Rs throw Cruz under the bus

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
House GOP Leaders' Weird Plan To Defund Obamacare Now Throws Ted Cruz Under The Bus

House GOP leadership has a message for Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas): "Hey, if you don't like our plan to defund Obamacare, go ahead and filibuster it. For two weeks." The GOP infighting that's plagued the House has just gone bicameral.

Republicans, as you probably know, have attempted to defund or defang the Affordable Care Act some 40-odd times. (I ranked them. The seventh time was really great, trust me!) It's always a gesture of futility, because no one in his right mind thinks that these efforts are going to be met with anything other than a presidential veto. The whole point of these periodic attempts is to give congressional noobs, who weren't around to fight the Obamacare battles in the first place, the chance to receive a "Merit Badge In Obamacare Defund Attempts" to show off to the low-infos back home.

Cruz, Paul and thhe other rabid nutters are like disposable toilet paper. Never mind idiot Cruz, my question is, how long before the GObP/Rs admit there was never any way for them to defund or repeal and that they have been lying about this all along?

Ad, how long before rw's educate themselves to those facts as well as the facts of ObamaCare?

Note to rw's - as always, you're free to post proof that this article is incorrect. You can't so instead, you'll attack the source or the poster.
They know they can't repeal or defund it. They can delay it until the failed democrats are voted out of office next year.
Call it what it is, katzen.

The R is threatening to hold the country hostage again, threatening to screw with our credit rating again, incur debt and refuse to pay it. Can you do that with your own debts?

Yes, I suppose some Rs do want the government to work but most don't and the party is falling apart from the inside.
Call it what it is, katzen.

The R is threatening to hold the country hostage again, threatening to screw with our credit rating again, incur debt and refuse to pay it. Can you do that with your own debts?

Yes, I suppose some Rs do want the government to work but most don't and the party is falling apart from the inside.

When is the radical left going to stop whining about only controlling 2/3 of the government? Has anybody ever seen an administration with a majority in the senate whining like this? That's what happens when democrat senators elect a fool to be senate majority leader and American elect a fool as president. All they do is complain about that pesky Constitution and the republican majority in congress. As they used to say in the Military,...lead, follow or get the fuk out of the way.
As soon as the right stop doing every thing they can to sabotage jobs, economic growth, gas prices and HEALTH CARE reform.

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