Russia Nuked Itself Again


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Little Vlad wanted a submarine torpedo that would travel so far and deep it could hit any American ship anywhere...It would have it's own tiny nuclear reactor to power it. But something went haywire and BOOM! So the Russian people in the area are slamming potassium idodide and hoping their hair doesn't start falling out or the sky opening up with black rain. Good job Vlad...ya little turd. :doubt:


Russia nuclear monitoring sites lost contact after mystery blast: report
Little Vlad wanted a submarine torpedo that would travel so far and deep it could hit any American ship anywhere...It would have it's own tiny nuclear reactor to power it. But something went haywire and BOOM! So the Russian people in the area are slamming potassium idodide and hoping their hair doesn't start falling out or the sky opening up with black rain. Good job Vlad...ya little turd. :doubt:


Russia nuclear monitoring sites lost contact after mystery blast: report
They were testing a torpedo in the air
So the INF treaty was working?
No, they just had something go wrong this time so the world heard about it.
Funny how that happens...

We've been hearing 2 years worth of insipid shit that didn't happen regarding the ruskies, you'd think that we would have heard about their undermining a treaty.

If only we had some journalists...

Sounds like they are following the Paris accord. Not bad enough they aren't cutting emissions now they are adding nuclear emissions to the carbon emissions.
So the INF treaty was working?
No, they just had something go wrong this time so the world heard about it.
Funny how that happens...

We've been hearing 2 years worth of insipid shit that didn't happen regarding the ruskies, you'd think that we would have heard about their undermining a treaty.

If only we had some journalists...

Yeah, from the State dept-

May 2013

Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Donilon and Deputy Secretary of State Burns meeting with Russian Security Council Secretary Patrushev. The United States first raises INF concerns with Russian officials. Russia subsequently denies any noncompliant activities.

May 2013

Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Gottemoeller raises U.S. concerns with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov.

June 25, 2013

Russian Ambassador Kislyak provides initial Russian response denying noncompliant activities and reaffirms Russia’s commitment to the INF Treaty.

November 16, 2013

DFM Ryabkov provides final Russian response denying noncompliant activities and reaffirms Russia’s commitment to the INF Treaty.

January 2014

U/S Gottemoeller meeting with NATO Arms Control, Disarmament, and Non-Proliferation Committee.

July 31, 2014

U.S. releases 2014 Compliance Report, finding Russia in violation of the INF Treaty. This marks the first public announcement of the U.S. determination regarding Russia’s violation. Shortly after the report’s release, Secretary of Defense Hagel and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Dempsey discuss the Russian violation with their Russian counterparts.

September 5, 2014

Wales NATO Summit Communique states: “…Allies call on Russia to preserve the viability of the INF Treaty through ensuring full and verifiable compliance.”

September 11, 2014

Per U.S. initiative, bilateral experts meeting takes place. Russia denies the existence of the missile.

February 2015

Secretary of Defense Hagel discusses Russian INF Treaty violations at the NATO Nuclear Planning Group.

April 20, 2015

Per U.S. initiative, second bilateral experts meeting takes place. Russia denies the existence of the missile.

May 12, 2015

Secretary Kerry raises the issue with President Putin.

June 5, 2015

2015 Arms Control Compliance Report affirms Russia’s continuing violation of the INF Treaty
This is what happens when you arrogantly boast that you can pentrate any defense system without detection and send rockets anywhere(ooops that means including your own towns).
Chernobyl didn't leave enough of an impression on the Ivans I guess.....Why they are still messing with us is unknown....when the Soviet Untion fell apart we could have mauled them, but we didn't...never considered it. I was reading about how scumbag spy John Walker gave the Soviets our encryption codes so they knew all the protocols we'd use, where all our carriers and subs were, and bombing runs over Hanoi for two years. He got life in prison instead of the gallows after costing us thousands of lives in the RVN and Russian superiority if a war had broken out between them and us. Putin knows we'd never strike first....and with Obama probably not retaliate. With Trump, supposedly his pawn, he knows he'll fry like the rest if he starts something with us.

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