Russia nuclear leak: mysterious footage of hazmat officials escalates radiation panic

Russia nuclear leak: Mysterious footage of hazmat officials escalates radiation panic
CHILLING footage from Russia has intensified fears of a nuclear radiation accident after ambulances were spotted lined with protective chemical sheets and hospitals workers were seen wearing hazmat suits.

This is another incident that is going to fuel hundreds of different articles...
Why? If it is a radiation accident, it is a tragedy. Like the 911 responders who are dying years later, this can have a ripple effect for a long time. I don't know about you, but I can spare a few 'thoughts and prayers' for my fellow humans in an accident that could have happened anywhere. I hope any residue can be contained and loss is minimal.
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A nuclear fueled cruise missile was being tested when it blew.
Remember when we lost 3 of our original astronauts on the gantry? Or the Challenger? It's a sad day for them that we ought to be able to relate in compassion!
Well..not exactly the Space this was a research project with the ultimate goal of rendering our missile defenses moot. The bigger the failure the better..and i can hope that this might be a wake up call!

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