Russia Continues Advance Toward The Dnieper

I do hope so

ALL Chinese enjoy opulent dinners - it's a main part of their culture.
China's top politicians ALL derive from political elite schools - they are Bureaucrats pure, the macho behavior is restricted to e.g. criminal gangs in HK and Shenzhen - whilst military prowess is generated in military elite schools - and carried out by rural Chinese who are traditionally opposed to being business people - they also vary greatly from "standard" Chinese in view of physical aspects.

As a matter of fact, these rural Chinese are very similar in cultural and social behavior to Russians and Americans.

BTW - Xi is married to a former Military Choir singer.

The side that pressures Mongolia the most is factually the USA - same goes for e.g. Kazakhstan and other former Asian Soviet Republics.
And this is one of the major areas where China and Russia indeed cooperate - thwarting US attempts to get their hands onto those countries. Via the e.g. Shanghai Cooperation Organization - SCO.

There's very little of the macho culture in China, the thick skulls don't get very far in life. However rural Chinese aren't really like Americans or Russians at all. There are similarities, there always will be, but the mentality is totally different.

I'm sure the US has its finger in most pies, where it can. But still, Mongolia isn't worth much.
China is stuck back in the past.
Only in regards to territorial claims - which is logical since "the Poor man of Asia" got robbed blind by those imperialists in the 18th to 20th century. Factually China at many times was in sole control throughout centuries in regards to the South-China-Sea.
Hates Japan more than anyone else, why? Because of what happened in WW2.
No - absolutely not, they love to buy Japanese products, make holiday in Japan, and thrive to integrate Japanese innovations into their own culture.
If however Japan bows to US pressure or tends to become their stooge/tool - China will face them with their genocidal deeds of WW2.

Check this out, I'm learning Chinese and this is a little difficult for me, but it has English subtitles, or Chinese subtitles if you can.

Mandarin is an extreme difficult language (at least for me) - even after 20 years in China and 15 years in South-east-Asia, I am nowhere prefect in regards to Mandarin. - so good luck to you :)
History is a big anchor for Chinese imperialism. They HATE imperialism, for obvious reasons, but still want to annex loads of land. The South China Seas is hilarious, they "found a map" and the BBC went to interview the dude with the map, and he said he threw it away because you couldn't make anything out from it.
See above
The Senkaku Islands, or the Diaoyu Islands (the fishing islands) were called the Senkaku Islands (Japanese) by Mao. When they realized the islands were strategic, might have oil etc, the Chinese suddenly went for history and found a few excuses for why they're Chinese.
China has always referred to them as Diaoyu islands - the Japanese refer to them as Senkaku Islands.
Chinese kids know two places on a map of China. Taiwan and Xinjiang. Why? Because they're what the government wants to make sure everyone knows are Chinese.
According to who? and e.g. Taiwan and Xinjiang have been named and marked as Chinese provinces for centuries and a thousand years and more on Chinese maps.
Just as a European map from the 14th century will show the Baltic States, most of today's Poland, Czechoslovakia, Northern Italy, and parts of today's France to belong to the German aka Holy Roman Empire of German Nations.

Whilst the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved forcefully by e.g. France, Britain, and Sweden in 1648 and reanimated in parts in 1871 - as the German Reich, today's China is the legal and unbroken successor of e.g. the Tang Dynasty of the 13th century incl. it's claim towards robbed territories.
History is SUPER IMPORTANT for their justifications.
As for anybody else just as well - see Trump and the Panama canal, or the US claims and territorial possessions in e.g. the Pacific, having resulted out of "robbing" - well the USA will prefer the term "claiming" former German colonies as their bounty after WW1.
Who is on the banknotes? Mao, still. Why? Xi uses Mao as his justification for control and power.
Off course - since in the present Chinese population Mao is still being viewed as the Papa of the "reunited & liberated" Chinese nation.
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Yes, that's was the logic of the USA back in 2003. And as UNSC was the keystone of post-WWII world order, its elimination caused WWIII. If you think that the USA and UK can ignore three other nuclear powers - Russia, China and France and do whatever they want (including unprovoked attacks against independent countries) - ok, its time to prove that you are wrong. No more UN SC, means no more international law, and it means that might is right.
Come on man,

The UNSC was the tool needed, to prevent UN General Assembly Resolutions from being validated.
Because if e.g. 180 member states say YES - just one of these Veto Buggers can invalidate them with a single NO.

Why can e.g. Israel do and get away with everything?

The UNSC is therefore the most UNDEMOCRATIC institution in the UN.
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Yeah, well... if Russia and China suddenly decide to hate each other, it might happen.... they don't particularly like each other, but they hate the US more, and that's why they have their uncomfortable relationship.

Its not about hate or love. Its about strategic goals, and, specifically, the most important goal - survival.
In 2003 Russia and China were weak. They didn't matter. That's why the US got away with it so easily.
They were permanent members of UN SC. You ignored them and you destroyed post-WWII world order. And now, the new world order, likely, will be established after WWIII.
Come on man,

The UNSC was the tool needed, to prevent UN General Assembly Resolutions from being validated.
Because if e.g. 180 member states say YES - just one of these Veto Buggers can invalidate them with a single NO.

Why can e.g. Israel do and get away with everything?

The UNSC is therefore the most UNDEMOCRATIC institution in the UN.
I don't say that post WWII world order was a "global democracy". It wasn't. But as it allowed not to ignore opinion of the five WWII-winners, it was rather good in prevention of WWIII.
I don't say that post WWII world order was a "global democracy". It wasn't. But as it allowed not to ignore opinion of the five WWII-winners, it was rather good in prevention of WWIII.
The UN and as such the UN General Assembly is a DEMOCRATIC organization - which e.g. Russia decided to join, totally independent of Russia's own form of governmnet.
Therefore if the UNSC wouldn't exist - most if not ALL wars could have been prevented - respectively punished in such a way to discourage any future UN unwanted aggression.

The UNSC only exists to prevent UN general assembly resolutions from being validated - aka those Veto buggers are free to do with the rest of the world as they please, namely waging war onto others.
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China is stuck back in the past.

Hates Japan more than anyone else, why? Because of what happened in WW2.

Check this out, I'm learning Chinese and this is a little difficult for me, but it has English subtitles, or Chinese subtitles if you can.

History is a big anchor for Chinese imperialism. They HATE imperialism, for obvious reasons, but still want to annex loads of land. The South China Seas is hilarious, they "found a map" and the BBC went to interview the dude with the map, and he said he threw it away because you couldn't make anything out from it.

The Senkaku Islands, or the Diaoyu Islands (the fishing islands) were called the Senkaku Islands (Japanese) by Mao. When they realized the islands were strategic, might have oil etc, the Chinese suddenly went for history and found a few excuses for why they're Chinese.

Chinese kids know two places on a map of China. Taiwan and Xinjiang. Why? Because they're what the government wants to make sure everyone knows are Chinese.

History is SUPER IMPORTANT for their justifications.

Who is on the banknotes? Mao, still. Why? Xi uses Mao as his justification for control and power.

All history.

I wouldn’t worry about China too much. They aren’t the ones terminating your rights and threatening the planet’s destruction.
You aint fighting NATO bro. Ukraine isnt NATO. Not that we want to end up with nuclear war though.
Where do you think those tanks, drones, boats, airplanes and missiles are coming from bro? NATO has been there causing trouble and killing civilians for years. That's why Russia invaded bro, to defend their country from the nazi invaders.
Actually, the USA invaded Iraq without even asking permission of SC UN because they knew that three of permanent SC UN members - Russia, France and China were actively against it.

Its behind paywal, but as for me, the article worth reading.
The USA was operating under UN resolution authority to force Saddam out of Kuwait. The Second war was because Saddam failed to live up to his cease-fire commitments.
Thing is, Russia and China have never liked each other, they've had conflict in the past, they share a border, want control of Mongolia, have interests in some of the -stan countries that were Soviet and the like.

China is friendly with Pakistan for the simple reason that China and India hate each other. China claims one whole province of India, controls the waters that flow down into India.

There's no way India and China are ever going to be allies. They hate each other.
By that "logic" there was no way Germany and the USSR would ever have been allies, but they were for nearly a decade until Germany decided it could take what it wanted from the USSR instead of trading for it. Without Soviet assistance, Germany couldn't have rearmed and trained its army and air force.
Where do you think those tanks, drones, boats, airplanes and missiles are coming from bro? NATO has been there causing trouble and killing civilians for years. That's why Russia invaded bro, to defend their country from the nazi invaders.
They know that but will never admit it because then their whole world would shatter if they did, it takes a bigger Man to admit they were wrong.
They know that but will never admit it because then their whole world would shatter if they did, it takes a bigger Man to admit they were wrong.
Helping Ukraine repel the Russian invasion is no more wrong than helping the USSR repel the Nazi invasion was in 1941. Stop talking out of both sides of your mouth.
What's the weather like on fantasy Island?
wet 🇷🇺 dreams :


reality :
Helping Ukraine repel the Russian invasion is no more wrong than helping the USSR repel the Nazi invasion was in 1941. Stop talking out of both sides of your mouth.
Its not about hate or love. Its about strategic goals, and, specifically, the most important goal - survival.

They were permanent members of UN SC. You ignored them and you destroyed post-WWII world order. And now, the new world order, likely, will be established after WWIII.
Well, the US went to war in Iraq and got away with it, except for Iran's efforts.
By that "logic" there was no way Germany and the USSR would ever have been allies, but they were for nearly a decade until Germany decided it could take what it wanted from the USSR instead of trading for it. Without Soviet assistance, Germany couldn't have rearmed and trained its army and air force.

Not really.

The US and the USSR were "allies" because they had a common enemy that was going around invading. Also both countries had not yet reached the point of being a superpower. The war was one where they weren't sure of winning.
Not really.

The US and the USSR were "allies" because they had a common enemy that was going around invading. Also both countries had not yet reached the point of being a superpower. The war was one where they weren't sure of winning.
There was never any doubt the USA would win the war. The USSR, on the other hand, would have lost without the massive support from first the UK, then the USA.
There was never any doubt the USA would win the war. The USSR, on the other hand, would have lost without the massive support from first the UK, then the USA.

Not really. Germany was powerful, and with the right decisions...

Say for example Stalingrad, a huge mistake to stop there. They could have just kept going and starved the people out. They'd have take over the whole of Russia. That would have changed the war. Might have allowed them to keep their oil fields and the like.

Hitler messed things up with his arrogance.
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