Russia's 'Low Quality' Troops See Spike in Losses: UK

1) They don't tell them the war is futile. They send the message every day that the war is worth fighting for.

Just like the US said the war in Iraq and Afghanistan were worth fighting for.
The difference is, that in Iraq and Afghanistan ordinary American soldiers and, as well, American civilians didn't see the difference between "good guys" and "bad guys". Both of them were strange foreigners, unknown and menacing.
Russians and Ukrainians are, in fact, one nation. Almost everyone has a cousin on another side and often talk with them in internet. And, ordinary Russian soldier actually see local Russian women and children behind him and actual German tanks with Ukrainian Banderovci (Nazi-collaborants) in front of him. And after, say, Odessa massacre, Russian women and children are really frightened of Ukrainian Nazi-collaborants backed by NATO. So, from their point of view, Russian soldiers actually defend their families.

They don't think that they will be defeated. Actually, they believe that they will win.
i FEEL YOU PAIN 🇸🇦🐖🇷🇺 IVAN :abgg2q.jpg:

i FEEL YOU PAIN 🇸🇦🐖🇷🇺 IVAN :abgg2q.jpg:

Bulgaria? Are you kidding? The EU won't allow them even attempt of reindustrialisation. What is even more important - Russia and Turkey won't allow them.
The internet... you mean the one that they can stop people seeing websites like Facebook and other social media and media outlets?

You think Russian mothers are on the BBC? No, they're watching TV and they're watching Putin's TV.
I must admit that you are right. Haven't we all seen that happening with the media and new networks that I've labeled as Quisling?
Just look at what the FBI did with Twitter and Facebook. CNN calling failed nationwide insurrection about overdosed felon a "Fiery But Peaceful Protest while towns burned down in arson, looting and murders.
The media and news outlets are controlled are controlled in both Russia and the U.S. as well.
They are talking with each other and know that real casualties are pretty low and insignificant. Hardly more than death toll from car accidents.


Russia has 11.6 deaths per 100,000 people on the roads. That's about 17,000 deaths per year on the roads.

The UK estimates 70,000 Russian dead.
BBC Russia estimated 107,000 Russian dead.

Wagner says 22,000 dead Wagner troops (not included in the Russian dead)

That's a lot more than traffic accidents.
The difference is, that in Iraq and Afghanistan ordinary American soldiers and, as well, American civilians didn't see the difference between "good guys" and "bad guys". Both of them were strange foreigners, unknown and menacing.
Russians and Ukrainians are, in fact, one nation. Almost everyone has a cousin on another side and often talk with them in internet. And, ordinary Russian soldier actually see local Russian women and children behind him and actual German tanks with Ukrainian Banderovci (Nazi-collaborants) in front of him. And after, say, Odessa massacre, Russian women and children are really frightened of Ukrainian Nazi-collaborants backed by NATO. So, from their point of view, Russian soldiers actually defend their families.

Not one nation. Yes, they were both part of the USSR and lots of Russians got moved into the Ukraine. That doesn't mean the Ukrainians see it that way, seeing how the Russians killed loads of Ukrainians during the USSR days and have been interfering in Ukrainian politics since they left the USSR.
I must admit that you are right. Haven't we all seen that happening with the media and new networks that I've labeled as Quisling?
Just look at what the FBI did with Twitter and Facebook. CNN calling failed nationwide insurrection about overdosed felon a "Fiery But Peaceful Protest while towns burned down in arson, looting and murders.
The media and news outlets are controlled are controlled in both Russia and the U.S. as well.

In the US they're controlled but there are different sides. In Russia there's only one side.

People are easy to manipulate. People create narratives and force people to believe them for fear of being on the other side.

Russia has 11.6 deaths per 100,000 people on the roads. That's about 17,000 deaths per year on the roads.

The UK estimates 70,000 Russian dead.
BBC Russia estimated 107,000 Russian dead.

Wagner says 22,000 dead Wagner troops (not included in the Russian dead)

That's a lot more than traffic accidents.
"70,000 Russian dead" is , to put it mildly, an exaggeration, only if you count "local collaborants" (Ukrainian citizens), executed by police, SBU, and local irregular forces, too. 30,000 would be a more accurate number. 30,000 in two years (20,000 of them in 2022). And, there were 12,668 Russians died in car accidents in 2023.
So, yes, it's not a big deal from the Russian point of view. Previous time they had lost 3,5 million KIA only (say nothing about local civilians and guérillas, killed by Nazies).

That's why people of Donbass hates Kievan Junta and loves Moscow. Besides all other things, it were Ukrainians who started "water blocade", and it were Russians, who builded new water pipes and gave them water.

And yes, water blockade will be ended after elimination of Ukro-Nazies.
Nazi Troll Winkle is a true Denier .
He just cannot accept that the UAF has been blown away again.
The Russians are advancing the whole of the front line and latest reports are that most Ukey fighters are now refusing to obey orders .

A bit like inside Gaza where IDF conscripts are in tears under fire from the Freedom Fighters .
Literally "bricking it " where they are being pulverised .

In both locations it is hardened professionals fighting people who should not really be there and have few guns and precious remaining ammunition
"70,000 Russian dead" is , to put it mildly, an exaggeration, only if you count "local collaborants" (Ukrainian citizens), executed by police, SBU, and local irregular forces, too. 30,000 would be a more accurate number. 30,000 in two years (20,000 of them in 2022). And, there were 12,668 Russians died in car accidents in 2023.
So, yes, it's not a big deal from the Russian point of view. Previous time they had lost 3,5 million KIA only (say nothing about local civilians and guérillas, killed by Nazies).

Well, I tried to find out what Russia says, but I couldn't find anything.

The issue here is that from car accidents you'll have a wide range of people, all grandmas, young kids. Those who are dying in the Ukraine are young men. People who won't be having kids.


Russia already has a demographics problem. People over the age of 35 exist in much larger numbers than those in their 20s. The number of kids being born has dropped in the last 10 years from just under 2 million a year to about 1.3 million a year. Take out those men who won't be having kids and those demographics will drop more.

In the Iraq War, the US was seeing a 1 to 10 ratio of dead to injured.

In December Russia said 383,000 casualties which would put the number of dead at 34,000, assuming that Russia can keep the number of deaths down that low. But still that means they have a huge number of males who are missing body parts, or have mental issues.

In the US, they estimate that the number of suicides is four times higher than the number of deaths in combat zones.

"A 2021 study by Brown University estimated that 30,177 veterans of post-9/11 conflicts had died by suicide. When compared to the 7,057 personnel killed in the conflicts, at least four times as many veterans died by suicide than personnel were killed during the post-9/11 conflicts."

So, if we take the 34,000 figure, and then we times that by five, that's 170,000 mostly young men that will die. From a pool of 7.5 million young men between the ages of 20 and 30, maybe we could add 18 and 19 year olds for 9 million. And the war's not over.

Also the fact that Russia lies about just about everything, the death rate is probably higher than 34,000 and the injury number is probably higher than 383,000.

How are people not going to notice this?
Well, I tried to find out what Russia says, but I couldn't find anything.

The issue here is that from car accidents you'll have a wide range of people, all grandmas, young kids. Those who are dying in the Ukraine are young men. People who won't be having kids.

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Russia already has a demographics problem. People over the age of 35 exist in much larger numbers than those in their 20s. The number of kids being born has dropped in the last 10 years from just under 2 million a year to about 1.3 million a year. Take out those men who won't be having kids and those demographics will drop more.

In the Iraq War, the US was seeing a 1 to 10 ratio of dead to injured.

In December Russia said 383,000 casualties which would put the number of dead at 34,000, assuming that Russia can keep the number of deaths down that low. But still that means they have a huge number of males who are missing body parts, or have mental issues.

In the US, they estimate that the number of suicides is four times higher than the number of deaths in combat zones.

"A 2021 study by Brown University estimated that 30,177 veterans of post-9/11 conflicts had died by suicide. When compared to the 7,057 personnel killed in the conflicts, at least four times as many veterans died by suicide than personnel were killed during the post-9/11 conflicts."

So, if we take the 34,000 figure, and then we times that by five, that's 170,000 mostly young men that will die. From a pool of 7.5 million young men between the ages of 20 and 30, maybe we could add 18 and 19 year olds for 9 million. And the war's not over.

Also the fact that Russia lies about just about everything, the death rate is probably higher than 34,000 and the injury number is probably higher than 383,000.

How are people not going to notice this?
There is a good side of the more intense combat (and better payments). If you have any mental problems - the enemy will kill you. If you won a battle and returned home with a small fortune - you are a rich man and you don't need a shrink either (vodka and whores are much more effective). Anyway, Russian culture and Russian society are pretty weird and chronically traumatized, and always have been. It's OK to be not OK there.

And yes, there is another reason for SMO. They just can't allow themselves to lost twenty million Russians in Ukraine.

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