
Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
I keep hearing on the media the Russians interfered with the election on behalf of Trump and caused the Hillary landslide loss.

But so for no one has provided a shred of evidence as to what the Russian did or how they did it?

Can anyone here explain to me how the Russians are actually responsible for Hillary's humiliating defeat?

Or is it just a bunch of malarkey invented by the Democrats and their friends in the media to try and shift the blame for running such a flawed candidate? ...... :cool:
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I keep hearing on the media the Russians interfered with the election on behalf of Trump and caused the Hillary landslide loss.

But so for no one has provided a shred of evidence as to what the Russian did or how they did it?

Can anyone here explain to me how the Russians are actually responsible for Hillary's humiliating defeat?

Or is it just a bunch of malarkey invented by the Democrats and their friends in the media to try and shift the blame for running such a flawed candidate? ...... :cool:
I am glad to see you Sunni Man.
I keep hearing on the media the Russians interfered with the election on behalf of Trump and caused the Hillary landslide loss.

But so for no one has provided a shred of evidence as to what the Russian did or how they did it?

Can anyone here explain to me how the Russians are actually responsible for Hillary's humiliating defeat?

Or is it just a bunch of malarkey invented by the Democrats and their friends in the media to try and shift the blame for running such a flawed candidate? ...... :cool:

it is malarkey ----invented by some people----not ALL democrats. ----in fact the muslim president likes to IMPLY it-----incessantly. How about you let us know how it pans out in this week's Khutbah Jumaat feces flng
They had to have some kind of excuse for her losing. After all they, the media and the pollster had her winning.

You don't really think they will admit what a lousy candidate she was do you?? She ran a lazy lousy campaign because she thought she had the election in the bag.

After all Trump was a joke and had no chance.

LOL Wonder who's laughing now.
I keep hearing on the media the Russians interfered with the election on behalf of Trump and caused the Hillary landslide loss.

But so for no one has provided a shred of evidence as to what the Russian did or how they did it?

Can anyone here explain to me how the Russians are actually responsible for Hillary's humiliating defeat?

Or is it just a bunch of malarkey invented by the Democrats and their friends in the media to try and shift the blame for running such a flawed candidate? ...... :cool:
Haha...I called into a left wing talk show yesterday after the host said "Looking at the evidence provided by the government it is clear Russia influenced the election".... I was like " Can you please provide the governmental evidence that the Russian hacks actually changed anyone's mind?"....Of course the coward yelled at me and hung up.
Can't wait to see the Hildebeast at Trump's inauguration tomorrow. She'll sport a great phony smile as she waves to the folks while Bill sheds real tears over having lost four years of her too busy to keep an eye on him and his well oiled zipper. What a burden for the world-class philanderer to have to bear. So close, yet so far...
I keep hearing on the media the Russians interfered with the election on behalf of Trump and caused the Hillary landslide loss.

But so for no one has provided a shred of evidence as to what the Russian did or how they did it?

Can anyone here explain to me how the Russians are actually responsible for Hillary's humiliating defeat?

Or is it just a bunch of malarkey invented by the Democrats and their friends in the media to try and shift the blame for running such a flawed candidate? ...... :cool:
PM Netanyahu, on behalf of Israel, was all over the media for months trying to influence the outcome of the election.

Yet nothing is said about that. ....... :cool:
Well Sunni, have you not read what the rightwingnutjobs on this board have been saying about the Muslim religion? And what they would like to do about those of that religion in this nation?
Here's proof! Surveillance footage of Russian soldiers dancing in celebration of Hillary's loss!


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Well Sunni, have you not read what the rightwingnutjobs on this board have been saying about the Muslim religion? And what they would like to do about those of that religion in this nation?
Keyboard threats and trash talk is just a bunch of hot air.

Doesn't bother me in the least.

But thanks for your concern my friend. ...... :cool:
I keep hearing on the media the Russians interfered with the election on behalf of Trump and caused the Hillary landslide loss.

But so for no one has provided a shred of evidence as to what the Russian did or how they did it?

Can anyone here explain to me how the Russians are actually responsible for Hillary's humiliating defeat?

Or is it just a bunch of malarkey invented by the Democrats and their friends in the media to try and shift the blame for running such a flawed candidate? ...... :cool:

How by releasing emails, that made it look like Clinton was a criminal, and Trump on the bandwagon elaborating everything the emails said, of course the Pubs were also in it, Comey , Clinton Cash, Beribart, paid for by Robert Mercer and his daughter, so yes many voters fell for the real crook, but Clinton won the maj. I'm sure you know how propaganda works?

I also believe they have something on Trump. He so loves Putin as evidenced by Tillerson becoming SOS.

I also do not believe MI voted for Trump, Macomb county just had the largest rally pro the ACA, a country that carried Trump, I don't think so.
Yes, there is a ton of conspiracy theory's about the election and Putin / Russian influence and involvement.

But when it comes to hard core facts and tangible evidence.

Nothing, nada, zip, zero. ....... :cool:
Yes, there is a ton of conspiracy theory's about the election and Putin / Russian influence and involvement.

But when it comes to hard core facts and tangible evidence.

Nothing, nada, zip, zero. ....... :cool:

Nothing works as good as propaganda , and yes Russians did hack the DNC. Not a conspiracy theory. Then you have the GOP , and their followers, who are as crooked as can be. Mi didn't vote for Trump.

Do you really think WI, MI and PA voted for Trump? I do not. 3 our of 3? and NC, well we see what happened to the newly elected Dem Governor down there.

The tea party groups, Rush, Glen, Hannity, Ingraham , non stop bashing of lies about Clinton , Dems, and Obama.

I don't know if you are a practicing Muslim , but if you are do be careful. GOP do not like Muslims, heck they do not like blacks.
Well Sunni, the people that would shut down the Mosque's are in power now. That should thrill you.
I personally don't believe that would ever happen.

It would be a PR nightmare for the government and violate the Constitution.. ...... :cool:

You will find the Constitution is getting more and more insignificant.
Yes, that's why we have faggot 'marriage' and other stupid SC rulings.

I really do not care about gay marriages, will be great for the divorce attorneys. What is the difference between them living together or tying the knot. I know money and survivor benefits, can't have that can we, so the answer is MONEY, the same answer it always is with the GOP.

Pro birth, GOP is not pro health.
Well Sunni, the people that would shut down the Mosque's are in power now. That should thrill you.
I personally don't believe that would ever happen.

It would be a PR nightmare for the government and violate the Constitution.. ...... :cool:

You will find the Constitution is getting more and more insignificant.
Yes, that's why we have faggot 'marriage' and other stupid SC rulings.

I really do not care about gay marriages, will be great for the divorce attorneys. What is the difference between them living together or tying the knot.

Pro birth, GOP is not pro health.
You're even worse than a soddie lover, you like the idea of enriching lawyers.

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