Russian planes carrying Russian troops land in Venezuela

He hired Bolton because HE LIKES dissent and arguments.. Not like the tater-head we had before with his "Palace Guard" appointments.. It's a GOOD thing, that Trump accepts varied opinions and views and makes his own decisions..

I'm not defending him.. You're just being an ass about blowing up things so you can vent...
For what it's worth -- I totally agree Bolton should NEVER be in position to suggest military operations. Was pretty upset to see HIM get the job...
He hired Bolton because HE LIKES dissent and arguments.. Not like the tater-head we had before with his "Palace Guard" appointments.. It's a GOOD thing, that Trump accepts varied opinions and views and makes his own decisions..

I'm not defending him.. You're just being an ass about blowing up things so you can vent...

I dunno, I think that maybe the Trump administration has been co-opted by the very neocon establishment he ran against. Let's chalk it up to inexperience and a hostile work environment that he aligned himself with snakes who are hardly any better than the far left democrats.
He hired Bolton because HE LIKES dissent and arguments.. Not like the tater-head we had before with his "Palace Guard" appointments.. It's a GOOD thing, that Trump accepts varied opinions and views and makes his own decisions..

I'm not defending him.. You're just being an ass about blowing up things so you can vent...

I dunno, I think that maybe the Trump administration has been co-opted by the very neocon establishment he ran against. Let's chalk it up to inexperience and a hostile work environment that he aligned himself with snakes who are hardly any better than the far left democrats.

I'm thinking that "all these great people" he promised to bring on were scared off by the awful abuse that Mueller and all this "resistance" hissy fits caused.. Aint no one wants their families and finances ruined by hysterical Democrats misusing their elected powers for revenge.. THUS -- only the zealots are still interested in being part of it....

But also, 20 years in Silicon Valley and dealing with narcissistic entrepreneurs taught me that these Trump, Bezos, Musk, Cuban types are extremely difficult to work for and prefer a lot of conflict and drama goin on to keep their upper mgt on their toes...

Most of the original neo-con crew has slinked off into oblivion after being embarrassed and proven wrong..
Too many excuses. The guy is incompetent, that was never a secret.
Too many excuses. The guy is incompetent, that was never a secret.

Hey.. Be generous.. He was "OK" as an United Nations ambassador... How difficult is it to eat shrimp cocktails and pretend that you LIKE all those countries?? LOL.... He's good for something. But I get bad images of Dr. Strangelove whenever he coughs up a plan....
Too many excuses. The guy is incompetent, that was never a secret.

Hey.. Be generous.. He was "OK" as an United Nations ambassador... How difficult is it to eat shrimp cocktails and pretend that you LIKE all those countries?? LOL.... He's good for something. But I get images of Dr. Strangelove....
I'm sorry for not being more clear. I'm talking about the guy that hired Bolton, Trump.
Too many excuses. The guy is incompetent, that was never a secret.

Hey.. Be generous.. He was "OK" as an United Nations ambassador... How difficult is it to eat shrimp cocktails and pretend that you LIKE all those countries?? LOL.... He's good for something. But I get images of Dr. Strangelove....
I'm sorry for not being more clear. I'm talking about the guy that hired Bolton, Trump.

Well.. That's your baggage then.. I don't waste time on Repubs and Dems anymore.. I just want the Swamp actually drained and detoxified.. And neither party is gonna get that job done --- EVER....
Too many excuses. The guy is incompetent, that was never a secret.

Hey.. Be generous.. He was "OK" as an United Nations ambassador... How difficult is it to eat shrimp cocktails and pretend that you LIKE all those countries?? LOL.... He's good for something. But I get images of Dr. Strangelove....
I'm sorry for not being more clear. I'm talking about the guy that hired Bolton, Trump.

Depends on what you expected him to achieve. Personally I'm enjoying the chaos.
Too many excuses. The guy is incompetent, that was never a secret.

Hey.. Be generous.. He was "OK" as an United Nations ambassador... How difficult is it to eat shrimp cocktails and pretend that you LIKE all those countries?? LOL.... He's good for something. But I get images of Dr. Strangelove....
I'm sorry for not being more clear. I'm talking about the guy that hired Bolton, Trump.

Depends on what you expected him to achieve. Personally I'm enjoying the chaos.
I didn't have any expectations.

I'm right there with you. :popcorn:

I didn't vote in the primaries and was as surprised as anyone that Trump actually won the nomination. I cast my subversive vote wondering "will they even let us get away with this?" Imagine my shock when they did. I wasn't at all surprised when the collusion conspiracy theory suddenly erupted threatening to take him out of the white house. Of course they'd do whatever it took to protect their interests even if it required lying and scheming to revoke a fair election.
Im surprised that the Israel first crowd on this forum seems to dislike Bolton as well. Don't you know? everything he does, he does it for you!
Im surprised that the Israel first crowd on this forum seems to dislike Bolton as well. Don't you know? everything he does, he does it for you!
Yeah just like everything Trump does, he does it for us.

Text cuts for billionaires. For us.
Cuts to Medicare. For us.
Tax increase for the middle class. For us.
Enormous deficit for the country. For us.

All this “for us” is going to kill us.
Im surprised that the Israel first crowd on this forum seems to dislike Bolton as well. Don't you know? everything he does, he does it for you!
Yeah just like everything Trump does, he does it for us.

Text cuts for billionaires. For us.
Cuts to Medicare. For us.
Tax increase for the middle class. For us.
Enormous deficit for the country. For us.

All this “for us” is going to kill us.

Maybe if your pals in the deep state and the media hadn't instigated a witch hunt because you don't like Trump's personality, he could have reached compromises with the other side of the aisle instead of being forced to align himself with neocons.
Too many excuses. The guy is incompetent, that was never a secret.

Hey.. Be generous.. He was "OK" as an United Nations ambassador... How difficult is it to eat shrimp cocktails and pretend that you LIKE all those countries?? LOL.... He's good for something. But I get images of Dr. Strangelove....
I'm sorry for not being more clear. I'm talking about the guy that hired Bolton, Trump.

Depends on what you expected him to achieve. Personally I'm enjoying the chaos.

Generally chaos isn't this dangerous in the USA.. It's getting to the point of absurdity.. Reminds me that the movie "Idiocracy" was eventually gonna come true.. If you haven't ever watched this prescient film -- you should..
Im surprised that the Israel first crowd on this forum seems to dislike Bolton as well. Don't you know? everything he does, he does it for you!
Yeah just like everything Trump does, he does it for us.

Text cuts for billionaires. For us.
Cuts to Medicare. For us.
Tax increase for the middle class. For us.
Enormous deficit for the country. For us.

All this “for us” is going to kill us.

major "cuts" to Medicare came with Obamacare for funding.

and neither party will ever address the debt/deficit.. No politician wants to admits that we're now paying Soc Sec shortfalls out of selling NEW bonds to China.. This is the "boomer crisis" we were warned about for 36 years.. Yearly deficits for Medicare/SocSec eating us alive and there's nothing of value in the Trust Fund that Congress ROBBED for years.
It's not Trump's fault in large measure..

NO tax increases for the Mid class -- except for the wealthy living on Fed subsidies to pay their stupidly HIGH NY, Illinois and Cali state/local taxes...

Pretty much struck out there AS USUAL Deanie... You're hurting your already hurting party there with your "expert analysis"... Not that I care that the Dems are self-destructing.. And not that I care about Trump's political futures.. But only because you're always spectacularly ----- IRRELEVANT..

And USUALLY --- WAAAY off the topic of each thread....
Too many excuses. The guy is incompetent, that was never a secret.

Hey.. Be generous.. He was "OK" as an United Nations ambassador... How difficult is it to eat shrimp cocktails and pretend that you LIKE all those countries?? LOL.... He's good for something. But I get images of Dr. Strangelove....
I'm sorry for not being more clear. I'm talking about the guy that hired Bolton, Trump.

Depends on what you expected him to achieve. Personally I'm enjoying the chaos.

Generally chaos isn't this dangerous in the USA.. It's getting to the point of absurdity.. Reminds me that the movie "Idiocracy" was eventually gonna come true.. If you haven't ever watched this prescient film -- you should..

Yeah great movie. The guy behind it did beavis and butthead and King of the Hill. The movie Office Space too. He's got a real talent for satirizing the absurd realities of american life. He should do a sequel but instead of a world run by idiots, it's run by hyper sensitive PC snowflakes constantly triggering one another with microaggressions. Like a comic parody of 1984.

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