Russian Nerve Agent Victim Dies Police Treat It Has Homicide, Trump To Meet With Murderer This Month


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
A woman who was poisoned by a military-grade nerve agent in southwest England died Sunday, eight days after police think she touched a contaminated item that has not been found.

London's Metropolitan Police force said detectives had become a homicide investigation with 44-year-old Dawn Sturgess's death at a hospital in Salisbury. She and her boyfriend, Charlie Rowley, 45, were admitted June 30 after falling ill a few miles away in Amesbury; Rowley remains in critical condition.

Police open murder probe as 1 of 2 nerve agent victims dies
A woman who was poisoned by a military-grade nerve agent in southwest England died Sunday, eight days after police think she touched a contaminated item that has not been found.

London's Metropolitan Police force said detectives had become a homicide investigation with 44-year-old Dawn Sturgess's death at a hospital in Salisbury. She and her boyfriend, Charlie Rowley, 45, were admitted June 30 after falling ill a few miles away in Amesbury; Rowley remains in critical condition.

Police open murder probe as 1 of 2 nerve agent victims dies

More like a victim of MI5/MI6........
Trump is meeting Putin next week

Think he will bring it up?

A woman who was poisoned by a military-grade nerve agent in southwest England died Sunday, eight days after police think she touched a contaminated item that has not been found.

London's Metropolitan Police force said detectives had become a homicide investigation with 44-year-old Dawn Sturgess's death at a hospital in Salisbury. She and her boyfriend, Charlie Rowley, 45, were admitted June 30 after falling ill a few miles away in Amesbury; Rowley remains in critical condition.

Police open murder probe as 1 of 2 nerve agent victims dies

More like a victim of MI5/MI6........
yes, of course Dale!

Everyone from the western world including the US, are evil, but Russia, China, Turkey, NK, are all good to you, am I right??? :rolleyes:
Trump is meeting Putin next week

Think he will bring it up?


Prove that Russian agents were complicit in it? Every inteligence agency has this type of nerve agent. USA.INC's intel agencies are the worst about using chemical and biological weapons in a covert manner. SARS, AIDS, Ebola, etc, etc.....all man made warfare weapons.
A woman who was poisoned by a military-grade nerve agent in southwest England died Sunday, eight days after police think she touched a contaminated item that has not been found.

London's Metropolitan Police force said detectives had become a homicide investigation with 44-year-old Dawn Sturgess's death at a hospital in Salisbury. She and her boyfriend, Charlie Rowley, 45, were admitted June 30 after falling ill a few miles away in Amesbury; Rowley remains in critical condition.

Police open murder probe as 1 of 2 nerve agent victims dies

More like a victim of MI5/MI6........
yes, of course Dale!

Everyone from the western world including the US, are evil, but Russia, China, Turkey, NK, are all good to you, am I right??? :rolleyes:

Nope, but what I am saying is that USA.INC (that is owned by international bankers) is and has always been the biggest terrorist threat on the planet. They funded communism in Russia and China and Nazism in Germany. There is so much you do not know.
Trump is meeting Putin next week

Think he will bring it up?


Prove that Russian agents were complicit in it? Every inteligence agency has this type of nerve agent. USA.INC's intel agencies are the worst about using chemical and biological weapons in a covert manner. SARS, AIDS, Ebola, etc, etc.....all man made warfare weapons.

Even British Media stops buying that sh*t. In March "Russia poisoned Skripals" 10 days before presidential elections in Russia. Now "Russia poisoned" two British dopers 10 days before Trump/Putin summit. Didi it really benefit Russia or it benefited those who hate Russia?

Lots of accusations with ZERO evidence. Russia CAN NOT be guilty only because Teresa May says: "It's highly likely Russia." Prove it, Teresa, or shut up.

TheGuardian 3 days ago:
I am told that only Russians have access to the poison, known as novichok – though the British research station of Porton Down, located ominously nearby, clearly knows a lot about it. Otherwise, I repeat, I have no clue. I suppose I can see why the Kremlin might want to kill an ex-spy such as Sergei Skripal and his daughter, so as to deter others from defecting. But why wait so long after he has fled, and why during the build-up to so highly politicised an event as a World Cup in Russia?

The most obvious motive for these attacks would surely be from someone out to embarrass the Russian president, Vladimir Putin – someone from his enemies, rather than from his friends or employees.

If the novichok was planted by Russia, where’s the evidence? | Simon Jenkins
Teresa May is facing a tough choice now:

Before Wold Cup has started Teresa May and Boris Johnson did their best to scare English fans from coming to Russia, so many of them stayed home.
If we don't boycott the World Cup, England fans will probably die in Russia

After British team has won lots of Brits rushed to buy tickets to Samara for Saturday match between Brits and Swedes.
England fans in mad scramble for tickets to Samara for quarter-final

And to get to Russia they need to get them fan IDs where? ... Right, in the Russian Embassy. But the Embassy can't work as fast as they want because UK has expelled 23 Russian diplomats lately.
Britain Expels 23 Russian Diplomats Over Ex-Spy’s Poisoning

BTW, It MUST be Putin, who hacked Swedes the day before yesterday, made Brits win and thus made Teresa May look ridiculous.

Teresa needs to go to Russia to support English team next week to show she "cares" about her people but if she goes she'll look stupid with idiotic calls for boycott Russia. Actually, t's very in time for her that one "victim" dies.
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A woman who was poisoned by a military-grade nerve agent in southwest England died Sunday, eight days after police think she touched a contaminated item that has not been found.

London's Metropolitan Police force said detectives had become a homicide investigation with 44-year-old Dawn Sturgess's death at a hospital in Salisbury. She and her boyfriend, Charlie Rowley, 45, were admitted June 30 after falling ill a few miles away in Amesbury; Rowley remains in critical condition.

Police open murder probe as 1 of 2 nerve agent victims dies
You moonbats and your Russian crap. I'm sure Jews will come into the discussion soon.
Close to Porton Down, Britain’s biological and chemical warfare development center. Evidently the Brits may have a rogue employee at the center.
Close to Porton Down, Britain’s biological and chemical warfare development center. Evidently the Brits may have a rogue employee at the center.

Exactly: both towns are 6 and 5 miles away from Porton Down. What a coincidence....

The major incident in Amesbury saw two people poisoned by the same nerve agent that almost killed the Skripals, government scientists have confirmed. The attack turns attention once more to Porton Down, the mysterious laboratory that has unintentionally become central to the response to the attacks.

The secretive government facility at Porton Down has been used for experiments involving deadly and often undisclosed weapons, and in the wake of the Salisbury attack has become indelibly associated with the nerve agent used in the attack.

Porton Down would be notable in any use of nerve agent on British soil, given its importance in testing and understanding such deadly weapons. But it is also by coincidence literally close to the two attacks: Salisbury, Amesbury and the facility are all just a few miles apart, in a triangle that has now become central to the attacks and the fallout from them.

Everything you need to know about the secretive Porton Down facility
Trump is meeting Putin next week

Think he will bring it up?


Prove that Russian agents were complicit in it? Every inteligence agency has this type of nerve agent. USA.INC's intel agencies are the worst about using chemical and biological weapons in a covert manner. SARS, AIDS, Ebola, etc, etc.....all man made warfare weapons.
Crazy Dale
Trump is meeting Putin next week

Think he will bring it up?


Prove that Russian agents were complicit in it? Every inteligence agency has this type of nerve agent. USA.INC's intel agencies are the worst about using chemical and biological weapons in a covert manner. SARS, AIDS, Ebola, etc, etc.....all man made warfare weapons.
Crazy Dale

I know more than you....the information to prove the veracity of my claims are easy enough to find. Like I kicked your ass on that JFK thread, I will kick that ass of yours here. Perhaps this is one of those times that you should listen instead of running off at the cyber mouth?
Trump is meeting Putin next week

Think he will bring it up?

Putin has been assassinating people for years. Do you think Obama asked him about it?

Putin has been assassinating people for years. Do you think Obama asked him about it?
Only in the minds of the people who have been stuffed with anti-Russian propaganda. There is ZERO evidence that Putin assassinated somebody but there is a lot of noise about it spread by Western "leaders" and Western Media, who all are in Soros' pocket.

There still exists a concept "presumption of innocence" which Soros puppets have been successfully substituting with "it's highly likely Putin did it" providing absolutely NO evidence but stirring a lot of noise.
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