Russia wants to put a nuclear weapon in space. Congress has their hair on fire. Is it an EMP?

Russia has never violated a treaty, but the US constantly does.
Like the US promised "no eastern expansion of NATO" in 1991.

More than thirty years have gone by since U.S. Secretary of State James Baker assured Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in February 1990 that if Germany remained part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization after reunification and if the United States “maintained a presence” in that country, “there would be no extension” of NATO’s jurisdiction “one inch to the east.”1 NATO, of course, later was expanded to include not just the USSR’s former allies in Eastern Europe but even some former Soviet republics as well, and many Russians have claimed that, in taking in those new members, the NATO powers were reneging on promises that Baker and other high western officials had made as the Cold War was ending.2 The Americans, as Gorbachev himself put the point in 2008, had “promised that NATO wouldn't move beyond the boundaries of Germany after the Cold War but now half of central and Eastern Europe are members, so what happened to their promises? It shows they cannot be trusted.”

Since then:
Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic became NATO members in 1999, amid much debate within NATO itself and Russian opposition. NATO then formalized the process of joining the organization with "Membership Action Plans", which aided the accession of seven Central and Eastern Europe countries shortly before the 2004 Istanbul summit: Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Two countries on the Adriatic SeaAlbania and Croatia—joined on 1 April 2009 before the 2009 Strasbourg–Kehl summit. The next member states to join NATO were Montenegro on 5 June 2017, and North Macedonia on 27 March 2020.

Clearly the US and NATO are liars.
And the Ukraine is a treaty violator who committed acts of war.
1. What "Treaty" was there in 1991? Who promised what? Baker could only speak forn the Bush administrati9on.
Bush did not expand NATO

2. Let me refresh your memory. Russia violated the SIGNED Budapest Memorandum. Putin said that Ukraine isn't Ukraine.

On 4 March the Russian president Vladimir Putin replied to a question on the violation of the Budapest Memorandum, describing the current Ukrainian situation as a revolution: "a new state arises, but with this state and in respect to this state, we have not signed any obligatory documents".[35] Russia stated that it had never been under obligation to "force any part of Ukraine's civilian population to stay in Ukraine against its will". Russia suggested that the US was in violation of the Budapest Memorandum and described the Euromaidan as a US-instigated coup.[36]
Asteroids hitting the earth do not orbit another asteroid. All it did was slow the orbit. The test proved nothing!
Youre a fuckin idiot. That mission was to trst how easily an asteroid can be knocked off its course and it was a resounding success. NASA was elated by the results!!

Why is it my job to have to keep proving you wrong? Furthermore, how many times do you plan on being wrong in this thread? At what point do you give up?
I was under the impression that a nuke in space was designed to be launched to the surface for total war destruction. I don't think it's for popping up there to eradicate satellites in a large area. Although, that would be a possibility. We should tell them that we will not be pleased if they send one up into orbit. That it will be the last thing that they ever do.
That was my initial impression too until I read a little information about what a large scale nuclear detonation at that altitude would do to the orbiting space band; Apparently it would create a long lasting electromagnetic current strong enough to fry all the circuitry in the delicate satellite machinery rendering them all completely useless orbiting space junk. That would also apply to Russian satellites.

I'm guessing they're probably working on some type of an alternative as we speak if they're talking about trashing the entire orbit space. It would very quickly equalize the military forces if they were able to obtain some type of an alternative to satellite navigation that didn't depend on the orbiting machinery whilst at the same time denying everyone else that capability.

In effect a single Russian missle ship would be able sink anything and everything with impunity if that was the case.
Youre a fuckin idiot. That mission was to trst how easily an asteroid can be knocked off its course and it was a resounding success. NASA was elated by the results!!

Why is it my job to have to keep proving you wrong? Furthermore, how many times do you plan on being wrong in this thread? At what point do you give up?
The mission only adjusted the orbit, not a deflection away from earth. Can you not read? I am seriously beginning to doubt your literacy.
The mission only adjusted the orbit, not a deflection away from earth. Can you not read? I am seriously beginning to doubt your literacy.
It wasnt headed to Earth, retard, and no one said it was. They were testing to see how far they could knock it off course. A success would have been to alter its orbit by 72 seconds, instead they altered it by 32 minutes. It was a massive success that told us we can deflect asteroids.

Learn to read, and in the future stop thinking you are right. You are wrong in every conversation we have ever had.
It wasnt headed to Earth, retard, and no one said it was. They were testing to see how far they could knock it off course. A success would have been to alter its orbit by 72 seconds, instead they altered it by 32 minutes. It was a massive success that told us we can deflect asteroids.

Learn to read, and in the future stop thinking you are right. You are wrong in every conversation we have ever had.
It is obvious you think seconds and minutes are time. It is a measure of partial degrees! Don't call me a retard when you obviously know nothing about orbital mechanics.
I see once again you cannot seem to manufacture a lucid response. Typical for a moron such as you!
Says the guy who responds with "i went to nuke school" as a defense in a discussion about changing the trajectory of asteroids. THATS why youre a fucking idiot.. :cuckoo:
There are long form videos that cover this topic, but here is a 1 minute video from Boston University.
The short video said that there are several methods to deflect asteroids. An impact, or an explosion designed to deflect it to miss Earth. The further away the deflection occurs the better, because it would take less energy. I call bullshit on the video's conclusion that a nuclear explosion would shower the Earth with smaller asteroids and that the damage would be the same as if the large asteroid hit. Those asteroid pieces would be way out in space deflected away from its original trajectory.

Here are two recent articles on the subject.

Says the guy who responds with "i went to nuke school" as a defense in a discussion about changing the trajectory of asteroids. THATS why youre a fucking idiot.. :cuckoo:
We were discussing using nuclear weapons in space, numb nuts! Have you forgotten the original topic?

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