Rudy! In America No One Is Above The Law

You never denied you were a terrorist.
So are you Hezbollah Syrian living in Europe trolling American Politics?
The reason I ask is, who else would support the Terrorist acts that killed 182,000 a year with Fentanyl, all because Joe is compromised by China and the Cartels.
Oh please, nobody has drugs creep up on them.

poor choices

and Biden is not to blame. stfu and go live in Israel
Shitlords attacking Giuliani is absolutely shameful. He's an American legend.
None of those that do have the balls of Giuliani.

Giuliani is a good dude, and attacking him only shows who are cretins in America.

Only cretins would do something like that.
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Shitlords attacking Giuliani is absolutely shameful. He's an American legend.
None of those that do have the balls of Giuliani.

Giuliani is a good dude, and attacking him only shows who are cretins in America.

Only cretins would do something like that.
Giuliani lied and admitted it. He conspired. He is going to have a lot of 'splaning to do in court.
You protest prosecuters who go after mobsters ONLY when going after the Biden crime family but not other mobsters, so either you are pro cartel or are corrupt yourself, maybe even a terrorist. There is no explaining going after national heroes unless you are anti American anti Law. They targeted him as soon as he investigated the Biden's Ukraine corruption schemes, as he was getting to close to what would pull down tbe whole house of cards because Biden isn't the only one feeding off Corruption schemes in Ukraine, so is Kerry, Pelosi, and Schiff to name a few
It went to the top and I believe we will soon find that out
It went to the top and I believe we will soon find that out
It's in the email correspondences which is why the feds won't give them to Congress, which means they'll have to grow a pair and start arresting them for obstruction, which ironically is what they are protecting themselves from in the first place.

In America No One Is Above The Law​

The government's cases are strong, appeals will be denied, and people will be in jail.

Defamation cases are coming for those who try to derail just with lies and falsehoods.

Judge Chutkin will give P01135809 enough rope to hang himself and then she will lower the boom. She knows that P01135809 will not be able to control his mouth....she waiting for him to really fuck it up.
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Nobody, including Rudy, could have imagined this epic fall from the top to the absolute bottom. What a disgrace.
Wow, that statement you just made above is outrageously funny, in fact it's stupendously hypocritically hilarious.

Why maybe ??????

Because your statement could also be flipped and used over the refusal of the entire court system to conduct a fair election tampering trial over the 2020 alleged election theft in favor of the Trump team as was being presented.

The trial would have been conducted over the alleged evidence the Trump team claimed existed, in which would have shown and proved the election frauds that ultimately stole the 2020 election if the system was still operating as impartial and seeking justice for all.

Now we have the alleged stonewalling and lying perjuring case of the Biden's going on, and the system is once again breaking in favor of the Democrat's and their leadership over political agenda's.

Don't you see your hyperbolic and hiper hypocrisy in your above blanketing statement of a system that is being used seemingly for politics, otherwise it all depends on the prevailing winds of the day right ??

Where are the charges.

Guliani says he has evidence.

Guliani never provides evidence.

HaShev believes their was evidence.

Evidence to present to who ? It seems that if the courtroom doors have been sealed shut by a biased system that is only showing favoritism in one direction these day's, then what's the use in presenting evidence that isn't considered by an alleged corrupt system now ??
quote: A federal judge has found former New York City mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani liable for defaming two Georgia election workers who he falsely accused of tampering with the 2020 election results.

Giuliani will still go to trial in D.C. federal court on the amount of monetary damages he owes to Ruby Freeman and Wandrea ArShaye Moss for defaming them. But Judge Beryl A. Howell has already ordered Giuliani to pay roughly $132,000 in sanctions between his personal and business assets for failures to hand over relevant information to the plaintiffs.

It's long been my opinion that Rudy was a poser, a fraud, a shyster; a publicly paid lawyer, turned publicly paid pol, turned celebrity profiting off of national tragedy.
Rudy G is interesting for sure. His father was involved with the Mob in NYC. He tried to make sure that Rudy would not make the same mistake as he did. Rudy was successful. So what happen. Who knows. Maybe as he got older then he eventually became irrelevant. Trump with money to burn seduced him to the dark side.

Trump has destroyed so many lives but know it looks like he going to be the one whose life is destroyed. He will blame anything that moves but in the end , he only has himself to blame.

Just like Rudy.
Wow, that statement you just made above is outrageously funny, in fact it's stupendously hypocritically hilarious.

Why maybe ??????

Because your statement could also be flipped and used over the refusal of the entire court system to conduct a fair election tampering trial over the 2020 alleged election theft in favor of the Trump team as was being presented.

The trial would have been conducted over the alleged evidence the Trump team claimed existed, in which would have shown and proved the election frauds that ultimately stole the 2020 election if the system was still operating as impartial and seeking justice for all.

Now we have the alleged stonewalling and lying perjuring case of the Biden's going on, and the system is once again breaking in favor of the Democrat's and their leadership over political agenda's.

Don't you see your hyperbolic and hiper hypocrisy in your above blanketing statement of a system that is being used seemingly for politics, otherwise it all depends on the prevailing winds of the day right ??
LIsten you dumb cock sucker the TRIAL IS HAPPENING. I really hope you discover the only way out is to off yourself. Because that is what it is eventually what its going to come to. YOu'll take a gun, put it in your mouth, and fucking shoot yourself over all of this. Good riddance you fucking piece of shit.
LIsten you dumb cock sucker the TRIAL IS HAPPENING. I really hope you discover the only way out is to off yourself. Because that is what it is eventually what its going to come to. YOu'll take a gun, put it in your mouth, and fucking shoot yourself over all of this. Good riddance you fucking piece of shit.
Well, well, well, the truth destroys your narrative, and all you had left was this rabid foaming at the mouth mental diseased ridden diatribe in return ?.... So you see folks, this is how the left deals when it is exposed to rational minded and peaceful debate that destroys their hypocrisy and sick minded bull shite. "It" can't handle it.

Oh and your thoughts on someone (It won't be me doing it), shooting me is noted, because your assurance that this is what it is going to come too, uhhhh can only be known by the person holding the gun and pulling the trigger (again it won't be me), so are you trying to tell us something you unstable leftist mental case ??

Hey, just go find you some leftist anti-American or leftist influenced games to play (you know like eating tide pods or other ridiculous things you knucklehead's like to engage in now a days), and leave rational minded debate to the American patriotic adults that are discussing the nations affairs around here.
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