Russia Continues Advance Toward The Dnieper

Not really. Germany was powerful, and with the right decisions...
Then this is what would have happened to Germany - latest by August 45.

The UN and as such the UN General Assembly is a DEMOCRATIC organization - which e.g. Russia decided to join, totally independent of Russia's own form of governmnet.
Therefore if the UNSC wouldn't exist - most if not ALL wars could have been prevented - respectively punished in such a way to discourage any future UN unwanted aggression.

The UNSC only exists to prevent UN general assembly resolutions from being validated - aka those Veto buggers are free to do with the rest of the world as they please, namely waging war onto others.
UN SC is a council of WWII winners, who, say divided the world and established the laws by which they, more or less together, will rule the world and solve their conflicts, to prevent escalation of small conflicts into next World War. Same way as there was League Nations world order after WWI, Vienna congress after Napoleonic wars and previous world's orders after 7-year war, 30years war, and other "central wars".
Russia didn't "decided" to join UN. Russia (as well as the USA) created UN.

General Assembly is just a talking pit, they can discuss whatever they want, but they don't make decisions. There is nothing "democratical" in General Assembly.
There was never any doubt the USA would win the war.
Anybody can lost the war. Few more wrong decisions made by Americans, few more right decision made by Japans and welcome Japanese forces in Hawaii and California.

The USSR, on the other hand, would have lost without the massive support from first the UK, then the USA.
It depends. If the USA and UK sided with Germany and fought against us, there were good chances to find allies somewhere else. But yes, few more wrong decisions and Russian people were on the edge of annihilation.
What about UK& US help - it was useful, thank you very much, but not decisive.
The USA was operating under UN resolution authority to force Saddam out of Kuwait. The Second war was because Saddam failed to live up to his cease-fire commitments.
It was about the first Iraqi war. The second invasion, 2003, wasn't authorised, vice versa, three of five PM of UNSC were strictly against it.
By that "logic" there was no way Germany and the USSR would ever have been allies, but they were for nearly a decade until Germany decided it could take what it wanted from the USSR instead of trading for it. Without Soviet assistance, Germany couldn't have rearmed and trained its army and air force.
What is even more important, Germany couldn't have rearmed it's Army and build the Fleet without British, American and French assistance (say nothing about American financial support).
And maybe Germany would have won the war by then, and the US would have been best friends with it.
Only in your wet dreams - mate.

Germany was nowhere near the USA's industrial and economic might.
It also never had the industrial and natural resources capacity of the Soviet-Union, the Austrian might have taken Moscow in 1941, and would still have faced the same end.
Only in your wet dreams - mate.

Germany was nowhere near the USA's industrial and economic might.
It also never had the industrial and natural resources capacity of the Soviet-Union, the Austrian might have taken Moscow in 1941, and would still have faced the same end.
Thing is, if Russia had fallen and Germany controlled all of that, the allies might have sued for peace way before the end.
UN SC is a council of WWII winners, who, say divided the world and established the laws by which they, more or less together, will rule the world and solve their conflicts, to prevent escalation of small conflicts into next World War. Same way as there was League Nations world order after WWI, Vienna congress after Napoleonic wars and previous world's orders after 7-year war, 30years war, and other "central wars".
Russia didn't "decided" to join UN. Russia (as well as the USA) created UN.

General Assembly is just a talking pit, they can discuss whatever they want, but they don't make decisions. There is nothing "democratical" in General Assembly.
The League of Nations beheld an executive League Council consisting of four unelected permanent members—the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Japan, drawn from the victorious Entente - who did not hold Veto rights. And that was the reason this whole International Body idea, was reshuffled, renamed and instituted into United Nations, with the LoN being dissolved in 1946.

The UN General Assembly, and as such it's resolutions are still subject to an entirely Democratic process.

The UNSC was instituted to prevent a democratic majority, towards implementing UN resolutions, that would not be in the interest of the USA, later in the weeks following September 1945, extended to the "Winners" of WW2.

At the time the USA was the only nuclear possessing country - and thought that via a UN and it's attached UNSC it could dominate the world also via peaceful means. (since a future nuclear war wouldn't serve anyone's interests) Aka the UN being responsible to ensure International peace & security and the UNSC determining to who's benefit.

The founding members of the United Nations are the countries that were invited to participate in the 1945 San Francisco Conference at which the UN Charter and Statute of the ICJ was adopted.
As such upon receiving confirmation from the other victory powers of being a permanent SC member (thus with Veto rights) the Soviet-Union decided to join the NEWLY formed UN - since it had been previously expelled from the League of Nations in 1939 - due to it's attack onto Finland. Whilst the USA had never been a signatory to the League of Nations.
Thing is, if Russia had fallen and Germany controlled all of that, the allies might have sued for peace way before the end.
You might want to buy a lot of books and acquire substantial knowledge in regards to this subject, in order to realize for yourself, how fictitious and unrealistic your assumptions and thoughts are. :)
Yeah, because nobody else likes a nice dinner. :rolleyes:
You're still too dumb to get it

It was about China:
......Xi is married to an actress, eats large dinners too often (as do all higher up officials).

As such it isn't about a mere Dinner or as you state it now "nice" dinner, - but LARGE Dinners aka OPULENT dinners which are not restricted onto higher up officials in China, but is a general tradition, upheld by ALL Chinese - now troll off you little nuisance.
Not really. Germany was powerful, and with the right decisions...

Say for example Stalingrad, a huge mistake to stop there. They could have just kept going and starved the people out. They'd have take over the whole of Russia. That would have changed the war. Might have allowed them to keep their oil fields and the like.

Hitler messed things up with his arrogance.
Hitler messed things up, yes. But Germany had zero ability to defeat the British Empire OR the USA alone, most definitely not the two combined. Even if by some miracle Hitler could have conquered Great Britian, the rest of the Empire/Commonwealth would have fought on.

If things had broken its way, Germany could have defeated Russia and nearly did. Stalin was prepared to abandon Moscow and even had a special train standing by as the Germans approached. Taking Moscow would have severed the rail connections to the European USSR since unlike most countries, Soviet rail was sort of a series design rather than the parallel designs that most western countries used. All railroads led to Moscow lose Moscow and supplies from the relocated factories and food to feed them couldn't be distributed. Russia lacked a decent road network and depended on rail instead.
Even without American nukes Germany stood no chance of defeating the WAllies.
The A-Bomb was specifically developed and devoted to Nazi-Germany - the Japanese only got to feel the wrath of the USA and it's A-bomb, due to Germany having been out of the race. Otherwise the "nuke-example" Germany, would have sufficed for Japan to surrender.

There is no question about the USA having made use of the A-bomb onto Germany, for the same reasons they used it on Japan.
Why sacrifice GI's if a nuke can do the job even better.
You're still too dumb to get it

It was about China:
......Xi is married to an actress, eats large dinners too often (as do all higher up officials).

As such it isn't about a mere Dinner or as you state it now "nice" dinner, - but LARGE Dinners aka OPULENT dinners which are not restricted onto higher up officials in China, but is a general tradition, upheld by ALL Chinese - now troll off you little nuisance.
Everybody likes a nice dinner, dumb ass.
Everybody likes a nice dinner, dumb ass.
Nobody is talking or referring to a dinner or some nice dinner - only a dumb ass like you
Now troll off you little moron, and learn English to be able to differentiate between Dinner and DINING, as well as Nice and OPULENT

A dinner


A nice dinner


An opulent dinner or opulent dining

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The Russians are fighting NATO and their proxy Ukrainian idiots, when we see NATO missiles hitting Russia then it's a NATO war, only thing that surprises me is that Russia has been so restrained, they should have sent a message by hitting a NATO asset as a reality check for those warmongers.
:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113: :TH_WAY~113:

And whst I love for once NATO is not getting their way,they have been getting their asses kicked.:yes_text12:
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