Rubioite pigs pressuring Andrea Tantaros to quit Fox

Where do you draw the line between "hard core conservative" and "rabid"?
What's wrong with rabid? It's an issue by issue discussion and opinion. Being very strongly opinionated on one of those issues may make one rabid on that issue. Fine. Which one is bugging you that makes such a conservative nuts?

It's less "discussion" than a thinly veiled analog for WWE....

I mean, Dana Perino plays "the adult"........Dana Perino? That woman has launched a thousand blonde jokes.......

Comparing her to what?

You trying to imply Hillary Clinton is more honorable or smarter or honest or better as a leader than Dana? WHY ???? She is a phony and a disgrace.

And Obama is worse than a real jackass. So when someone starts laughing at Trump or others and they think higher about our current president, I consider them to be the idiot in the room.

You wouldn't be another one of them 2 Time Scrub Voters, would you?
Is that tantamount to saying you voted for obama twice? :O

I voted for bush once, in all other elections I can recall I voted a 3rd party out of protest. And I was always against the iraq invasion. FYI

I sure did.......the second time after working assiduously for his re-election.....and those are two votes for which I will never have to apologize.....

and I'm a Republican.....

why do you ask?
FOX is fair and balanced in that it allows liberals and conservatives both to present the issues. But conservatives and liberals agree that Trump is a sociopath and would seriously harm our nation if elected.
FOX is fair and balanced in that it allows liberals and conservatives both to present the issues. But conservatives and liberals agree that Trump is a sociopath and would seriously harm our nation if elected.
Fox News treats its left of center employees like circus clowns. It was screamingly evident when Colmes was the clown. They just ruthlessly beat the tar out of him. They toned it down with that Bob Beckle (sp?) guy; but still beat him up with boxing gloves pretty regularly. Now they have Juan Williams who they are much more cordial to, though still use as a tool to "demonstrate what's wrong with the dems". They do it now by whenever Juan vocally opposes the topic from a dem standpoint, they let him get heated about it; but then they group around just immediately after Juan's voice trails off and all agree to disagree with him (on the Five, 4-1)..a powerful psychological tool "if you disagree, you will be on the outside of the majority".

So, "fair and balanced? 4-1? Hardly.

Marco Rubio is the pet favorite of the Rove machine. They have been long grooming their Mitt Romney replacement puppet. The Talking-Points boy-wonder shell, ready for insertion of the Cheney's continuing agenda (since the 1970s). And remember when you look at the vessel for Cheney's agenda up on stage in a manic blather of all the old tired talking points...that Cheney dodged the draft 5 times, is pro gay-marriage, he and his wife were both raised in their formative years by democratic parents, and Cheney supported Obama with the Bin Laden issue...

Know your "hard right conservative" strategic puppeteers before you "vote Rubio!"...

You see all these true conservatives lamenting about "what's happened to our party!?"...blaming it on this, that and the other. There's one word of what's happened to the GOP: Cheney. His insidious insertion of far-left principles that are like a torpedo to the GOP base; scattering them every which way..
FOX is fair and balanced in that it allows liberals and conservatives both to present the issues. But conservatives and liberals agree that Trump is a sociopath and would seriously harm our nation if elected.
Um, no, they dont. Liberals nor conservatives are a monolithic block all thinking the same way.

I like ideologies to provide me with a different perspective, but anyone that allows an ideology to tell them what to think has abandoned critical thinking itself.

About 20% of Democrats and of course about 40% of Republicans support Trump and refuse to jump into your pigeon holes.

So what do you think about them apples?

You see all these true conservatives lamenting about "what's happened to our party!?"...blaming it on this, that and the other. There's one word of what's happened to the GOP: Cheney. His insidious insertion of far-left principles that are like a torpedo to the GOP base; scattering them every which way..
So now Cheney is a leftist too?

Andrea is fine as hell I don't care who she supports to be honest. Makes her even hotter that she supports Trump and is open about it. Good for her I say. At any rate, she is one goddamn beautiful and intelligent woman.
Andrea is fine as hell I don't care who she supports to be honest. Makes her even hotter that she supports Trump and is open about it. Good for her I say. At any rate, she is one goddamn beautiful and intelligent woman.
You dont think that was a rather, err...SEXIST comment?

Andrea is fine as hell I don't care who she supports to be honest. Makes her even hotter that she supports Trump and is open about it. Good for her I say. At any rate, she is one goddamn beautiful and intelligent woman.
You dont think that was a rather, err...SEXIST comment?

If acknowledging a woman's perfection is sexist so be it....I'm a sexist....a big one :lol: :lol:
if she's a reporter, she shouldn't be "Supporting" anyone, loony toon.
So you support firing everyone at CNN and MSNBC who are in the tank for whoever the Dem nominee is?

Good to know.

no one is "in the tank". and, in fact, republicans get way more air time. I understand that the right pretends there is a "bias".

there is nothing more biased than fox "news".

and like I said, no one should be "supporting" anyone if they're a journalist.
I like Andrea...she is cute......and smart.....and a hard core conservative....what's not to like....

Where do you draw the line between "hard core conservative" and "rabid"?

Hard core is someone who simply believes in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence and the Separation of powers defined by those documents......being conservative is not something that lends itself to being "Rabid" that is left to the emotional beliefs of the left........
and yet there you are with an emotional belief
I like Andrea...she is cute......and smart.....and a hard core conservative....what's not to like....

Where do you draw the line between "hard core conservative" and "rabid"?

Hard core is someone who simply believes in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence and the Separation of powers defined by those documents......being conservative is not something that lends itself to being "Rabid" that is left to the emotional beliefs of the left........
and yet there you are with an emotional belief

Yeah......says the lefty......
You mean in the same reprehensible fashion that Trump supporters attacked Megyn Kelly?
I remember Trump objecting to Kelley's lack of objectivity, but which of his supporters attacked her?

I never liked her approach to doing interviews, almost a hostile predisposition to so many of them, and she did the same thing to Trump.

Is that an attack in your universe?

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