Rosenstein Meeting More Important

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
A vote on the Kavanaugh confirmation comes with a prize. A minimum of seven D senators could lose their seats if they vote against Kavanaugh and the mid-terms were right now. 2-4 R Senators could lose their seats if they vote for confirmation. With gerrymandering the confirmation vote will have little or no blowback for house votes

Rosenstein on the other hand can roll over on members of congress and will need to do so. If he resigns to be able to cover his butt President Trump can replace him.

The confirmation hearing will have a maximum negative effect on the Ds too little to lead to R Cloture without either an October surprise or members of the Witch hunt. On the other hand Rosenstein getting the rollover ball rolling at a minimum will lead to criminal investigations of D members of congress in both houses and create a great October surprise. So, why is this confirmation misstep by the Ds such a big deal?
You use the name 'Rosenstein' for your thread title & you proceed to immediately launch into yet another 'Kavanaugh' thread.

Did you think folks are not paying attention?

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