Roy Moore is a vietnam veteran. Why has the media censored that fact.?

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Perhaps he is anticipating new allegations to come from Vietnamese women who were 13 & 14 while he was "in country"...

HAHAHA. Talk about unverifiable accusations.!!! Let them say what they want. No one will listen.

You love unverifiable accusations- against blacks, against Democrats, against liberals

Remember your Birther accusations?

Like i said - you protest too much. HAHAHA.. If the birther case was so weak, the DNC wouln't have to hire losers like you to go on the internet and fight the birthers.

here you accuse a poster of being hired- because they are pointing out your 'unverifiable accusations'

You are another racist partisan hack.

And a Trump voter.
LOL- we actually have more evidence that Moore molested a 14 year old girl- than of Mueller colluding with anyone.

Well, that's a direct lie, but you're a Stalinist, lies are the foundation of your entire being.

But of course you will believe Moore. And believe Mueller is guilty.

Because that is the way you roll.

I have no idea if Moore is guilty or innocent. I've seen no credible evidence to indicate guilt. So far it is "he said she said" with a big dose of exposed fraud by Gloria Allfraud with the forgery of the yearbook.

As for Moscow Bob:

And the investigation was led by then-Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe, now the deputy FBI director, and then-U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, now the deputy attorney general, The Hill reported.

Mueller's investigators in the Russia probe report to Rosenstein.

The special prosecutors instructed by the Justice Department to investigate “certain issues” pertaining to the Uranium One deal will also report to Rosenstein and Sessions, Assistant Attorney Gen. Stephen Boyd wrote in the letter obtained by Fox News.

Congressional committees are looking into whether Mueller informed the Obama administration, particularly those tasked with approving the Uranium One deal, prior to CFIUS approval.}
Obama-era Russian Uranium One deal: What to know
Roy Moore is a vietnam veteran. Why has the media censored that fact.?

That fact is irrelevant to the allegations.

The allegations are irrelevant to the slander and libel by you gutter filth.

None of the shit you lying fucks are posting here was ever alleged, not even by that proven fraud Allred.

Jesus, seek some help, dude.

I sould seek help for you being a pathological liar? :dunno:
Even Trump-hating super-liberal Wikipedia admits he was.

You're right........So, DO NOT let me catch you badmouthing Mueller


Trump-Russia Investigator Robert Mueller Was A Badass Vietnam ...


Isn't he the guy who colluded with the Russian's in the Uranium One deal?
No moron. He is the USMC boots on ground combat veteran and the medal-winning hero who is still serving his nation.

Just like Roy Moore then?

Except that Mueller colluded with the Russians in the Uranium One deal, of course - moron.
Another fucking lying Trumpazee. The Uranium One deal has had it's particulars posted on this board many times, and an asshole like you continues to lie about it. You are scum.

Unlike lying piles of shit like you, I cite my claims using credible sources, Commie scum.
...The allegations are irrelevant to the slander and libel by you gutter filth...
Thank you for your feedback, Princess.

...None of the shit you lying fucks are posting here was ever alleged, not even by that proven fraud Allred.
Nothing has been proven other than the fact that Moore has been accused of Child Molestation by multiple, disconnected, unsolicited,unpaid accusers.

Look, you're a fucking liar, you're gutter filth who spews vile slander based on nothing more than your partisan hatred.

No one has accused Moore of molesting children. You don't care, you're a piece of shit without a hint of integrity. Not one accusation of prepubescent girls has been made.

No one has accused Moore of molesting children.


View attachment 162869


Oh, you posted a picture, Nazi.

And that proves what?

Fucking Nazi.
Even Trump-hating super-liberal Wikipedia admits he was.

You're right........So, DO NOT let me catch you badmouthing Mueller


Trump-Russia Investigator Robert Mueller Was A Badass Vietnam ...


Isn't he the guy who colluded with the Russian's in the Uranium One deal?
No moron. He is the USMC boots on ground combat veteran and the medal-winning hero who is still serving his nation.
That had sex with little girls. You forgot that part.
Even Trump-hating super-liberal Wikipedia admits he was.

You're right........So, DO NOT let me catch you badmouthing Mueller


Trump-Russia Investigator Robert Mueller Was A Badass Vietnam ...


Isn't he the guy who colluded with the Russian's in the Uranium One deal?
No moron. He is the USMC boots on ground combat veteran and the medal-winning hero who is still serving his nation.
That had sex with little girls. You forgot that part.

Who did?
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Obama was a great war hero

Clinton, Obama, and Trump are the only Presidents not to have served in the Military. The Left supposedly taught us with Clinton’s Election that prior Military Service or serving in Military during a war ( eg Viet Nam) was no longer a requisite to be President. However, when Bush ran for President, the Left was all over Bush doing National Guard as opposed to Vietnam to the point Dan Rather conjured up 1972 Microsoft Word Documents saying he was AWOL. When Obama ran, prior Military Service or lack thereof never came up. Non issue. Now that one of there guys is not President, the Left has got their panties in a bunch over lack of Military Service.

Remind them of the precedent they set and that it is not a big deal.

There are many more Presidents who did not serve in the military

I was not aware of any President not serving in the Military prior to Clinton. I could be corrected with validation.

14 out of 45 (30%) never served in the military

Hail to Chiefs Without Military Pasts

Thank you, Right Winger. I stand corrected. Neither side really has ground to stand on when bitching about lack of Military Service.

Some Presidents served but never really saw action. Many were in the local militia or reserves

Lincoln was in a militia, Reagan was in the reserves while he made movies, Bush 43 flew jets over Texas

Washington, Jackson, Grant and Eisenhower won major wars
Bush 41 and JFK saw combat in WWII
Then there was LBJ

LBJ's Lies About His War Record

Johnson you’ll recall was awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in the summer of 1942 by Douglas MacArthur. LBJ, then a member of Congress, had persuaded FDR to send him on an inspection tour of our forces in the Pacific. The trip had always seemed like a political stunt by a politician who wanted to burnish his credentials in anticipation of future campaigns for higher office. Johnson, who had been the first congressman after Pearl Harbor to sign up for active military duty, had agreed to fly as an observer on a single bombing mission over Lae, New Guinea. But before the plane could reach the target a generator went out, forcing the pilot to turn back home to base.

Johnson always claimed the plane came under enemy fire. His Silver Star citation says,"As our planes neared the target area, they were intercepted by eight hostile fighters." A book published in 1964, The Mission
, quotes two members of the crew who substantiated Johnson’s story, adding that the future president was" cool as ice" under fire.

But critics always suspected LBJ had inflated the danger he faced. Now there’s reason to believe they were right. The lone member of the crew still living, Bob Marshall, the gunner, insists the plane never came under fire that day."No way," Marshall told CNN."No, that story was made up, put in there in my mind by the author of the book. 'Cause we never seen Zero, was never attacked. Nothing."
Even Trump-hating super-liberal Wikipedia admits he was.

You're right........So, DO NOT let me catch you badmouthing Mueller


Trump-Russia Investigator Robert Mueller Was A Badass Vietnam ...


Isn't he the guy who colluded with the Russian's in the Uranium One deal?
No moron. He is the USMC boots on ground combat veteran and the medal-winning hero who is still serving his nation.
That had sex with little girls. You forgot that part.
That had sex with little girls.

According to who?
Even Trump-hating super-liberal Wikipedia admits he was.

Roy Moore - Wikipedia

Moore was admitted to the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, on the recommendation of outgoing Democratic U.S. Representative Albert Rains, and after confirmation of that nomination by incoming Republican Representative James D. Martin of Gadsden. He graduated in 1969 with a Bachelor of Science degree. With the Vietnam War underway, Moore served in several posts as a military police officer, including Fort Benning, Georgia, and Illesheim, Germany before being deployed to the Republic of Vietnam. Serving as the commander of 188th Military Police Company of the 504th Military Police Battalion,[24] Moore was perceived to be reckless, but very strict. He insisted his troops salute him on the battlefield, against his training, as such recognition facilitates an officer being targeted by an enemy
its fine that Roy more is a veitnam vet. we celabrate that fact.
but that does not excuse him from being a pedophile.
Even Trump-hating super-liberal Wikipedia admits he was.

Roy Moore - Wikipedia

Moore was admitted to the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, on the recommendation of outgoing Democratic U.S. Representative Albert Rains, and after confirmation of that nomination by incoming Republican Representative James D. Martin of Gadsden. He graduated in 1969 with a Bachelor of Science degree. With the Vietnam War underway, Moore served in several posts as a military police officer, including Fort Benning, Georgia, and Illesheim, Germany before being deployed to the Republic of Vietnam. Serving as the commander of 188th Military Police Company of the 504th Military Police Battalion,[24] Moore was perceived to be reckless, but very strict. He insisted his troops salute him on the battlefield, against his training, as such recognition facilitates an officer being targeted by an enemy
its fine that Roy more is a veitnam vet. we celabrate that fact.
but that does not excuse him from being a pedophile.

You need to look up that definition.

Also, no one has proven a thing. Innocent until proven guilty and you cannot prove him guilty!
Even Trump-hating super-liberal Wikipedia admits he was.

Roy Moore - Wikipedia

Moore was admitted to the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, on the recommendation of outgoing Democratic U.S. Representative Albert Rains, and after confirmation of that nomination by incoming Republican Representative James D. Martin of Gadsden. He graduated in 1969 with a Bachelor of Science degree. With the Vietnam War underway, Moore served in several posts as a military police officer, including Fort Benning, Georgia, and Illesheim, Germany before being deployed to the Republic of Vietnam. Serving as the commander of 188th Military Police Company of the 504th Military Police Battalion,[24] Moore was perceived to be reckless, but very strict. He insisted his troops salute him on the battlefield, against his training, as such recognition facilitates an officer being targeted by an enemy
its fine that Roy more is a veitnam vet. we celabrate that fact.
but that does not excuse him from being a pedophile.
but that does not excuse him from being a pedophile.

What ignorant fool called him a pedophile?
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