Rs still trying to control vaginas

Well pregnancy is always a risk now, isn't it?

I propose if you aren't prepared for the event, you avoid the activity that has a really good chance of causing it.

I know that will hit you hard. Progressives don't think they should be subject to the laws of nature...and they don't believe women have the intelligence or the character to control their own sexual impulses.

I think that if women don't want a baby they should use at least two forms of birth control. If they get pregnant, abortion should be a last resort.

If we encouraged people to be more responsible, and to stop engaging in casual sex, you might see a drop in the number of abortions.

But conservatives want abortion banned entirely, so I don't know why I typed all that.
Noomi thinks abortion is basic health care.

Abortion is far from basic health care. If someone truly believes in a woman's right to choose to have an abortion, treat it like any other elective surgery. It's like a nose job or a boob job. Women who have had cancer and need reconstructive breast surgery get those covered by insurance. Women who just want bigger tits have to pay for their own.

No one controls where I go just because the government won't buy me a car. No one controls someone else's reproductive rights just because they aren't getting paid contraception and abortion.

And if women can't afford their abortion you would expect them to give birth, which costs money in medical costs, and then someone has to take care of the kid, but conservatives are against welfare!

If abortion is provided in cases of incest or rape, then we are left with consensual sex and consensual pregnancy. Women who do not want their children should have them taken from them at birth. There are a lot of families waiting for babies.

This can't be so hard to understand because we do it to men all the time. A man who has unprotected sex does not have a defense to the payment of child support that he did not intend the pregnancy. The act of having unprotected sex is a de facto consent to a resulting pregnancy and the obligation of child support.
Actually, a man is responsible for child support even if he used protection and it didn't work. The sex act itself is consent to impregnanting a woman and the obligation of child support. The availability of abortion really encourages men to be less responsible because "she can always get rid of it. I'll convince her" is a recurrent theme. Just as "He said he would dump me and never see me again" is an excuse women use to get an abortion.

Abortion has done something even worse than devalue human life to the level of a corn husk. It has separated the very concept of pregnancy from the concept of parenting.
Abortion is far from basic health care. If someone truly believes in a woman's right to choose to have an abortion, treat it like any other elective surgery. It's like a nose job or a boob job. Women who have had cancer and need reconstructive breast surgery get those covered by insurance. Women who just want bigger tits have to pay for their own.

No one controls where I go just because the government won't buy me a car. No one controls someone else's reproductive rights just because they aren't getting paid contraception and abortion.

And if women can't afford their abortion you would expect them to give birth, which costs money in medical costs, and then someone has to take care of the kid, but conservatives are against welfare!

If abortion is provided in cases of incest or rape, then we are left with consensual sex and consensual pregnancy. Women who do not want their children should have them taken from them at birth. There are a lot of families waiting for babies.

This can't be so hard to understand because we do it to men all the time. A man who has unprotected sex does not have a defense to the payment of child support that he did not intend the pregnancy. The act of having unprotected sex is a de facto consent to a resulting pregnancy and the obligation of child support.

I don't think men should have to pay child support for a child they didn't want. If they used protection and the woman gets pregnant, and he has told her he doesn't want kids, she shouldn't be allowed to force him to pay for it.

One of things I don't understand is why a woman can get out of motherhood but she can force the man to become a father against his will. Its a double standard and isn't fair on the men.
And if women can't afford their abortion you would expect them to give birth, which costs money in medical costs, and then someone has to take care of the kid, but conservatives are against welfare!

If abortion is provided in cases of incest or rape, then we are left with consensual sex and consensual pregnancy. Women who do not want their children should have them taken from them at birth. There are a lot of families waiting for babies.

This can't be so hard to understand because we do it to men all the time. A man who has unprotected sex does not have a defense to the payment of child support that he did not intend the pregnancy. The act of having unprotected sex is a de facto consent to a resulting pregnancy and the obligation of child support.

I don't think men should have to pay child support for a child they didn't want. If they used protection and the woman gets pregnant, and he has told her he doesn't want kids, she shouldn't be allowed to force him to pay for it.

One of things I don't understand is why a woman can get out of motherhood but she can force the man to become a father against his will. Its a double standard and isn't fair on the men.
I agree. It's awesome to see someone who supports women's rights, but also understands there cannot be equal rights if there are special rights based on gender.

And if women can't afford their abortion you would expect them to give birth, which costs money in medical costs, and then someone has to take care of the kid, but conservatives are against welfare!

If abortion is provided in cases of incest or rape, then we are left with consensual sex and consensual pregnancy. Women who do not want their children should have them taken from them at birth. There are a lot of families waiting for babies.

This can't be so hard to understand because we do it to men all the time. A man who has unprotected sex does not have a defense to the payment of child support that he did not intend the pregnancy. The act of having unprotected sex is a de facto consent to a resulting pregnancy and the obligation of child support.

I don't think men should have to pay child support for a child they didn't want. If they used protection and the woman gets pregnant, and he has told her he doesn't want kids, she shouldn't be allowed to force him to pay for it.

One of things I don't understand is why a woman can get out of motherhood but she can force the man to become a father against his will. Its a double standard and isn't fair on the men.

Bullshit. What you are saying is that if a man accidentally gets pregnant, he shouldn't have to deal with it. But if a woman does, and the guy doesn't want it, her options are #1 kill the baby, or #2, raise it without any assistance from the father.

Again the baby killing left shows it doesn't give a shit about children. If you are unwilling to take on the responsibility of a child, you shouldn't take a risk having sex. Bottom line. You don't have a RIGHT to sex without consequences. You don't have a RIGHT to fuck as often as you want, then be able to walk away from the results with no worries.

Children, however, do have a RIGHT to protection and support from BOTH their parents.

If you don't want a child and you aren't willing to support one if you accidentally create one, then DON'T HAVE SEX. Sex is procreation. You are taking a CHANCE when you have sex, and if you can't handle the consequences if the dice roll in favor of creation, then you have no business fucking around.
And if women can't afford their abortion you would expect them to give birth, which costs money in medical costs, and then someone has to take care of the kid, but conservatives are against welfare!

If abortion is provided in cases of incest or rape, then we are left with consensual sex and consensual pregnancy. Women who do not want their children should have them taken from them at birth. There are a lot of families waiting for babies.

This can't be so hard to understand because we do it to men all the time. A man who has unprotected sex does not have a defense to the payment of child support that he did not intend the pregnancy. The act of having unprotected sex is a de facto consent to a resulting pregnancy and the obligation of child support.

I don't think men should have to pay child support for a child they didn't want. If they used protection and the woman gets pregnant, and he has told her he doesn't want kids, she shouldn't be allowed to force him to pay for it.

One of things I don't understand is why a woman can get out of motherhood but she can force the man to become a father against his will. Its a double standard and isn't fair on the men.

I can agree with you to an extent however as a man as soon as you stick your dick inside a woman you are taking a chance of becoming a father or getting an STD.
If abortion is provided in cases of incest or rape, then we are left with consensual sex and consensual pregnancy. Women who do not want their children should have them taken from them at birth. There are a lot of families waiting for babies.

This can't be so hard to understand because we do it to men all the time. A man who has unprotected sex does not have a defense to the payment of child support that he did not intend the pregnancy. The act of having unprotected sex is a de facto consent to a resulting pregnancy and the obligation of child support.

I don't think men should have to pay child support for a child they didn't want. If they used protection and the woman gets pregnant, and he has told her he doesn't want kids, she shouldn't be allowed to force him to pay for it.

One of things I don't understand is why a woman can get out of motherhood but she can force the man to become a father against his will. Its a double standard and isn't fair on the men.

Bullshit. What you are saying is that if a man accidentally gets pregnant, he shouldn't have to deal with it. But if a woman does, and the guy doesn't want it, her options are #1 kill the baby, or #2, raise it without any assistance from the father.

Again the baby killing left shows it doesn't give a shit about children. If you are unwilling to take on the responsibility of a child, you shouldn't take a risk having sex. Bottom line. You don't have a RIGHT to sex without consequences. You don't have a RIGHT to fuck as often as you want, then be able to walk away from the results with no worries.

Children, however, do have a RIGHT to protection and support from BOTH their parents.

If you don't want a child and you aren't willing to support one if you accidentally create one, then DON'T HAVE SEX. Sex is procreation. You are taking a CHANCE when you have sex, and if you can't handle the consequences if the dice roll in favor of creation, then you have no business fucking around.

No one is going to not have sex just because they don't want a baby. Unless you are Catholic or a nun.

So throw that argument out of the window because no one practices abstinence these days, unless you are a Catholic (this excludes Catholic priests) or a nun.
If abortion is provided in cases of incest or rape, then we are left with consensual sex and consensual pregnancy. Women who do not want their children should have them taken from them at birth. There are a lot of families waiting for babies.

This can't be so hard to understand because we do it to men all the time. A man who has unprotected sex does not have a defense to the payment of child support that he did not intend the pregnancy. The act of having unprotected sex is a de facto consent to a resulting pregnancy and the obligation of child support.

I don't think men should have to pay child support for a child they didn't want. If they used protection and the woman gets pregnant, and he has told her he doesn't want kids, she shouldn't be allowed to force him to pay for it.

One of things I don't understand is why a woman can get out of motherhood but she can force the man to become a father against his will. Its a double standard and isn't fair on the men.

I can agree with you to an extent however as a man as soon as you stick your dick inside a woman you are taking a chance of becoming a father or getting an STD.

But this is never the same for the woman. The woman risks a pregnany as well, but unlike the man, she can either get out of motherhood, or force the man to become a father.

Why is it illegal to force a woman to become a mother but it is legal for the woman to force a man to become a father?
That doesn't even make sense. It's resoundingly stupid, nonsensical, even.

Try again.

PS...nature "forces" motherhood on women, and fatherhood upon men. If they aren't up for it, then they should abstain from risky practices that can lead to pregnancy.
I don't think men should have to pay child support for a child they didn't want. If they used protection and the woman gets pregnant, and he has told her he doesn't want kids, she shouldn't be allowed to force him to pay for it.

One of things I don't understand is why a woman can get out of motherhood but she can force the man to become a father against his will. Its a double standard and isn't fair on the men.

I can agree with you to an extent however as a man as soon as you stick your dick inside a woman you are taking a chance of becoming a father or getting an STD.

But this is never the same for the woman. The woman risks a pregnany as well, but unlike the man, she can either get out of motherhood, or force the man to become a father.

Why is it illegal to force a woman to become a mother but it is legal for the woman to force a man to become a father?

I would hope that such confusion is the first step on the road to throwing off the shackles of liberalism and moving toward sanity.

The answer is personal responsibility. Women risk motherhood. Men risk fatherhood. When someone engages in sex, they assume the risk of pregnancy. If the threshold is that everyone is going to engage in indiscriminate, casual, sex so we have to remove the risks associated with indiscriminate, casual, sex as an entire culture. It is no longer their responsibility, it is everyone's responsibity.

Everyone eats doughnuts and has a chocolate cupcake once in a while. There is no such thing as goodie abstinence, but we do not pay the Jenny Craig bill for every obese person who can't control themselves. The argument that sex just feels sooooo over the top good, that the risks should be shifted from the person feeling good to the general public makes as much sense as gamblers who get to keep their winnings but the house covers all losses. Your orgasm imposes no obligation on the part of the general public to cover your losses if you lose your gamble and get pregnant.
And if you gamble, and lose, it does not bestow upon you the right to dispose of the life you have carelessly created. That's the risk you took, and risks are...risky. Just because you took the risk and now don't want the result doesn't give you the right to destroy it outright. That's what a gamble is. You gamble on the odds that things will go your way..but if you don't, you don't tell someone "oh that's YOUR problem" and walk away. And you don't kill the person you owe.
I wonder how many women go to planned Parenthood because they "planned parenthood"?, lol And when they get there, exactly what do they "plan" to be the parent of if it's not really a baby?
And. If women really do have a "choice" then what makes abortion preferable opposed to not getting pregnant in the first place?
They've been programmed to think an abortion is no bigger a deal than a pelvic exam, and is in fact just as healthful, I believe.
And if you gamble, and lose, it does not bestow upon you the right to dispose of the life you have carelessly created. That's the risk you took, and risks are...risky. Just because you took the risk and now don't want the result doesn't give you the right to destroy it outright. That's what a gamble is. You gamble on the odds that things will go your way..but if you don't, you don't tell someone "oh that's YOUR problem" and walk away. And you don't kill the person you owe.

Do liberals believe that if they lose at craps they have the right to burn the casino down?

If the general public were not made responsible for the sexual pleasure of everyone who simply didn't care, there would be a lot fewer abortions. The explosion in abortions is contemperaneous with the ability to escape consequences, including having to pay out their own hard earned money for the procedure.

If you really want to severely limit abortions, the responsibility must be replaced back where it belongs. Do you want to pay a couple of dollars for BC pills or condoms, or for an abortion? Even after Roe, and women had the ability for unrestricted abortion, it did not become common until women started shifting the cost of abortion to the general public as an issue of reproductive health. They are just like gamblers who see a way of shifting losses to the house by claiming they are gambling addicts with no control over their behavior. The fact of abortion today is that people have to pay out of pocket for contraception but don't have to pay for abortion and now they don't even want to pay for contraception. Which is discrimination against men who feel they also have to pay for sex in the first place. Whore vouchers can't be far behind.
I wonder how many women go to planned Parenthood because they "planned parenthood"?, lol And when they get there, exactly what do they "plan" to be the parent of if it's not really a baby?
And. If women really do have a "choice" then what makes abortion preferable opposed to not getting pregnant in the first place?

Abortion is preferable because the concepts are shifting or being shifted to the idea that pregnancy is a disease. Abortion is reproductive health, babies are not healthy. Listen to them. Don't argue, just listen. You will hear things like there is a greater chance of dying in childbirth than during an abortion. It's not true, a woman died of abortion just last week, but libs really believe it. If childbirth is so life threatening and dangerous doesn't it follow that women should be counseled out of what amounts to a suicide attempt? Abortion counseling is a matter of mental health. Women who decide to have a baby instead of an abortion are taking a risk of death and we don't let people risk death any more. If they do, women should be required to sign a ream of waivers that they understand that they could die in childbirth, or have an abortion and go to dinner later.

This is why it's called reproductive health and libs shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.

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