Rules for White People When Entering George Floyd Square

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Why would I want to enter George Floyd Square anyhow? I wouldn't go near it unless I was fully armed in any event. Dangerous part of town where honkies fear to tread.
You want to go there to atone for your sin of having white skin. Weve all had a role in keeping the black man down. After all, they was Kings!
Why would I want to enter George Floyd Square anyhow? I wouldn't go near it unless I was fully armed in any event. Dangerous part of town where honkies fear to tread.
It’s like driving through a neighborhood with streets named after MLK, Malcolm X or Rosa Parks.

You know that you made a wrong turn and are lost when encountering those street names.
Build those highways around the cities. Everything people go to the city for will move out to them.
Only a blue city/state allows the inmates to run the asylum. This is just evil to allow the criminal element to run portions of our cities.

White leftists treat black people like zoo animals. Now we need "rules" for how to act around them?

No, they don't, and your head must be hurting again.
This is the third thread created on this today
What's about Rules for blacks when they entering cities founded and erected by whites?

The ‘George Floyd Autonomous Zone’ in Minneapolis has issued a list of ‘rules for white people’ that they have to abide by in order to enter the area.

There is already a thread on this. USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION BEFORE POSTING
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