Rush To Judgment: The Evidence That The Russians Hacked The DNC Is Collapsing...

I think it is pretty obvious that if Trumpsters in this thread temselves caught Trump giving Putin a blow job in order to get Russia to prevent Clinton from being elected, they would still consider Trump to be just an innnocent victim of ebil Democratic attacks.

As Trump himself said- he could shoot someone on the street, and the Trumpsters would still support him.

Look, I don't like Trump. You fuckers think I liked your policies before this happened.
The story was always false. This was a strategy for The Dems to try to tie Trump to Russia, and to try to deflect from the fact they were giving Bernie Sanders the shaft and rigging the primaries against him. Schultz was fired for this btw, and immediately hired by Hillary Clinton.

The DNC campaign to beat Trump was based entirely on smearing him from day one. The Clinton campaign had ZERO substance, and it's only focus was to paint President Trump in a negative light every day and every night. One would do better to ask what label or insult the Dems DID NOT try to assign Trump or his supporters, or Bernie Sanders supporters for that matter.

As we have seen with all of THE LEAKS of classified intelligence ILLEGALLY and Intentionally designed to undermine President Trump, nearly all leaked information is leaked from INSIDERS, not Hackers. Someone supporting Bernie Sanders leaked the DNC Emails.

It may have been Seth Rich who died under very mysterious circumstances. Assange indicated that it was a DNC Insider, and he has no reason really to lie about how the information was given to him.

And it's absurd to think you needed a hacker to get in to Podesta's email account when his password was password.

Lastly, not one intelligence agency has been allowed to look at the DNC server. CrowdStrike gave their opinion, but provided no evidence.

So it's very strange that the Obama\Clinton saturated Intelligence Community has refused to make their own assessments on this or to even look at the server themselves.

How desperate was The DNC to win? They committed Treason, they released classified information, they unmasked innocent American Citizens in order to damage The President, and they changed the rules for sharing intelligence at the 12th hour to achieve Maximum Damage against Trump after they lost the election.

They even hacked Trump Tower and a Russian Bank to plant a Simple Beacon Ping between them that did nothing but act as a beacon for the Intelligence Community to go digging and find nothing.

And you thought Nixon was shady?

Always false?

Why do you think that the FBI is lying?

Why are you Trumpsters so damned determined to protect Russia when you know that Russia had hackers working to undermine the American election?

No government intelligence agency has examined the DNC servers. Not one. So why should I believe the Russians hacked the election.

And if we want to talk about collusion and proof of collusion the Ukraine was working with the DNC to discredit Manafort. They flat out lied about him.

Politico did an amazing investigation.

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