
  3. It was 20% - not 25%
  4. And as far as it being 'obvious that there were crimes and 'treason'- again- only to gullible Trumpkins- because the sale went through multiple agencies reviews, both in the United States and in Canada- lets run through who all reviewed this again- shall we?
    The Committee on Foreign Investments has nine members, including the secretaries of the treasury, state, defense, homeland security, commerce and energy; the attorney general; and representatives from two White House offices (the United States Trade Representative and the Office of Science and Technology Policy).

    The committee can’t actually stop a sale from going through — it can only approve a sale. The president is the only one who can stop a sale, if the committee or any one member “recommends suspension or prohibition of the transaction,” according to guidelines issued by the Treasury Department in December 2008 after the department adopted its final rule a month earlier.
  5. In addition the Nuclear Regulatory Commission also had to approve. the deal.
That is quite a treason conspiracy that your great minds of the Right Wing Conspiracy machine have dreamt up- 9 different agencies and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and President Obama.

Meanwhile- the Russians were so thrilled by the purchase that they went all out to try to prevent Clinton from being elected President and to ensure that Lying Donnie was elected.
We'll hot shot, when you reopen the investigation, you be sure to tell us all about it. In the meantime, your lies mean nothing. Carry on.
They are putting up a front numb skull. There is no investigation, because it's already been investigated. They tell idiots like you it's being investigated, and there's nothing going on. Lol!
Still cant prove anything except that you are a deluded liar.
Debate the arguments I've already typed or get lost.
I dont waste my time debating you filthy liars. Never have never will. All that makes you do is spew for media fed garbage.
We've got another one folks. Another Trump apologizing coward running from a debate. Get out of here loser.
You dont want honest debate. So I learned a long time ago that trying to debate lying media parrots like you is a waste of time. All you can do is puke up media links.
LOL yep Trumpkins do hate people who provide links to facts.
Try using the internet as your proof in a court of law moron.
We'll hot shot, when you reopen the investigation, you be sure to tell us all about it. In the meantime, your lies mean nothing. Carry on.
They are putting up a front numb skull. There is no investigation, because it's already been investigated. They tell idiots like you it's being investigated, and there's nothing going on. Lol!

You are truly an ignoramus.

As Justice Dept. inspector general moves from Clinton email to Russia and Trump, he risks becoming a political weapon

Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz recently summoned an FBI agent important to the probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election for an interview. His investigators wanted to know how the bureau came to surveil a former Trump campaign adviser, and in particular, the chronology of events that led them to seek a secret court order to do so.

As the Justice Department’s internal affairs cop, this is the sort of work Horowitz does: investigating the investigators. In that role, he has suddenly found himself in the political spotlight, a potentially decisive voice in the partisan controversies over the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of state, and its subsequent probe of the Trump campaign and Russia.

In the coming weeks, Horowitz is expected to release a nearly 500-page report criticizing the Justice Department and FBI for their handling of the Clinton email investigation, people familiar with the matter said. They, like others in this report, spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak frankly about matters they are not authorized to discuss publicly. Meanwhile, he has intensified his review of the Russia investigation, interviewing the FBI agent who once led the case and inviting him back for a second conversation, one of these people said.....

When conservative lawmakers clamored late last year for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate a host of their concerns, many of them related to Clinton, Attorney General Jeff Sessions pointed to Horowitz’s ongoing review of the Clinton email case. When the GOP raised concerns about a warrant to surveil former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, Sessions said he had asked Horowitz to review the matter, and Horowitz later confirmed publicly that he would do so.

Most recently, after Trump demanded the Justice Department investigate possible political spying on his campaign, the department again turned to Horowitz, asking him to expand his review of the Page investigation to encompass the president’s request. Trump’s demand stemmed from the FBI’s use of a confidential source in the Russia investigation. The source interacted with three Trump advisers during the campaign, although it remains unclear to what extent the bureau directed those interactions.

To leaders in the Justice Department, the concession was a modest one: Horowitz’s work on the surveillance of Page might have led him to the confidential informant, who had interacted with Page. But some analysts worried it would set a dangerous precedent, as there seemed to be little reason for Horowitz to consider the use of the informant — a common FBI practice in criminal investigations.
...and more is still to come.....
Naw, we just waiting on you scum to prove one thing. Just one thing and you can't do it! lmao

got 75 subpoenas coming that will make trump shit green ,,and that's not counting Mueller finishing up in feb or march It's going to be a great 2019 ,,maybe ivanka, jr ,and Kirshner indicted
Sure you do, and no proof to boot. You been crying that crap for two years. and it never comes to pass.
In that 2 years you've had a house protecting the scum instead of the people That's about to change ...and just because Mueller works in a careful deliberate way don't take that for weakness Trump fears what Mueller has
Still cant prove anything except that you are a deluded liar.
I'm neither deluded or a liar ,,,I believe in truth justice and the American way
Sure you do.
Nobody believes that the Mueller investigation is unbiased anymore.
Sure there's a few core believers on the left who still think that there will be
A dual impeachment and removal of Trump/Pence and that the drooling hag will becomte he nation's first woman president. You cannot fix that kind of stupid.

Mueller will now have boundaries...
He will now be made to do his job the way he is supposed to do it which means the fishing trip is over.... Oh and I guess that means the investigation is also over because all he has left is fishing.

With multiple indictments and guilty pleas, the fishing has already produced a great bounty. Mueller is doing an excellent job uncovering the crimes and the criminals.
You're right! Just look at what Mullier did to the coffee boy!
You know the coffee boy? He's the person who was at the heart of the Mullier investigation.
He's the one the LIB MSM was claiming was the epicenter of how the whole Trump russia collusion started.
But Mullier got his man! He certainly put the fear of GOD AKA going to a min. security prison for a whole two weeks into all the people who colluded with Russia!
I can't wait to watch shithead Schiff try to explain how Mullier dug to fucking China and couldn't find any collusion.
Flynn will walk. Justice delayed is justice denied.
Nobody believes that the Mueller investigation is unbiased anymore.
Sure there's a few core believers on the left who still think that there will be
A dual impeachment and removal of Trump/Pence and that the drooling hag will becomte he nation's first woman president. You cannot fix that kind of stupid.

Mueller will now have boundaries...
He will now be made to do his job the way he is supposed to do it which means the fishing trip is over.... Oh and I guess that means the investigation is also over because all he has left is fishing.

With multiple indictments and guilty pleas, the fishing has already produced a great bounty. Mueller is doing an excellent job uncovering the crimes and the criminals.
You're right! Just look at what Mullier did to the coffee boy!
You know the coffee boy? He's the person who was at the heart of the Mullier investigation.
He's the one the LIB MSM was claiming was the epicenter of how the whole Trump russia collusion started.
But Mullier got his man! He certainly put the fear of GOD AKA going to a min. security prison for a whole two weeks into all the people who colluded with Russia!
I can't wait to watch shithead Schiff try to explain how Mullier dug to fucking China and couldn't find any collusion.
Flynn will walk. Justice delayed is justice denied.

I wonder why Emmet Sullivan is suddenly acting like Mueller has a secret file on him?



The reason Trump is erratic is because he's terrified.

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