Rush To Judgment: The Evidence That The Russians Hacked The DNC Is Collapsing...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Interesting piece by Justin Raimondo of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.

The allegation – now accepted as incontrovertible fact by the “mainstream” media – that the Russian intelligence services hacked the Democratic National Committee (and John Podesta’s emails) in an effort to help Donald Trump get elected recently suffered a blow from which it may not recover.

Crowdstrike is the cybersecurity company hired by the DNC to determine who hacked their accounts: it took them a single day to determine the identity of the culprits – it was, they said, two groups of hackers which they named “Fancy Bear” and “Cozy Bear,” affiliated respectively with the GRU, which is Russian military intelligence, and the FSB, the Russian security service.

How did they know this?

These alleged “hacker groups” are not associated with any known individuals in any way connected to Russian intelligence:..

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The evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC is collapsing
The story was always false. This was a strategy for The Dems to try to tie Trump to Russia, and to try to deflect from the fact they were giving Bernie Sanders the shaft and rigging the primaries against him. Schultz was fired for this btw, and immediately hired by Hillary Clinton.

The DNC campaign to beat Trump was based entirely on smearing him from day one. The Clinton campaign had ZERO substance, and it's only focus was to paint President Trump in a negative light every day and every night. One would do better to ask what label or insult the Dems DID NOT try to assign Trump or his supporters, or Bernie Sanders supporters for that matter.

As we have seen with all of THE LEAKS of classified intelligence ILLEGALLY and Intentionally designed to undermine President Trump, nearly all leaked information is leaked from INSIDERS, not Hackers. Someone supporting Bernie Sanders leaked the DNC Emails.

It may have been Seth Rich who died under very mysterious circumstances. Assange indicated that it was a DNC Insider, and he has no reason really to lie about how the information was given to him.

And it's absurd to think you needed a hacker to get in to Podesta's email account when his password was password.

Lastly, not one intelligence agency has been allowed to look at the DNC server. CrowdStrike gave their opinion, but provided no evidence.

So it's very strange that the Obama\Clinton saturated Intelligence Community has refused to make their own assessments on this or to even look at the server themselves.

How desperate was The DNC to win? They committed Treason, they released classified information, they unmasked innocent American Citizens in order to damage The President, and they changed the rules for sharing intelligence at the 12th hour to achieve Maximum Damage against Trump after they lost the election.

They even hacked Trump Tower and a Russian Bank to plant a Simple Beacon Ping between them that did nothing but act as a beacon for the Intelligence Community to go digging and find nothing.

And you thought Nixon was shady?
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Interesting piece by Justin Raimondo of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.

The allegation – now accepted as incontrovertible fact by the “mainstream” media – that the Russian intelligence services hacked the Democratic National Committee (and John Podesta’s emails) in an effort to help Donald Trump get elected recently suffered a blow from which it may not recover.

Crowdstrike is the cybersecurity company hired by the DNC to determine who hacked their accounts: it took them a single day to determine the identity of the culprits – it was, they said, two groups of hackers which they named “Fancy Bear” and “Cozy Bear,” affiliated respectively with the GRU, which is Russian military intelligence, and the FSB, the Russian security service.

How did they know this?

These alleged “hacker groups” are not associated with any known individuals in any way connected to Russian intelligence:..

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The evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC is collapsing

Ron Paul Institute? Give me a break. Hilarious! Stop the fake news!
I will be so happy when this idiotic fairy tale that "The Russians stole the election for Trump" ends.

I will be ecstatic though if the ending of this saga reads "and they all lived in orange behind bars forever and ever"

Interesting piece by Justin Raimondo of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.

The allegation – now accepted as incontrovertible fact by the “mainstream” media – that the Russian intelligence services hacked the Democratic National Committee (and John Podesta’s emails) in an effort to help Donald Trump get elected recently suffered a blow from which it may not recover.

Crowdstrike is the cybersecurity company hired by the DNC to determine who hacked their accounts: it took them a single day to determine the identity of the culprits – it was, they said, two groups of hackers which they named “Fancy Bear” and “Cozy Bear,” affiliated respectively with the GRU, which is Russian military intelligence, and the FSB, the Russian security service.

How did they know this?

These alleged “hacker groups” are not associated with any known individuals in any way connected to Russian intelligence:..

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The evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC is collapsing

Ron Paul Institute? Give me a break. Hilarious! Stop the fake news!

Ironic projection. Funny. :lol:
They didn't have any evidence to begin with. We knew that from the get go.

It's like watching a little kid lie and the lie just gets bigger and bigger and bigger......

So, now, instead of just looking like douche bags they look like whiny douche bags.
I will be so happy when this idiotic fairy tale that "The Russians stole the election for Trump" ends.

I will be ecstatic though if the ending of this saga reads "and they all lived in orange behind bars forever and ever"

I will be so happy when this idiotic fairy tale that "The Russians stole the election for Trump" ends.

It will never end.

The election was supposed to go to Clinton, and the left will never forgive Trump not being as bad a candidate as she was.
I will be so happy when this idiotic fairy tale that "The Russians stole the election for Trump" ends.

I will be ecstatic though if the ending of this saga reads "and they all lived in orange behind bars forever and ever"

I will be so happy when this idiotic fairy tale that "The Russians stole the election for Trump" ends.

It will never end.

The election was supposed to go to Clinton, and the left will never forgive Trump not being as bad a candidate as she was.

Gotta agree, the Globalist Elite powers-that-be will never accept their defeat. They thought it was a foregone conclusion they'd get their NWO Puppet Hillary Clinton. So now they're doing everything possible to sabotage him. Trump will just have to be calm, patient, and strong. The sabotage-attempts won't end.
The story was always false. This was a strategy for The Dems to try to tie Trump to Russia, and to try to deflect from the fact they were giving Bernie Sanders the shaft and rigging the primaries against him. Schultz was fired for this btw, and immediately hired by Hillary Clinton.

The DNC campaign to beat Trump was based entirely on smearing him from day one. The Clinton campaign had ZERO substance, and it's only focus was to paint President Trump in a negative light every day and every night. One would do better to ask what label or insult the Dems DID NOT try to assign Trump or his supporters, or Bernie Sanders supporters for that matter.

As we have seen with all of THE LEAKS of classified intelligence ILLEGALLY and Intentionally designed to undermine President Trump, nearly all leaked information is leaked from INSIDERS, not Hackers. Someone supporting Bernie Sanders leaked the DNC Emails.

It may have been Seth Rich who died under very mysterious circumstances. Assange indicated that it was a DNC Insider, and he has no reason really to lie about how the information was given to him.

And it's absurd to think you needed a hacker to get in to Podesta's email account when his password was password.

Lastly, not one intelligence agency has been allowed to look at the DNC server. CrowdStrike gave their opinion, but provided no evidence.

So it's very strange that the Obama\Clinton saturated Intelligence Community has refused to make their own assessments on this or to even look at the server themselves.

How desperate was The DNC to win? They committed Treason, they released classified information, they unmasked innocent American Citizens in order to damage The President, and they changed the rules for sharing intelligence at the 12th hour to achieve Maximum Damage against Trump after they lost the election.

They even hacked Trump Tower and a Russian Bank to plant a Simple Beacon Ping between them that did nothing but act as a beacon for the Intelligence Community to go digging and find nothing.

And you thought Nixon was shady?

Always false?

Why do you think that the FBI is lying?

Why are you Trumpsters so damned determined to protect Russia when you know that Russia had hackers working to undermine the American election?
It's unraveling.

The issue for The Dems is, that they pinned their entire campaign on a Phony Russian Connection, and they have to hope they find something with their fishing expeditions.

This is why The Surveillance. This is why Trump's Tax Returns Were Leaked. This is why they leaked CLASSSIFIED INFORMATION. This is why they unmasked "Innocent American Citizens."

This is why they Hacked Trump Tower Server. This is why they claimed The DNC Server was hacked by Russia.

And now they are going to be drowned by the very lie they crafted.

There really is no way out for them.
The story was always false. This was a strategy for The Dems to try to tie Trump to Russia, and to try to deflect from the fact they were giving Bernie Sanders the shaft and rigging the primaries against him. Schultz was fired for this btw, and immediately hired by Hillary Clinton.

The DNC campaign to beat Trump was based entirely on smearing him from day one. The Clinton campaign had ZERO substance, and it's only focus was to paint President Trump in a negative light every day and every night. One would do better to ask what label or insult the Dems DID NOT try to assign Trump or his supporters, or Bernie Sanders supporters for that matter.

As we have seen with all of THE LEAKS of classified intelligence ILLEGALLY and Intentionally designed to undermine President Trump, nearly all leaked information is leaked from INSIDERS, not Hackers. Someone supporting Bernie Sanders leaked the DNC Emails.

It may have been Seth Rich who died under very mysterious circumstances. Assange indicated that it was a DNC Insider, and he has no reason really to lie about how the information was given to him.

And it's absurd to think you needed a hacker to get in to Podesta's email account when his password was password.

Lastly, not one intelligence agency has been allowed to look at the DNC server. CrowdStrike gave their opinion, but provided no evidence.

So it's very strange that the Obama\Clinton saturated Intelligence Community has refused to make their own assessments on this or to even look at the server themselves.

How desperate was The DNC to win? They committed Treason, they released classified information, they unmasked innocent American Citizens in order to damage The President, and they changed the rules for sharing intelligence at the 12th hour to achieve Maximum Damage against Trump after they lost the election.

They even hacked Trump Tower and a Russian Bank to plant a Simple Beacon Ping between them that did nothing but act as a beacon for the Intelligence Community to go digging and find nothing.

And you thought Nixon was shady?

Always false?

Why do you think that the FBI is lying?

Why are you Trumpsters so damned determined to protect Russia when you know that Russia had hackers working to undermine the American election?

No one did anything with Russia but The Clintons.

That is a fact.

No one but The Left believes your lies. They have all been exposed.

Since when does our country put a Presidential Candidate on Surveillance and Under "Secret Investigation" for 8 Months and finds nothing?

The Surveillance and Investigation were not justified and was a Desperate Fishing Expedition by Clinton, Obama and The DNC.
The idea that the Russians hacked the election is sheer B.S. It's a distraction from the fact HRC was a horrible candidate and that intel was gathered on Americans and then leaked in violation of the Espionage Act.
The story was always false. This was a strategy for The Dems to try to tie Trump to Russia, and to try to deflect from the fact they were giving Bernie Sanders the shaft and rigging the primaries against him. Schultz was fired for this btw, and immediately hired by Hillary Clinton.

The DNC campaign to beat Trump was based entirely on smearing him from day one. The Clinton campaign had ZERO substance, and it's only focus was to paint President Trump in a negative light every day and every night. One would do better to ask what label or insult the Dems DID NOT try to assign Trump or his supporters, or Bernie Sanders supporters for that matter.

As we have seen with all of THE LEAKS of classified intelligence ILLEGALLY and Intentionally designed to undermine President Trump, nearly all leaked information is leaked from INSIDERS, not Hackers. Someone supporting Bernie Sanders leaked the DNC Emails.

It may have been Seth Rich who died under very mysterious circumstances. Assange indicated that it was a DNC Insider, and he has no reason really to lie about how the information was given to him.

And it's absurd to think you needed a hacker to get in to Podesta's email account when his password was password.

Lastly, not one intelligence agency has been allowed to look at the DNC server. CrowdStrike gave their opinion, but provided no evidence.

So it's very strange that the Obama\Clinton saturated Intelligence Community has refused to make their own assessments on this or to even look at the server themselves.

How desperate was The DNC to win? They committed Treason, they released classified information, they unmasked innocent American Citizens in order to damage The President, and they changed the rules for sharing intelligence at the 12th hour to achieve Maximum Damage against Trump after they lost the election.

They even hacked Trump Tower and a Russian Bank to plant a Simple Beacon Ping between them that did nothing but act as a beacon for the Intelligence Community to go digging and find nothing.

And you thought Nixon was shady?

Always false?

Why do you think that the FBI is lying?

Why are you Trumpsters so damned determined to protect Russia when you know that Russia had hackers working to undermine the American election?

No one did anything with Russia but The Clintons.

That is a fact..

No- that is just your speculation.

The fact is that Trump has been doing business with Russia for years- whether or not that is relevant we just don't know.

What is a fact is that Russia attempted to interfere in our Presidential election.

And Trumpsters are desperate to protect Russia from that fact.
The idea that the Russians hacked the election is sheer B.S. t.

And by b.s.- you mean the best opinion of all of the American intelligence agencies.

Because Trumpsters love their fake news- and for Trumpsters Russia is innocent, Clinton is evil, and Trump tweets are the Bible.
It's unraveling.

The issue for The Dems is, that they pinned their entire campaign on a Phony Russian Connection, and they have to hope they find something with their fishing expeditions.

This is why The Surveillance. This is why Trump's Tax Returns Were Leaked. This is why they leaked CLASSSIFIED INFORMATION. This is why they unmasked "Innocent American Citizens."

This is why they Hacked Trump Tower Server. This is why they claimed The DNC Server was hacked by Russia.

And now they are going to be drowned by the very lie they crafted.

There really is no way out for them.

Any by 'lie'- you mean that everything points to Russia attempting to hack our election.

And that Trump's campaign was caught up in surveillance of Russia.

And that Trump's campaign is being investigated by the FBI for possible collusion with Russia.
I think it is pretty obvious that if Trumpsters in this thread temselves caught Trump giving Putin a blow job in order to get Russia to prevent Clinton from being elected, they would still consider Trump to be just an innnocent victim of ebil Democratic attacks.

As Trump himself said- he could shoot someone on the street, and the Trumpsters would still support him.
They Mystery of The Planted Ping

Again, if we could trace this hacking back to Clinton's Private IT team which did include Hackers or The White House there will be a Public Trial like Ameica has never seen. Obama or Clinton might actually face a firing squad.

Who was the 3rd party? The same people who claimed falsely that Russia hacked The DNC Server.

This is where everyone needs to be focused. Why claim Russia hacked The DNC server and then not let anyone look at the server, and then why hack in to a Russian Bank Server and then a Trump Tower Server and plant a ping?

Malicious 3rd Party Actors Faked Ties Between Russian Bank & Trump Tower

Russian bank: Contact from Trump server ‘may be work of hacker’

Russian Bank Claims Trump Server Story May Have Been a Hoax

According to a new report in Circa News, Alfa Bank has told authorities that the mysterious communications have resumed -- and that they have evidence it could be "the work of a hacker trying to create a political hoax." They have asked the Justice Department to investigate, and have pledged to cooperate fully.

Alfa Bank has insisted since media stories began appearing last fall about the computer communications -- known as Domain Name Server lookups -- that it has never had a relationship to Trump or any of his companies and that any computer connections between the two parties’ computers were innocuous. The resumption of the computer pings started last month, and Alfa’s cybersecurity experts traced evidence that the activity was actually being spoofed -- or hacked -- through a third party from a masked computer address inside the United States, the source said.

The attacks attempted to trigger verification signals between Alfa Bank and a server associated with the Trump Organization, the source said

The source said the spoofing attempt is equivalent to someone in the U.S. sending an empty envelope to the Trump Towers but putting on the envelope a return address in Russia, causing the Trump server to falsely return the communication back to Moscow.

The source cautioned it does not yet have evidence that the same activity occurred between last May through September, causing the generation of the first server pings that computer scientists reported last fall might be evidence of secret communications between Trump and Russia.

According to Circa, one of the computer scientists who advanced the story about the Trump-Russia connections is a Hillary Clinton supporter. L. Jean Camp, an Indiana University researcher, made Multiple donations to Clinton last year:
so, tell us Cons, who did it and why? who benefited?

This is who did it.

Profile : All People: School of Informatics and Computing: Indiana University

This is Clinton's Hacker who put the planted beacon pings on The Hacked Russian Bank Server, and the Hacked Trump Tower Server. This who also dreamed up The Russian Hacking of the DNC Server cover story. Don't you find it curious not one intelligence agency has been allowed to see The DNC Server?

L. Jean Camp (born in Charlotte, North Carolina) is a professor at the Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing. She was previously an associate professor at the Kennedy School, before which she was at Sandia National Laboratories. She is best known for her work which combines computer security and the social sciences. In particular her work on Economics of security dates from 2001. She was an original participant in the Workshops on Economics of Information Security.[1]

Camp is a graduate of the Engineering and Public Policy Program from Carnegie Mellon, where she completed her doctoral research on Internet Commerce. She has over one hundred forty[2] additional works. These are focused primarily on security, privacy and trust; although there is early work on the opposition to censoring women's health information. Her work in opposing censorship arose from her activism with Donna Riley for free information while they were students at Carnegie Mellon during the CyberPorn Scare.[3]

Her research on open code, internet governance, and internet diffusion in developing countries primarily dates from her time at the Kennedy School. More recent work on Internet Governance addresses the full allocation of the v4 space.

Currently she has three major projects. The first is risk communication using mental models in order to inform security; the second is measuring and communicating risk using a formal mission framework; and the third is security of SDN. Her recently completed projects address macroeconomic indicators of ecrime; and privacy perception in considering both true and perceived risks.

Camp is the author of Trust and Risk in Internet Commerce,[4] Economics of Medical and Financial Identity Theft[5] and the editor of Economics of Information Security.[6] She coined the term anonymous atomic transactions by resolving the conflict between anonymity and Atomicity (database systems). Camp is also the Indiana University Representation for the Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection.

Camp is a lead researcher in the ETHOS project - Ethical Technology in the Homes Of Seniors[7] which focuses on designing security and privacy-aware technologies for elders.

Camp was an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Congressional Fellow[8] in 2010, under the aegis of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Science and Technology Fellowship Program.[9] She served as the Legislative Assistant in military, telecommunications, and intellectual property in North Carolina's 2nd congressional district.

Camp is a Senior Member of the IEEE, on the USACM Council, long-standing member of the IEEEUSA, and was one of the Internet engineers who were early objectors to SOPA.[10]

L. Jean Camp - Wikipedia
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