Roy Moore is a vietnam veteran. Why has the media censored that fact.?

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Roy Moore is a vietnam veteran. Why has the media censored that fact.?

That fact is irrelevant to the allegations.

The allegations are irrelevant to the slander and libel by you gutter filth.

None of the shit you lying fucks are posting here was ever alleged, not even by that proven fraud Allred.
Creepy Roy was so hated by his troops that they wanted to frag his sorry ass

And you wouldn't just flat out lie, shitflinger.

Not a reprehensible scumbag like you, so no doubt your next post will be full of evidence...
It’s in his biography
He was an asshole
Still is

Sure it was, scumbag.

That's why you were so quick to put up the citation...
Moore, once a pos always a POS Supported by racist Bannon and a pedophile A real republican
Creepy Roy was so hated by his troops that they wanted to frag his sorry ass

And you wouldn't just flat out lie, shitflinger.

Not a reprehensible scumbag like you, so no doubt your next post will be full of evidence...
It’s in his biography
He was an asshole
Still is
But the problem is Republicans love AH's
Prerequisite for being Republican

So, is being a fucking liar a prerequisite to be a Stalinist like you, Shitflinger?

I mean, all of you Stalinists here are fucking liars, so is that a requirement of the party, or do you just flock to the party like flies are drawn to shit?
...The allegations are irrelevant to the slander and libel by you gutter filth...
Thank you for your feedback, Princess.

...None of the shit you lying fucks are posting here was ever alleged, not even by that proven fraud Allred.
Nothing has been proven other than the fact that Moore has been accused of Child Molestation by multiple, disconnected, unsolicited, unpaid accusers.
...The allegations are irrelevant to the slander and libel by you gutter filth...
Thank you for your feedback, Princess.

...None of the shit you lying fucks are posting here was ever alleged, not even by that proven fraud Allred.
Nothing has been proven other than the fact that Moore has been accused of Child Molestation by multiple, disconnected, unsolicited,unpaid accusers.

Look, you're a fucking liar, you're gutter filth who spews vile slander based on nothing more than your partisan hatred.

No one has accused Moore of molesting children. You don't care, you're a piece of shit without a hint of integrity. Not one accusation of prepubescent girls has been made.
...The allegations are irrelevant to the slander and libel by you gutter filth...
Thank you for your feedback, Princess.

...None of the shit you lying fucks are posting here was ever alleged, not even by that proven fraud Allred.
Nothing has been proven other than the fact that Moore has been accused of Child Molestation by multiple, disconnected, unsolicited,unpaid accusers.

Look, you're a fucking liar, you're gutter filth who spews vile slander based on nothing more than your partisan hatred.

No one has accused Moore of molesting children. You don't care, you're a piece of shit without a hint of integrity. Not one accusation of prepubescent girls has been made.
Back under your rock, TrumpBot.

Wordsmithing isn't going to save your boy.
Because it adds nothing to the story. I've read hundreds of stories about Mueller over the last year, and not once has his military service been mentioned, and it shouldn't be. Nothing has been "censored". If you want to look further into a public figure's background that's what sites like "the liberal Trump-hating" Wikipedia is there for.

Hey einstein. Mueller is NOT running for office. THINK
Moore, once a pos always a POS Supported by racist Bannon and a pedophile A real republican

Bannon opposes affirmative action and thus is anti-racist . YOU are the racist who wants jobs handed out based on skin color. THINK, white-hater.
The media hasn’t censored it. And what does it matter? Does he get a pass in your mind because he’s a veteran?

Yes they have censored it. The press always mentions that mccain is a veteran because he's a rino. But moore is a trumpist and so the press censors his military service. THINK
...The allegations are irrelevant to the slander and libel by you gutter filth...
Thank you for your feedback, Princess.

...None of the shit you lying fucks are posting here was ever alleged, not even by that proven fraud Allred.
Nothing has been proven other than the fact that Moore has been accused of Child Molestation by multiple, disconnected, unsolicited,unpaid accusers.

Look, you're a fucking liar, you're gutter filth who spews vile slander based on nothing more than your partisan hatred.

No one has accused Moore of molesting children. You don't care, you're a piece of shit without a hint of integrity. Not one accusation of prepubescent girls has been made.
Back under your rock, TrumpBot.

Wordsmithing isn't going to save your boy.

Back in your gutter, Herr Goebbels. Accusing people of making Matzo from the blood of children is reprehensible. No one believes a single word you say, particularly not you. You spew shit to prove the hatred you hold on behalf of your evil party.
shootspeeders, all Americans know that Moore is a vet and honor his service.

The great majority of Americans think he is a perv and don't want him in the Senate.
It doesn't change the fact that he is an fascist asshole that wants to violate millions of peoples rights.

I find this interesting.

I think most on the left would agree with you.

He is pro gun, anti abortion, pro voter verification. Anti DACA. Does not believe in global warming, and with all that, that the left hates, for some odd reason, with all that motivation to keep him out of office, no group or media outlet brought up the “common knowledge”, that he openly sought out teen girls for “relationships”?


Just a sort list of organizations or Media’s that either missed it, or ignored it:

Hustler Magazine
New York Times
Chicago Tribune
And every other left leaning investigative reporter in Alabama, the United States and the entire World.

Then, there’s the accusers, knowing that Roy Moore would be elected to the Head Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. They stayed silent even though he would be deciding cases involving under age sex assault cases, rapists and a variety of other cases the would affect their daughters lives. And they remains silent?

It’s a bit hard to understand how any of this actually happened unless you believe that these groups and the accusers actually approved of what Moore is being accused of.

These threads belong in the conspiracy forums.
Moore, once a pos always a POS Supported by racist Bannon and a pedophile A real republican

Bannon opposes affirmative action and thus is anti-racist . YOU are the racist who wants jobs handed out based on skin color. THINK, white-hater.

Instead of just handing jobs out to your white freinds and family . That’s ok!
shootspeeders, all Americans know that Moore is a vet and honor his service.

The great majority of Americans think he is a perv and don't want him in the Senate.

You’d think being in the military he would’ve learned to follow orders and respect the chain of command .
Power and the perks of power make some believe they are above the rest of the world.
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