Runaway landslide Victory for Hillary Clinton. Red State newspapers endorsing her.

Newspapers are dinosaurs. No one cares anymore.

You're never going to get anyone to believe that the Dallas Morning News and the Arizona Republic is going to go 126 YEARS out on a limb to endorse Hillary Clinton if they're not very serious about it. Arizona is a place where Democrats don't exist. They still exist and they're both major news sources in Texas and Arizona.

THIS IS HISTORY MAKING whether you like it or not.
There is a citizen-led revolt in this country, one people have called for against corrupt career politicians, whom Hillary is one of...and people are too stupid to see / understand that corrupt career GOP and the media who believe THEY help control the people are fighting for the status quo.

Can't help but laugh at the ignorance of some people.

No I think it's you that's the stupid one. You have nominated a man with NO honor, NO respect, NO dignity, and the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself & Russia. The most incompetent, unqualified, dangerous, emotionally unstable MALE drama queen in the history of this nation.

And he's going to go down BIG, and I only hope that he takes the Tea Party with him and all these right wing talk shows hosts that have promoted and supported him.

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Rightwing or Leftwing newspaper endorsements really do not mean jack other than who they are selling out the most ads to.

Does anyone still read newspapers?

Yep if they don't have them delivered to their door step there's nothing stopping them from reading local newspapers online. I do all the time. Paperless newspapers via the internet.
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