Rupert Murdoch: Chris Christie Must 'Re-Declare' For Mitt Romney 'Or Take Blame'

Christie will never do that. He may even have some harsh words for Murdoch.
At this point, I believe Christie would benefit more from endorsing Obama than by re-declaring his support for Mitt.
Murdock might be waiting a long time for that to happen.

Had he kept his mouth shut Christie would probably would have reaffirmed his GOP support, but now?

Now Murdock practically forced the man to say nothing.

Does Murdock secretly WANT obama to win like I suspect MITT does?
Will Christie capitulate to the foreign born Republican muckety-muck or-----or give Rupert and his Oil Sheik partners the finger? Talkk about having your man-tit in a ringer...

Murdoch threatens Christie: Re-endorse Romney or else!

Fox News titan Rupert Murdoch tweeted a warning shot at New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie — get back onboard with Mitt Romney, or Obama’s re-election will be on him.

Murdoch, after watching Christie and President Obama put politics aside and work together in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, tweeted that Christie “must re- declare for Romney, or take blame for next four dire years.”

Christie gave the keynote at the Republican National Convention and had been among Romney’s most outspoken surrogates before the hurricane devastated New Jersey this week, and the federal government’s quick response earned his appreciation.

Obama is the false Messiah, not Romney... (Romney is just an honorable man with a good track-record in many ways)
time to stop this Obamination (killing/destruction of the youngest breed/ race of Americans, the Babies... (3 times vote of this man for partial-birth-abortion), rejection of talks with the Prime Minister of Israel several times, crippling & destruction of the economy of the US and worldwide, destruction of the moral and biblical foundations of America (cancelling the day of prayer while celebrating Ramadan in the white house..., & the other time of the year wearing a ring with "Allah u akhbar" (the moon-God Allah is greater... than who? (greater than Jesus & His father??) being engraved) & denouncing in his Homeland-Security-Papers people, who made the US great as terrorists (bible-believing Christians, 2nd amendment-groups & Veterans(!)) & then insulting candidate Romney, calling him a a "bullshitter" etc.; oh Bummer, this primitivity has got 2 stop...
Murdoch needs a lesson in what does and doesn't fall into the category of his business.
Mrudoch has money but I pay no more attention to him than anyone else I do not know.
We do know one thing for sure, Fox News will continue to be "fair & balanced" despite Murdoch. Yes, it's well known that Murdoch is very hands on with his news organizations, but Roger Ailes will stand firm to his commitment of honest news. That's what I like about Ailes, he has no political ties at all.

christie knew whos ass to kiss to get what his state needs.... :thup:

obama knew whos ass to lick to make good photo opps before an election..... what a douch for politicizing a disaster.

murdoch.... looking to see who comes out the he knows whos ass to kiss next week.

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If Romney were really a viable candidate nothing anyone else did could take it away. Including Chris Christie. This is just another clumsy attempt to justify Romney's failure as the GOP choice.

They did not want him in the first place!!! But they had nobody else. Romney was the best the GOP could do?? Guess so. That's pathetic!!!

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