Gold Member
LOL So we have gone from denial that we are affecting the climate to flapping our hands and stating that it might have been worse sometime in the geological past. Well, I have news for you ignorant dingleberries, it has been very much worse in the geological past. In times of very rapid change in the GHG levels, we have seen major extinctions. Yet those changes were not as rapid as what we are seeing today. But you are all playing too fucking stupid to accept reality. So you will doom our descendants to a rougher time than is already in the cards, to protect your ignorance and stupidity.
You realize you skip an important step, one only the gullible would discount.
You can't even establish a base number from which we can determine that we are warming.
With only 7000 temperature reporting station with long term data, some of which have malfunctioned throughout time, your data is completely suspect. The earth is roughly 197,000,000 square miles in size. Even if all 7000 stations operated perfectly, you are gathering one temperature reading per roughly 28,000 square miles, or roughly the size of South Carolina.
And you want us to believe that you can determine, within tenths if degrees, that there is warming? Not possible.