Russia Can Get in Line: Investigate U.S. Atrocities First.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

Listed in the link is a long list of what might be lies on U.S. war crimes and crimes against humanity.

In any case, in defense of the U.S. military, all that was then and the Ukraine is 'now'!

Listed in the link is a long list of what might be lies on U.S. war crimes and crimes against humanity.

In any case, in defense of the U.S. military, all that was then and the Ukraine is 'now'!
How about you snow Meskins first work on ridding yourselves of the despotic, fascist, beta "male" masquerading as Prime Minister?

IOW, go clean your fucking room.
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After Appomattox I had a ancestor who was walking home to the Shenandoah valley hung by the Yankees for "bushwhacking".....There should be a investigation. ;)
You got the point! Even if it was all true, that was then and the Ukraine is NOW! ]

And don't blame Canada. If any of it is true then Canada would definitely be involved in the true atro-cities part of it.

With so many frivilous junk threads coming up today, it's at least something to discuss!
How about you snow Meskins first work on ridding yourselves of the despotic, fascist, beta "male" masquerading as Prime Minister?

IOW, go clean your fucking room.
Don't blame me and my room in mom's basement. This is who came up with this and it's a part of the rightist challenge to By-Dumb's war.
Don't blame me and my room in mom's basement. This is who came up with this and it's a part of the rightist challenge to By-Dumb's war.
Just more Russian propaganda meant to deflect from the issues of the day. A typical contribution by the commie duck. How about telling Turdeau to pay his NATO bill.
Must have made you throw up in your mouth a little, to have cited such a legit source, huh?

Now, go clean your room.
In fairness miss, I did caution that that list could be a pack of lies that were made up by Putin and the communists. (Xi Jin Ping Pong)
You believe the tripe that comes out of an anti-war BLOG? Come on, man!

The U.S. Military hates to have Civilian casualties, and do their very best to keep them to a minimum. Russia is purposefully seeking out civilians to kill. THAT is the difference.
That's a great answer that is consistent with what I suggested in the OP. So it's pretty much unanimous that it's a pack of old outdated lies that were told by Putin.
In support of your point, let us not forget the conviction of Lt. Calley for the My Lai incident.
Calley served no time in jail, which serves as proof that he did nothing wrong.

In any case, that's ancient history while the Ukraine is 'NOW'!

The Time, Life photo of the mother with her baby in her arms, just less than a minute before the entire family was machinegunnd down is questionable.

And fwiw, the teenaged girl shown buttoning up her blouse, may not have been raped by an American? She didn't claim she was raped, albeit time to complain was somewhat limited.

First recored professional photoshopped images.
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You got the point! Even if it was all true, that was then and the Ukraine is NOW! ]

And don't blame Canada. If any of it is true then Canada would definitely be involved in the true atro-cities part of it.

With so many frivilous junk threads coming up today, it's at least something to discuss!
I don't give two shits about Ukraine.....Given the way the corrupt bastards have been laundering money for the dems why should I?

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