Russian troops enter Syria. Crap hits fan.


Feb 28, 2009
ABC news has reported that Russian troops have entered Syria for the purpose of showing support for Assad.

Russian Anti-Terror Troops Arrive in Syria - ABC News

They specify anti terror troops in the headline.

from the story

A Russian military unit has arrived in Syria, according to Russian news reports, a development that a United Nations Security Council source told ABC News was "a bomb" certain to have serious repercussions.

So I wonder if Obummer has the nads to bomb there with Russian troops present.

Is this an attempt to foist Assad as the new Caliph? Or merely a way of keeping an arms purchaser in the market?
Pooty-Poot just wants to stick his peter in her pooter.


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Russia's stance on Assad shifts...
Russian lawmaker: Assad must pull out troops first
22 Mar.`12 — Syrian President Bashar Assad must take the first step toward settling his country's yearlong conflict by pulling his forces out of cities and allowing humanitarian assistance, a senior Russian lawmaker said Thursday, in a statement that signaled a marked shift in Moscow's stance.
The comments by Mikhail Margelov, the Kremlin-connected chairman of the foreign affairs committee in the upper house of Russian parliament, indicated Moscow's increasing impatience with Assad and its eagerness to raise pressure on an old ally. "Syrian President Bashar Assad must urgently fix numerous mistakes that he has made, according to Russia's official position," Margelov said, according to the ITAR-Tass and RIA Novosti news agencies.

Commenting on Wednesday's statement by the United Nations Security Council that spelled out U.N. mediator Kofi Annan's proposals, including guaranteed humanitarian access and the pullout of government forces from Syrian cities and towns, Margelov said that Assad should now act first. "Assad must take the first step," Margelov was quoted as saying. "He must pull out the Syrian army from big cities. It's also necessary to deliver humanitarian assistance to the areas affected by fighting."

That is a departure from Russia's previous position that both the government and opposition forces need to simultaneously withdraw from cities. The Syrian government has insisted that the opposition should be the first to end hostilities, while the West has demanded that Assad's military halts its offense first, followed by the opposition.

Russia, along with China, has twice shielded Assad from United Nations' sanctions over his crackdown on an uprising in which more than 8,000 people have been killed. But Moscow also has strongly supported a plan to settle the crisis by Annan, the former U.N. secretary-general who is the joint U.N. and Arab League envoy for Syria. Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said Thursday that Annan will visit Moscow in the next "couple of days" to discuss the settlement.

More Russian lawmaker: Assad must pull out troops first - Yahoo! News

See also:

Puttin' the squeeze on Bashar's honey-do...

Source: EU will slap sanctions on Assad's wife
23 Mar.`12 – The wife of Syrian President Bashar Assad will be hit with a travel ban and have her assets in the EU frozen, a European Union official said Friday.
A total of four members of the Assad family, along with eight government ministers, will be targeted in the latest round of sanctions aimed at stopping the violent crackdown on members of the Syrian opposition, the official said. He spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a decision that will be taken later Friday by EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels.

Asma Assad has British citizenship, and the EU official said that likely meant she could not be banned from travel to the U.K. British Foreign Secretary William Hague said it was very important to increase pressure on the Syrian regime.

"Their behavior continues to be murdering and totally unacceptable in the yes of the world," he said on his way into the meeting. The U.N. estimates that more than 8,000 people have been killed since the uprising began a year ago in a cycle of attack and reprisal.

Guess the Russians got tired of the US rolling every Arab country. Wonder if the Chinese will move troops into Iran.
Oh goodie.

The Russians are going into the nation building business, too!

Let THEM occupy Syria.

Better them than us.
Are we seeing the seeds of the 'Third World' war?...
Syrian opposition leader: We're going to ask for arms, more help
March 30th, 2012 - A leading member of the Syrian opposition says their leaders, who hope to meet with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton later this week, will request more assistance as the siege by Bashar al-Assad's government continues.
Leaders of the Syrian National Council, the largest opposition group, will attend the "Friends of Syria" meeting in Istanbul this weekend. The meeting, a follow-up to an earlier gathering in Tunisia, will focus on ways to put a stop to the carnage in Syria and support a transition to democracy. Representatives from 60 countries are invited. Clinton will travel to Istanbul from Saudi Arabia, where she is scheduled to meet with King Abdullah to discuss a range of issues, including the situation in Syria. The Syrian opposition is expected to make a presentation outlining attempts to unite the various factions of the movement and how the international community can help.

Radwan Ziadeh, a visiting scholar at George Washington University, tells CNN the activists will ask for three things:

1. The implementation of a safe zone on the Syrian side of the border with Turkey.

2. The establishment of a no-fly zone over the safe zone.

3. Arms for the Free Syrian Army, an opposition group inside Syria comprised mainly of former government soldiers who defected to the opposition.

Previously, the United States has made it clear it will provide only nonlethal assistance such as communications equipment and medical supplies to the FSA. But Ziadeh says the United States "can give the green light" to other countries such as Qatar to provide arms. He says the crucial weapons needed are antitank weapons. Support for such assistance to the opposition is growing on Capitol Hill. Sens. John McCain, R-Arizona; Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina; and Joseph Lieberman, I-Connecticut have called for foreign airpower to stop the government "slaughter" and save innocent lives.

The lawmakers introduced a resolution in Congress that calls for providing weapons and other material support to the Syrian opposition. The Obama administration has pointed to the disparate nature of the Syrian opposition as a concern when it comes to extending U.S. assistance. Senior officials have said elements of al Qaeda could be exploiting the situation to sow chaos in the region. The opposition "must be able to clearly demonstrate a commitment to including all Syrians and protecting the rights of all Syrians," Clinton told reporters earlier this week. "We are going to be pushing them very hard to present such a vision in Istanbul. So, we have a lot of work to do."


See also:

Clinton tries to rally partners on Iran, Syria
March 30th, 2012 - Kicking off a short but intense trip to the Middle East, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is looking for help from America's friends in the region to address complex security challenges in Iran and Syria.
At her first stop Friday in the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh, Clinton briefed King Abdullah on plans for a meeting two weeks from now, at which Iran says its officials will discuss its nuclear program. Clinton also discussed Saudi pledges to keep global oil supplies strong, at a time more nations are signing on to U.S.-led sanctions that require them to bar imports of Iranian oil. The Gulf Cooperation Council's Security Cooperation Forum, which meets Saturday, is key to the U.S. approach in the region. Aboard the plane with reporters flying in to cover Clinton's trip, a senior State Department official said the aim of the forum is "to provide a strategic context to the kind of defense cooperation that we already have with GCC nations." The six countries in the council are Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

The U.S. government wants a regional missile defense system, with the State Department official saying Washington is now working with each of its partners to develop an "architecture" based on the belief that, "in order to protect the (Persian Gulf region), no one can protect itself." Asked whether that system is meant to protect against possible missile attacks from Iran - like the European system proposed by U.S. President Barack Obama's administration - the official said Iran "clearly (is) one of the most significant threats that these nations face." There is no timeline, currently, to implement such a system in the Gulf region, the official noted. "But it is a priority of our partnerships with GCC countries," added the official.

The United States has already sold a number of different missile defense systems to partners in the region, including Patriot missiles that the official said would form the "building blocks" for such a system. Saturday's Security Cooperation forum also will include discussions on controlling weapons of mass destruction, maritime security, as well as the situations in Syria, Yemen and so-called Arab Spring countries. After her trip to Saudi Arabia, Clinton will fly to Istanbul, Turkey, for a meeting on Sunday with the "Group of Friends of the Syrian People." Representatives from 60 nations have been invited to attend, ostensibly in an effort to help end the bloodshed in Syria. Another senior State Department official told journalists that finding some way to get humanitarian aid to Syrians affected by the violence is a top priority.

Numerous nations, the official said, are trying to do more to address the situation, with other U.S. officials indicating some humanitarian is already getting to Syrian civilians along the embattled nation's borders. A Syrian opposition group, the Syrian National Council, is scheduled to make a presentation to the meeting in Istanbul summarizing its efforts to unite the disparate groups that form the opposition. U.S. administration officials have expressed concern over their lack of cohesion and are urging them to lay out a plan for a post al-Assad Syria that would protect ethnic and religious groups. "We are continuing to work with them to try to strengthen them in that regard," the official said. "They have been reporting that they expect to be able to make progress and to demonstrate progress at this meeting on Sunday, so we'll look forward to what they bring."

Russia havin' doubts or telegraphin' a threat to Assad?...
Russia says it may support UN motion on Syria
April 5, 2012 — Russia could support a U.N. Security Council motion on Syria if it doesn't contain ultimatums to Bashar Assad's government, the Russian foreign minister said Thursday.
Sergey Lavrov said on a trip to Kyrgyzstan that Moscow may vote in favor of a Security Council document backing U.N. envoy Kofi Annan's peace plan. Lavrov didn't specify whether he was referring to a Council resolution or a statement, but warned that the document shouldn't contain any ultimatums or threats. "When we consider a document at the Security Council, we shall proceed from the principle of not doing any harm," he said. "It would be good if we are able to reach a consensus aimed at helping Kofi Annan's mission and not use ultimatums that would escalate tensions."

Russia and China have twice used their veto power at the Council to block U.N. resolutions condemning Assad's government over its yearlong crackdown on an uprising in which more than 9,000 people have been killed. But Moscow has strongly supported Annan's plan and urged Assad to take the first step to end bloodshed. "Russia believes that any steps regarding the Syrian problem should be aimed exclusively at supporting Annan's mission," Lavrov said. "It's very important not to undermine this process with ultimatums or threats. Regrettably, some are willing to do that, and it refers in particular to the 'Friends of the Syrian People' meeting." Lavrov that some participants of Sunday's meeting in Istanbul made statements that discourage the opposition from observing its obligations under Annan's plan.

Assad agreed this week to implement the cease-fire brokered by Annan from April 10. The truce is the keystone of a six-point plan put forward by Annan, the joint U.N.-Arab League envoy. It requires government forces to withdraw from towns and cities, followed by a withdrawal by rebel fighters. Then all sides are supposed to hold talks on a political solution. "While Kofi Annan has insisted on the demilitarization of cities, statements coming from Istanbul have sent a different signal to the opposition," Lavrov said Thursday

Saudi Arabia and Qatar, two Sunni-ruled monarchies in the Gulf, have backed the idea of arming the opposition against Assad's Shiite-ruled government, but the West remains opposed. Western nations moved instead to create a fund for the rebels at the meeting in Istanbul.

ABC news has reported that Russian troops have entered Syria for the purpose of showing support for Assad.

Russian Anti-Terror Troops Arrive in Syria - ABC News

They specify anti terror troops in the headline.

from the story

A Russian military unit has arrived in Syria, according to Russian news reports, a development that a United Nations Security Council source told ABC News was "a bomb" certain to have serious repercussions.

So I wonder if Obummer has the nads to bomb there with Russian troops present.

Is this an attempt to foist Assad as the new Caliph? Or merely a way of keeping an arms purchaser in the market?

wheres wiki leaks now that we need them....:lol:
ABC news has reported that Russian troops have entered Syria for the purpose of showing support for Assad.

Russian Anti-Terror Troops Arrive in Syria - ABC News

They specify anti terror troops in the headline.

from the story

A Russian military unit has arrived in Syria, according to Russian news reports, a development that a United Nations Security Council source told ABC News was "a bomb" certain to have serious repercussions.

So I wonder if Obummer has the nads to bomb there with Russian troops present.

Is this an attempt to foist Assad as the new Caliph? Or merely a way of keeping an arms purchaser in the market?

Isn't control of Assad what the US wants? The Russians need our food, perhaps we will be "advising" them? :eusa_shhh:
Russia havin' doubts or telegraphin' a threat to Assad?...
Russia says it may support UN motion on Syria
April 5, 2012 — Russia could support a U.N. Security Council motion on Syria if it doesn't contain ultimatums to Bashar Assad's government, the Russian foreign minister said Thursday.
Sergey Lavrov said on a trip to Kyrgyzstan that Moscow may vote in favor of a Security Council document backing U.N. envoy Kofi Annan's peace plan. Lavrov didn't specify whether he was referring to a Council resolution or a statement, but warned that the document shouldn't contain any ultimatums or threats. "When we consider a document at the Security Council, we shall proceed from the principle of not doing any harm," he said. "It would be good if we are able to reach a consensus aimed at helping Kofi Annan's mission and not use ultimatums that would escalate tensions."

Russia and China have twice used their veto power at the Council to block U.N. resolutions condemning Assad's government over its yearlong crackdown on an uprising in which more than 9,000 people have been killed. But Moscow has strongly supported Annan's plan and urged Assad to take the first step to end bloodshed. "Russia believes that any steps regarding the Syrian problem should be aimed exclusively at supporting Annan's mission," Lavrov said. "It's very important not to undermine this process with ultimatums or threats. Regrettably, some are willing to do that, and it refers in particular to the 'Friends of the Syrian People' meeting." Lavrov that some participants of Sunday's meeting in Istanbul made statements that discourage the opposition from observing its obligations under Annan's plan.

Assad agreed this week to implement the cease-fire brokered by Annan from April 10. The truce is the keystone of a six-point plan put forward by Annan, the joint U.N.-Arab League envoy. It requires government forces to withdraw from towns and cities, followed by a withdrawal by rebel fighters. Then all sides are supposed to hold talks on a political solution. "While Kofi Annan has insisted on the demilitarization of cities, statements coming from Istanbul have sent a different signal to the opposition," Lavrov said Thursday

Saudi Arabia and Qatar, two Sunni-ruled monarchies in the Gulf, have backed the idea of arming the opposition against Assad's Shiite-ruled government, but the West remains opposed. Western nations moved instead to create a fund for the rebels at the meeting in Istanbul.


they are just continuing the assad 2 step, he'll agree to anything and do not a thing.

the 'reset' with russia has been a flop to be kind and the only time they ever did go along, ala not vetoing the UN sppt of libya mission etc. obama fucked them over, so they are pissed and here we are. they have hamstrung missile defense at no cost to themselves, and they are going to do what they do....
ABC news has reported that Russian troops have entered Syria for the purpose of showing support for Assad.

Russian Anti-Terror Troops Arrive in Syria - ABC News

They specify anti terror troops in the headline.

from the story

A Russian military unit has arrived in Syria, according to Russian news reports, a development that a United Nations Security Council source told ABC News was "a bomb" certain to have serious repercussions.

So I wonder if Obummer has the nads to bomb there with Russian troops present.

Is this an attempt to foist Assad as the new Caliph? Or merely a way of keeping an arms purchaser in the market?

Isn't control of Assad what the US wants? The Russians need our food, perhaps we will be "advising" them? :eusa_shhh:

what on earth are you talking about?
Where the hell is Hillary? This would be a foreign policy crisis if a republican was in office. Too bad the liberal media chooses to ignore it for the most part.
This is what we get when we have a President willing to be more "flexable" with the Russians - they'll stand with terrorist-sponsoring regimes. Syria is a puppet of Iran, its the one dictatorship that if taken out, would had weakened Iran. The Hussein can't have that, so his comrades have bailed him out of that predicament.
ABC news has reported that Russian troops have entered Syria for the purpose of showing support for Assad.

Russian Anti-Terror Troops Arrive in Syria - ABC News

They specify anti terror troops in the headline.

from the story

So I wonder if Obummer has the nads to bomb there with Russian troops present.

Is this an attempt to foist Assad as the new Caliph? Or merely a way of keeping an arms purchaser in the market?

Isn't control of Assad what the US wants? The Russians need our food, perhaps we will be "advising" them? :eusa_shhh:

what on earth are you talking about?

Think, the Russians will be occupied in Syria. The Russians will control Assad; the US sends food to Russia. Why not exert "control" by that method? The USSR is gone Zander.
Isn't control of Assad what the US wants? The Russians need our food, perhaps we will be "advising" them? :eusa_shhh:

what on earth are you talking about?

Think, the Russians will be occupied in Syria. The Russians will control Assad; the US sends food to Russia. Why not exert "control" by that method? The USSR is gone Zander.

I am not zander. :rolleyes:

and I think the food angle won't mean squat, they have enough oil and oil money to buy what they need elsewhere.
what on earth are you talking about?

Think, the Russians will be occupied in Syria. The Russians will control Assad; the US sends food to Russia. Why not exert "control" by that method? The USSR is gone Zander.

I am not zander. :rolleyes:

and I think the food angle won't mean squat, they have enough oil and oil money to buy what they need elsewhere.

The Russians have been there for a couple weeks. Why bomb Syria instead of, excuse me, BRIBING the Russians? You really think their intelligence trumps ours? I DO NOT.

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