Rudy Giuliani attacked by worker at Staten Island supermarket while campaigning for his son for governor

Never touch a lawyer in this manner, since they are likely to turn it into a lawsuit.
Even a simple little 'pat' can be twisted into something much bigger.
"Mr. Giuliani’s ex-wife Judith, who was with him at the time, told me that what gnawed at the former mayor most was a creeping fear of irrelevancy."
Rudy's filmed attack was akin to the filmed attack on his, umm, "shirtail" on that hotel bed with the nearby hottie.

You gotta love America.
You gotta love 'da Mayor'.
Remember when Rudy was normal?

Me neither.
Dana Milbank in today's WaPo"

"Giuliani reported that “I got hit on the back as if a boulder hit me. It knocked me forward a step or two … It hurt tremendously.” In an online news conference, he fancied himself the victim of “some criminal banging you on the back … as hard as he could” and announced that “I’m going to go see a doctor later. It was painful all night.”
Four hours later, Giuliani held another online news conference, this time alleging he was “hit so hard” the blow almost toppled the woman standing next to him. (The woman, he claimed, had asked to examine the injury and “sort of massaged it and said that was a terrible blow.”)"

"We may never understand what makes a man like Giuliani tell a lie when it can be so easily disproved. Maybe he thought it would help his son’s gubernatorial bid. ........Or maybe he can no longer tell the difference between fact and fiction.
“I said, let’s get him arrested, let’s make an example out of him,” Giuliani said of his reaction to the slap. Instead, he made another example of himself: a man so morally confused that even a trip to the supermarket means loading his cart with lies and conspiracies."

(ps.... I gotta admit my funnybone's was tickled by the..." the almost toppled the woman next to him"!!

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