Russia & ISRAEL: Russia blocks Israeli jets and Israeli jets retreat

Russia - Israel is a tense situation. As though Israel does not have enough enemies already.

Russia is not in Syria for humanitarian reasons no matter what gets taken out. Can anything good come out of Moscow?

Islam cannot live without enemies. Peace comes at the end of the world.
Yes, the US bombing begun on the Jewish NY last year when Israel says it shot down an Syrian plane, it was sign for the US to start bombing, as the Jews went on their NY holiday. Before that the Jews always flew over the area and bombed any suspected supplies to Lebanon.
The Premise is not true...There are a number of airforces operating in the Syrian theatre besides the Israelis and Russians....There are at least ten or more making for a very crowded area if the Israelis wish to they can bomb there as well the russians could not stop them but for now methinks they have a wait and see attitude....Israel does have the means to jam any Russian system including there most advanced ones...One should not jump to any conclusions....
The Premise is not true...There are a number of airforces operating in the Syrian theatre besides the Israelis and Russians....There are at least ten or more making for a very crowded area if the Israelis wish to they can bomb there as well the russians could not stop them but for now methinks they have a wait and see attitude....Israel does have the means to jam any Russian system including there most advanced ones...One should not jump to any conclusions....

What is not true?
The Premise is not true...There are a number of airforces operating in the Syrian theatre besides the Israelis and Russians....There are at least ten or more making for a very crowded area if the Israelis wish to they can bomb there as well the russians could not stop them but for now methinks they have a wait and see attitude....Israel does have the means to jam any Russian system including there most advanced ones...One should not jump to any conclusions....

Doesn't need to be another World War but Armageddon is Armageddon one might say...
You need to reread so called "armageddon" and see for yourself whether it is based on fact or fantasy.....Har Meggido is a good place to start....Teaching an end to the world scenario is just a good way to keep the sheeple in line by scaring them into control....
You need to reread so called "armageddon" and see for yourself whether it is based on fact or fantasy.....Har Meggido is a good place to start....Teaching an end to the world scenario is just a good way to keep the sheeple in line by scaring them into control....

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I don't need to do anything that you said sir LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
What pray tell are you laughing about if I was a betting man I would say things are not always what they seem...The soviets were baited into going into Afghanistan and because of it it helped bring them down...The Russians should have learned and remembered that lesson....Syria could be their waterloo ...In my opinion people only fight really well when they are defending their homes and families not so wellwhen they are thousands of miles away and have nothing to gain except their death for nothing they deem of value...
What pray tell are you laughing about if I was a betting man I would say things are not always what they seem...The soviets were baited into going into Afghanistan and because of it it helped bring them down...The Russians should have learned and remembered that lesson....Syria could be their waterloo ...In my opinion people only fight really well when they are defending their homes and families not so wellwhen they are thousands of miles away and have nothing to gain except their death for nothing they deem of value...

Well, hopefully, no World War...
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Well....To be honest I see nothing in the Psalms to indicate any war involving Israel this year esp a world war that doesnt mean there can't be a war at some point but I tend to think that we are in a world war but it is more spiritual in nature where the different groups are fighting each other via how they treat each other...What I mean by this is you shall know each group by their "fruits" or contributions to bettering society and mankind....Eventually even the ones who are not in any group will come to see by their natures which one they will follow and which group is contributing and bettering the world with light(truth and knowledge) and which group is keeping it stagnant and in spiritual darkness(holding on to lies and follies) I think it is rather obvious as to who these groups are and if it is not then it will become more obvious over time...
Well....To be honest I see nothing in the Psalms to indicate any war involving Israel this year esp a world war that doesnt mean there can't be a war at some point but I tend to think that we are in a world war but it is more spiritual in nature where the different groups are fighting each other via how they treat each other...What I mean by this is you shall know each group by their "fruits" or contributions to bettering society and mankind....Eventually even the ones who are not in any group will come to see by their natures which one they will follow and which group is contributing and bettering the world with light(truth and knowledge) and which group is keeping it stagnant and in spiritual darkness(holding on to lies and follies) I think it is rather obvious as to who these groups are and if it is not then it will become more obvious over time...

...I see. Could I ask why you referred to the Book of Psalms? :)
I have not discussed it publically in many years or on this forum but the psalms seem to line up to the years.... For example psalm 48 to the year Israel was brought back to exsistance ...Psalm 67 when Israel increased her size due to the war that year where she was blessed fourfold in size....Psalm 91 and the gulf war in 1991 where the skuds hit Israel but no one died(maybe one person cant remember) then at the end all those US soldiers died from one skud hitting them in Saudia Arabia I believe showing how deadly the scuds could be... ....There are many others but if you look back in time and line them up you might be suprised....Some cannot see what I am saying but others who have studied this and are watching can.....It shows some interesting things....Shalom....
I have not discussed it publically in many years or on this forum but the psalms seem to line up to the years.... For example psalm 48 to the year Israel was brought back to exsistance ...Psalm 67 when Israel increased her size due to the war that year where she was blessed fourfold in size....Psalm 91 and the gulf war in 1991 where the skuds hit Israel but no one died(maybe one person cant remember) then at the end all those US soldiers died from one skud hitting them in Saudia Arabia I believe showing how deadly the scuds could be... ....There are many others but if you look back in time and line them up you might be suprised....Some cannot see what I am saying but others who have studied this and are watching can.....It shows some interesting things....Shalom....

5 He that putteth not out his money on interest
Not bad for a Shmitta Year
I have not discussed it publically in many years or on this forum but the psalms seem to line up to the years.... For example psalm 48 to the year Israel was brought back to exsistance ...Psalm 67 when Israel increased her size due to the war that year where she was blessed fourfold in size....

...very interesting...but hopefully no World War...

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