Russian Private Military Security Companies


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

We hear about Blackwater and other US Military companies serving around the world – to do what the US government no longer want to do, but what about the Russian counterparts? The operators are all highly-trained soldiers – often Spetznatz – and very-well equipped. An interesting story @ Russia: So Where Are Russian PMSC’s Working In The World?
Bravo Sierra.

Private Security Companies was a money making deal for Blackwater and others. They just about raped the State Department. People signed up in droves, to go to a foreign they could "make a killing financially."

Yes, some of those contractors are hardened Troops from the various US Military branches, and they love a good battle ; nothing better than taking on terrorists, I understand. But for the largest percentage I was for the money. John Que , ex-Special Operations Troop, got killed for about......what, making about $400 to $500 dollar a day. Good money, but is it worth going to a foreign land to get killed?

There was no oversight over Private Military Contractors till Eric Prince got "Blackwater" into trouble. An ex US Navy SEAL and educated person......I never thought he could be so ignorant. But getting where he got to, in his Military as well as his Civilian career, was definitely no easy task.....and I applaud Eric for his success. But I still believe he was ignorant. And I believe he knowing and wantonly......"Raped" the US State Department financially for contracts, and State was stupid for letting him do it. Thehy did not want the headaches, paperwork and other they latterly "Paid" Blackwater and other contractors to keep from having red tape.

It was very-very expensive to keep from dealing with red well as Mr.Prince causing legal and political embarassments.

How things go in Russian, I do not know. Russian has some hardened Troops, and Spetsnaz are excellent Soldiers......depite being thrown out of Afghanistan a few decades ago by a bunch of hillbillies.

People miss Soldering. They miss things about the Military, and for some reason......they take a well paying job with a Military Contractor to put their life on the line. is purely for the money to take a very good chance of coming home in a "Body Bag."

Myself and others in my department are responsible for hundreds of acres of Property. I deal with Hazardous chemicals and other hazardous substances. My Security Department has Fire Engines and Ambulances on site to deal with Emergency's, as well as a Hazardous Material Trailer ( we are Haz-Mat certified ). We have equipment to do rope rescue as well as confined space rescue.....and we are trained to do so. We deal with Medical Emergencies - Fires - Security Issues as well as control Entry and Exit into the facility. We have a significant chance of a "Mass Causality Incident" due to the chances of multiple explosion hazards and hot metal explosions inside our facility.....or a chemical incident ( Chlorine and other acid substances ) occurring. How did the company we worked for reward us for the patients we have transported and saved, the property damage we have prevented, and the fires and hazardous materials incidents we have responded to? They contracted our jobs out to a security contractor and cut our pay significantly - made us pay for our own insurance and cut our insurance coverage - took our 401K from us - took our retirement from us - took our vacation from us and started us out at only one weeks vacation, our first wekk we got we paid for out of our own pockets.

That is how we got thanked. For the ambulance transports we responded to and medical care ( most of the time it was Advanced Level Medical Care; the Paramedic level ) we have given, and the fires we have extinguished....along with the property damage we have prevented ; further saving the company millions of dollars. They cut our jobs, greatly lowered morale, caused a high turnover rate inside the department....we can not keep employees.... this causing significant overtime; the overtime further adding to the stress we endure from excessive work hours. And no one in the senior level of leadership wants to open their eyes in my opinion and see the troubles they are causing, and again in my opinion.....I do not believe they care. The senior level of leadership works eight hour days, they get weekends and holidays off, and drive off site for about a one hour lunch ; making about three to four times what I make a year.

I have no sympathy for those whom look down on others, ignore subordinates themselves and do not make an effort to resolve problems, or practice poor leadership. Those whom close their eyes at the face of their own neglect.

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