"Run! Get The Vaccine! Hurry! Don't wait!"

How many have had the drug as a contributing factor?...Ever actually read the liner notes to psychotropics?....Do you know the scads of weasel language that there is in there, like "physicians and scientists believe"?

I was asking as a rhetorical question actually. YES, I've read them.. They are atrocious and vague and NONE of that is ever discussed by the prescribing physicians. I've exhausted my choices to treat a tremor and my neuro doc begged me to try Xanax (a variant thereof). I looked her straight in the eyes and asked her if "she could do HER job" on Xanax... No answer.. Know she was thinking smartass, but it was a serious question.

I got it filled, still in my drawer. Just waiting for a Class 1 disposal opportunity.

It's not a "science" at all when there are no tools to measure things and the provider depends almost solely on patient feedback for managing the condition.
How many have had the drug as a contributing factor?...Ever actually read the liner notes to psychotropics?....Do you know the scads of weasel language that there is in there, like "physicians and scientists believe"?

I was asking as a rhetorical question actually. YES, I've read them.. They are atrocious and vague and NONE of that is ever discussed by the prescribing physicians. I've exhausted my choices to treat a tremor and my neuro doc begged me to try Xanax (a variant thereof). I looked her straight in the eyes and asked her if "she could do HER job" on Xanax... No answer.. Know she was thinking smartass, but it was a serious question.

I got it filled, still in my drawer. Just waiting for a Class 1 disposal opportunity.

It's not a "science" at all when there are no tools to measure things and the provider depends almost solely on patient feedback for managing the condition.
Is your problem organic or possibly a result of a deeper-seated "trauma" (i.e. moment of flight, fight, or freeze) episode earlier in life?

I know a guy who performs near miracles with the latter issue...Check it out.

Oddball Gonna beat ya to it.. YES -- I know marijuana will help the tremors.. LOL... Just waiting for TN to legalize.,.
I'd cross state lines to get quality CBD products.

This one has worked wonders for me, and the larger than normal sized are a great value.

How many have had the drug as a contributing factor?...Ever actually read the liner notes to psychotropics?....Do you know the scads of weasel language that there is in there, like "physicians and scientists believe"?

I was asking as a rhetorical question actually. YES, I've read them.. They are atrocious and vague and NONE of that is ever discussed by the prescribing physicians. I've exhausted my choices to treat a tremor and my neuro doc begged me to try Xanax (a variant thereof). I looked her straight in the eyes and asked her if "she could do HER job" on Xanax... No answer.. Know she was thinking smartass, but it was a serious question.

I got it filled, still in my drawer. Just waiting for a Class 1 disposal opportunity.

It's not a "science" at all when there are no tools to measure things and the provider depends almost solely on patient feedback for managing the condition.
Is your problem organic or possibly a result of a deeper-seated "trauma" (i.e. moment of flight, fight, or freeze) episode earlier in life?

I know a guy who performs near miracles with the latter issue...Check it out.

I'm sure it's from spending too much time on USMB... Had a trace of it in my mid-20's. Just got worse. Made my guitar playing a tad more difficult in my 40s, but it added a bit of cute randomness to the performances.

Thanks for the link.
... new Johnson & Johnson vaccine, but early data showing a reduced effectiveness against the South African variant has raised alarms.
Ouch. That's news to me, and not good news. We were hoping to wait on that one, and wait a few more months to be sure it doesn't turn people into zombies or whatever other side effects happen.

You can't get any vaccine in Maryland anyway, and they have pre-registration for registration later (really. I'm not kidding.).
They don't make money off of healthy people. They make money off the sick. People should question why vaccines are given to you as a baby when your immune system has not even developed yet. I think the reason they start you out as a baby because that can make you a life long customer to big pharma.

No, excuse me, but I think you have it backward. I feel strongly about this. Docs do NOT make money off the sick, and they don't like the sick: too hard to cure much of anything, espec. the diseases of aging.

They make money off the WELL, by prescribing bumpteen pills a day. They make money by talking you into "check-ups" and while you are there talking you into a whole array of invasive, harmful, expensive procedures to diagnose diseases you do NOT have. Testing the healthy is the biggest boondoggle in world history. If you do go in sick, they want a dozen tests they don't need and for you two wait two months before they even thing of treating you --- anything to get you coming back for more and more and more procedures you don't need. The new big thing is cosmetic medicine -- skin, teeth, facelifts, whatever they can talk you into paying for.

I take no prescriptions at all. I do this by not allowing procedures or diagnostics or screenings of any kind and by saying "no." I never have check-ups --- that's just offering oneself up for sacrifice! No doctor is allowed to tell me I'm sick -- I tell them, if I am, they don't tell me.

Medicare raiders call this house day and night -- robocalls to raid Medicare by getting me, an unrealized asset, to the doctors so they can harvest the government money at the expense of my health.

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