Rush mocks Obama's daughter


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
What is wrong with these idiots? First Beck, now, my what hypocrites they are.
Beck apologized, and I can't judge this one because I don't obsess on Rush. thanks for contributing to his ratings though, and thus the fact that he can splurge a million bucks to get Elton John to his wedding.
It was on his show today...almost the same skit that Beck did.
It was on his show today...almost the same skit that Beck did.

He doesn't care what you think...

As long as you keep listening...

Do you get equally upset when people make fun of Palin's kids?
It was on his show today...almost the same skit that Beck did.

So those of us who do not listen to Rush have but your word that he "mocked" the Obama kids? Your interpretation? Why do I suspect that this outrage is misplaced? Why do I suspect that this will turn out to be similar to the "Beck mocks Obama's kids" incident? In that one I did not see the mocking if the kids, I saw the mocking of the President and a mention of the kids based on the President's own statements.

Personally, I think the first kids should be left out of any discussion of any President. Sadly this does not happen, but that does not mean they are being "mocked."
It was on his show today...almost the same skit that Beck did.

awwww you LIE, I heard it, they used the words the Obama said his daughter said to him, nowhere was his DAUGHTERS name used in a Parody . did it urt your sensitive fweelings.
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Ya know what?

So what, really.

Whether it's Letterman/Palin or Beck/Obama or Rush/Obama or Maher/Every-phukkin body else.

When you are a politician or a mega-star and in the spotlight all the time, you need to expect that everything is fair game.
It happened with little Ronnie, it happened with Chelsey, it happened with Bush's daughters, Cheney's daughter, now it's the Obama's turn.

So dry it up and move along.

Hell, at least Obama hasn't gotten mad and quit like Palin did.

Check the Siggy vvvvvvvvvv
Didn't hear it.

You seem to listen to Rush more than I do.

0bama uses his daughters as useful tools, I am inclined to believe that Rush was mocking that. I didn't hear it, so until I hear a link, and given your past record, I am inclined to doubt it.
What is wrong with these idiots? First Beck, now, my what hypocrites they are.

I agree children should be off limits, unless they turn out like Al Gore's child who is a drug addicted criminal. If that is the case then it does indeed reflect poorly on Gore as a parent (which is a character flaw).

Otherwise attacking a politicians children is wrong.

Granted what you say is true, since you posted no link or that actual wordage!
I heard it, Ravi is outright LYING.

more than likely came straight from Mediamatters though.
The Bush girls were constant targets from the left...

I don't get the newfound fauxtrage...

Here's an idea you lefties might want to try:

When Rush is on your radio, reach forward and push one of the presets on your radio that does not tune to talk radio...

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