Russian Rules of Engagement in Syria


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
All one has to do is read this article to compare the insanely inept ROEs imposed upon American observers as compared to the Russians.

American - Many of the pilots delivering these air strikes are dubious about their effectiveness. That’s because so many steps are required before a target can be hit. There are few American air controllers on the ground in Iraq and often none in Syria (where only special operations troops sometimes operate). The final release (of weapons) decision is made by an American general and only after lawyers and intel analysts have scrutinized the aerial evidence (sometimes augmented by reports from the ground) to ensure that situation complies with the ROE (Rules of Engagement).

Russians -The ground observers call it in .... or .... if the pilot sees someone that walks like a terrorist, act like a terrorist, carries a gun like a terrorist, it is probably a terrorist .... hence, bombs away

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