Russia & Fake News

so entertaining to watch CNN/MSNBC talk about how Trumps been hanging out with Putin, yet, they have no vids/photographs to prove it.

No videos of them together yet, but plenty of documented connections. Here's a video showing some of them, but you need to add Manafort, Flynn, the fact that Trump's daughter went on vacation with Putin's girlfriend, the fact that Trump's campaign was in communication with Russian spies before, during, and after the election, and what ever info is being hidden in his income tax.
so entertaining to watch CNN/MSNBC talk about how Trumps been hanging out with Putin, yet, they have no vids/photographs to prove it.

No videos of them together yet, but plenty of documented connections. Here's a video showing some of them, but you need to add Manafort, Flynn, the fact that Trump's daughter went on vacation with Putin's girlfriend, the fact that Trump's campaign was in communication with Russian spies before, during, and after the election, and what ever info is being hidden in his income tax.

Yeah it's all just a coincidence so thinks the Deplorables.
so entertaining to watch CNN/MSNBC talk about how Trumps been hanging out with Putin, yet, they have no vids/photographs to prove it.

No videos of them together yet, but plenty of documented connections. Here's a video showing some of them, but you need to add Manafort, Flynn, the fact that Trump's daughter went on vacation with Putin's girlfriend, the fact that Trump's campaign was in communication with Russian spies before, during, and after the election, and what ever info is being hidden in his income tax.

And Obama's father was born in Kenya even though it didn't exist, right? Some people will believe anything.
so entertaining to watch CNN/MSNBC talk about how Trumps been hanging out with Putin, yet, they have no vids/photographs to prove it.

No videos of them together yet, but plenty of documented connections. Here's a video showing some of them, but you need to add Manafort, Flynn, the fact that Trump's daughter went on vacation with Putin's girlfriend, the fact that Trump's campaign was in communication with Russian spies before, during, and after the election, and what ever info is being hidden in his income tax.

And Obama's father was born in Kenya even though it didn't exist, right? Some people will believe anything.

Did that makes sense to you? Because it didn't for anyone else.
so entertaining to watch CNN/MSNBC talk about how Trumps been hanging out with Putin, yet, they have no vids/photographs to prove it.

No videos of them together yet, but plenty of documented connections. Here's a video showing some of them, but you need to add Manafort, Flynn, the fact that Trump's daughter went on vacation with Putin's girlfriend, the fact that Trump's campaign was in communication with Russian spies before, during, and after the election, and what ever info is being hidden in his income tax.

And Obama's father was born in Kenya even though it didn't exist, right? Some people will believe anything.

What didn't exist?
so entertaining to watch CNN/MSNBC talk about how Trumps been hanging out with Putin, yet, they have no vids/photographs to prove it.

No videos of them together yet, but plenty of documented connections. Here's a video showing some of them, but you need to add Manafort, Flynn, the fact that Trump's daughter went on vacation with Putin's girlfriend, the fact that Trump's campaign was in communication with Russian spies before, during, and after the election, and what ever info is being hidden in his income tax.

And Obama's father was born in Kenya even though it didn't exist, right? Some people will believe anything.

Did that makes sense to you? Because it didn't for anyone else.

Don't believe all the shit you are told. Simple message.
Remove if old

Looks like Trump shares his "Fake News" Motto with the Russians, or vice versa. Either way its a good read. Interesting nonetheless.

Russian Government Plans New Service Exposing 'Fake News'

Putin was responsible for most of the FAKE news that was on social media outlets, like Facebook. And I have seen many a Reich winger on this board use these FAKE news stories to make a claim, no matter how ridiculous they were--LOL

But the most serious one, is when one dumbass from North Carolina drove to Washington D.C, walked into a Pizza Joint loaded to the hilt because he actually believed that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex operation out of there. Apparently the owners of this pizza place had received all kinds of death threats over this FAKE news.
N.C. man told police he went to D.C. pizzeria with gun to investigate conspiracy theory
No videos of them together yet, but plenty of documented connections. Here's a video showing some of them, but you need to add Manafort, Flynn, the fact that Trump's daughter went on vacation with Putin's girlfriend, the fact that Trump's campaign was in communication with Russian spies before, during, and after the election, and what ever info is being hidden in his income tax.
Obama toured overseas during his campaign but where's your evidence any deals or arrangements were made with Russia or anything else. Your assertions won't do.
In two weeks, some network will suddendly discover a photo of Trump sitting down with Hitler and Stallen, then later it will be revealed that it was a fake.
During President Obama tenure you had birthers using fake news to support their notion that President Obama was born in Kenya while declaring the entire U.S. government was lying...

Now you have the left still trying to claim Russia rigged the U.S. election while not offering one shred of evidence that Russia hacked our systems that changed popular votes at the state level...

What is amazing me is so many Democratic voters claim Wikileaks information is fake but the left has yet to debunk the information that was leaked but instead the Democratic Party has instead attempted to divert from the reality they were dirty in the primary season and general election and want to claim fake news caused Hillary Clinton defeat...

Fake news did not sway too many people and the fake news nonsense is the left attempt to divert the attention from the actual fact the Democratic Party was caught being dirty!
so entertaining to watch CNN/MSNBC talk about how Trumps been hanging out with Putin, yet, they have no vids/photographs to prove it.

No videos of them together yet, but plenty of documented connections. Here's a video showing some of them, but you need to add Manafort, Flynn, the fact that Trump's daughter went on vacation with Putin's girlfriend, the fact that Trump's campaign was in communication with Russian spies before, during, and after the election, and what ever info is being hidden in his income tax.

And Obama's father was born in Kenya even though it didn't exist, right? Some people will believe anything.

WTF?? Who told you Kenya didn't exist in 1936?
what about the bomb that killed 650 Million Dinasours ,,65,000 years ago,,,is that fake news? I mean, we still have a few dinasours in the white house. {well...they at least look and act like them}

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