Ruling Class Globalists


Sep 23, 2010
Phyllis Schlafly uses the word globalists in connection to United Nations refugees:

Globalists who demand that the West accept a wave of Muslim refugees have obliterated the face of Germany and are threatening to do the same to America, warns conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly.​

Schlafly then goes right to the heart of the problem:

The people who want to make us globalists do not have the best interests of our country at heart.”

Schlafly told WND, “There are globalists in this world, and they’re not all in the United States. Some of them are in Germany, too. They put achieving globalism above every other value.”

But, she warned, the U.S. cannot allow the same globalist threat to destroy the face of America.


Schlafly called America “the greatest country in the world” – regardless of what globalists would like its citizens to believe.

Schlafly: Rape jihad shows 'Germany is no longer German'
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 01/07/2016 @ 8:11 pm

Schlafly: Rape jihad shows ‘Germany is no longer German’

Aside from Fabulous Phyllis, I noticed the word “globalist” creeping into commentaries by a few other public voices. Naturally I am overjoyed, but from now on I will try to use “Ruling Class Globalists” if I use it all. After all, ruling classes are behind global government:

Negotiators, and national leaders —— long misnamed world leaders —— meeting in Paris represent a worldwide ruling class’ government. The agenda for every meeting that takes place in Paris is not a negotiation. Every environmental item up for discussion has one goal in the end: Trick, scare, lie, and bully the American people into accepting a worldwide government administered by the United Nations. If that fails this time around, they will settle for enriching the collective ruling class by handing the United Nations the authority to tax the American people.​

NOTE: Schlafly’s timely warning was voiced as far back as the year 1921. And please, please, please —— do not claim the moral high ground with a sermon about Fascism, etc. Mussolini’s observation in this one instance was right on track:

We deny your internationalism, because it is a luxury which only the upper classes can afford; the working people are hopelessly bound to their native shores. Benito Mussolini (1883–1945) in his first speech as a member of parliament June 21, 1921.

The New World Order crowd, ever mindful of Mussolini’s criticism, are making his argument meaningless by destroying national boundaries. Ruling classes now realize that mass migrations will serve internationalism much more effectively than did the League of Nations crowd in 1921.​

H.R. 75

I read a lot less on the Internet nowadays than I did in my first ten or so years, but I still keep my eyes peeled for public voices calling for Congress to pass The American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013:

Realistically, America’s vote on the UN Security Council is the only reason I can see for remaining a member of that anti-America organization. On the other hand, I never saw our SC seat doing this country any good when you examine the way America’s enemies have grown in power and strength since Communist China was seated in 1971.

NOTE: The United Nations gets no credit for the Soviet Union’s implosion.

Laying the groundwork for a world without America as a member is the solution to the United Nations problem. The work of withdrawing should be started now, instead of continuing with policies designed to strengthen the United Nations as though it benefits Americans now and forever. The work will not be easy. The most difficult part will be cleaning out the stooges who serve Ruling Class Globalists.

Basically, lots of people exercising political influence on behalf of the United Nations are not wealthy Ruling Class Globalists. Poorer Democrats in Congress, journalists, a slew of federal bureaucrats, and a few high-ranking military officers certainly qualify. Even a small number of ordinary true believers count for something in elections although they will be muted once their leaders are powerless.

Most importantly, withdrawing must not turn into an attack against the private sector wealthy. In short: Do not throw out the baby with the bath water.

Follow the money

The United Nations never should have become more than a debating society. Not giving the United Nations and its agencies a penny more than enough to pay our share of the utility bill for UN headquarters in Manhattan will put a crimp in the UN’s lucrative charity racket.

As long as United Nations assessments are based on a percentage of what the UN spends, it doesn’t matter what that percentage is. The more the UN spends, the higher the bill goes for Americans. Higher & Higher is the name of the game to the crooks running that phoney International charity racket.

Finally, it was the late Senator Jesse Helms (1921 - 2008) who stood up to the Clintons. Angry at Helms, then-President Bubba threatened in a State of the Union message that he was going to send legislation to Capital Hill forcing Americans to pay all United Nations assessments. Keep that in mind if you think President Hillary Clinton will be more loyal to this country than her husband or Taqiyya the Liar.
Phyllis Schlafly uses the word globalists in connection to United Nations refugees:

Globalists who demand that the West accept a wave of Muslim refugees have obliterated the face of Germany and are threatening to do the same to America, warns conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly.​

Schlafly then goes right to the heart of the problem:

The people who want to make us globalists do not have the best interests of our country at heart.”

Schlafly told WND, “There are globalists in this world, and they’re not all in the United States. Some of them are in Germany, too. They put achieving globalism above every other value.”

But, she warned, the U.S. cannot allow the same globalist threat to destroy the face of America.


Schlafly called America “the greatest country in the world” – regardless of what globalists would like its citizens to believe.

Schlafly: Rape jihad shows 'Germany is no longer German'
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 01/07/2016 @ 8:11 pm

Schlafly: Rape jihad shows ‘Germany is no longer German’

Aside from Fabulous Phyllis, I noticed the word “globalist” creeping into commentaries by a few other public voices. Naturally I am overjoyed, but from now on I will try to use “Ruling Class Globalists” if I use it all. After all, ruling classes are behind global government:

Negotiators, and national leaders —— long misnamed world leaders —— meeting in Paris represent a worldwide ruling class’ government. The agenda for every meeting that takes place in Paris is not a negotiation. Every environmental item up for discussion has one goal in the end: Trick, scare, lie, and bully the American people into accepting a worldwide government administered by the United Nations. If that fails this time around, they will settle for enriching the collective ruling class by handing the United Nations the authority to tax the American people.​

NOTE: Schlafly’s timely warning was voiced as far back as the year 1921. And please, please, please —— do not claim the moral high ground with a sermon about Fascism, etc. Mussolini’s observation in this one instance was right on track:

We deny your internationalism, because it is a luxury which only the upper classes can afford; the working people are hopelessly bound to their native shores. Benito Mussolini (1883–1945) in his first speech as a member of parliament June 21, 1921.

The New World Order crowd, ever mindful of Mussolini’s criticism, are making his argument meaningless by destroying national boundaries. Ruling classes now realize that mass migrations will serve internationalism much more effectively than did the League of Nations crowd in 1921.​

H.R. 75

I read a lot less on the Internet nowadays than I did in my first ten or so years, but I still keep my eyes peeled for public voices calling for Congress to pass The American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013:

Realistically, America’s vote on the UN Security Council is the only reason I can see for remaining a member of that anti-America organization. On the other hand, I never saw our SC seat doing this country any good when you examine the way America’s enemies have grown in power and strength since Communist China was seated in 1971.

NOTE: The United Nations gets no credit for the Soviet Union’s implosion.

Laying the groundwork for a world without America as a member is the solution to the United Nations problem. The work of withdrawing should be started now, instead of continuing with policies designed to strengthen the United Nations as though it benefits Americans now and forever. The work will not be easy. The most difficult part will be cleaning out the stooges who serve Ruling Class Globalists.

Basically, lots of people exercising political influence on behalf of the United Nations are not wealthy Ruling Class Globalists. Poorer Democrats in Congress, journalists, a slew of federal bureaucrats, and a few high-ranking military officers certainly qualify. Even a small number of ordinary true believers count for something in elections although they will be muted once their leaders are powerless.

Most importantly, withdrawing must not turn into an attack against the private sector wealthy. In short: Do not throw out the baby with the bath water.

Follow the money

The United Nations never should have become more than a debating society. Not giving the United Nations and its agencies a penny more than enough to pay our share of the utility bill for UN headquarters in Manhattan will put a crimp in the UN’s lucrative charity racket.

As long as United Nations assessments are based on a percentage of what the UN spends, it doesn’t matter what that percentage is. The more the UN spends, the higher the bill goes for Americans. Higher & Higher is the name of the game to the crooks running that phoney International charity racket.

Finally, it was the late Senator Jesse Helms (1921 - 2008) who stood up to the Clintons. Angry at Helms, then-President Bubba threatened in a State of the Union message that he was going to send legislation to Capital Hill forcing Americans to pay all United Nations assessments. Keep that in mind if you think President Hillary Clinton will be more loyal to this country than her husband or Taqiyya the Liar.

Phyllis Schlafly is of course correct, and we all know who is behind The Globalists pulling the strings, the usual suspects....the one's nobody is allowed to comment on or criticise without getting called names and getting hauled into a courtroom....the only reason Americans can name this crowd is because of your First Amendment, if you didn't have that you'd be persecuted like Europeans who name them and tell people the truth about them and what they intend to attempt to achieve.
Phyllis Schlafly is of course correct, and we all know who is behind The Globalists pulling the strings, the usual suspects
To Lucy Hamilton: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to once again post this quotation for newcomers to USMB who might not know where media loyalties reside. Your response is a perfect tie-in:

David Rockefeller's 1991 Bilderberg
Quote...Ten Years Later​

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."​

He went on to explain:​

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."​

-- David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle​

NOTE: It must be an easy promise to keep. Ruling Class Globalists controlling the media kept their promise for more than 60 years and counting.
The United Nations never should have become more than a debating society. Not giving the United Nations and its agencies a penny more than enough to pay our share of the utility bill for UN headquarters in Manhattan will put a crimp in the UN’s lucrative charity racket.
Screw Churchill:

Winston Churchill warned about the potential for the United Nations to turn into “merely a frothing of words.” If Churchill had seen the UN in action these last several weeks trying to deal with crises in Syria and North Korea, he would have concluded that his warning was not heeded.​

The UN’s “Frothing of Words”
By Joseph A. Klein
February 9, 2016

The UN’s “Frothing of Words” | Canada Free Press

Joseph A. Klein would make a majority of Americans happier if he advocated passing The American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013 instead crying crocodile tears for the United Nations.

Text of H.R. 75 (113th): American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013 (Introduced version) -
The quote Trump retweeted was "it is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep."


"I want to be associated with interesting quotes," the real estate mogul and GOP front-runner said.​

Trump defends Mussolini quote
By Robert King • 2/28/16 11:01 AM

Trump defends Mussolini quote

I’d trust Trump a bit more had he associated himself with this:
We deny your internationalism, because it is a luxury which only the upper classes can afford; the working people are hopelessly bound to their native shores. Benito Mussolini (1883–1945) in his first speech as a member of parliament June 21, 1921.

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