Rx for the Democrats

This is getting a little fucking silly. Now, everywhere I look, I see article titles like "Dems Searching for Answers After Electoral Catastrophe"


This should be very easy. Now that the party is lying in a steaming puddle of goo, it has nowhere to go but up. And all it will take is two (2) steps:

Step One
Drop the whole destructive Political Correctness/Identity Politics fiasco NOW. Stop dividing Americans into little pieces and pitting them against each other. Stop screaming and intimidating and punishing people for saying what they think. Stop ruining family businesses for refusing to bake a fucking CAKE. Stop deplatforming conservative voices on college campuses. Stop pretending there are 58 (or whatever the number is now) genders. Stop having flamboyant transsexuals read books to parents' young children in class. Apologize for terms like "Toxic Masculinity" and "Cultural Appropriation". You blew it. This was stupid from the start. Fucking DROP IT.

Step Two
Focus like a fucking laser beam on the Middle Class (assuming it isn't too late, and it may be). No, not the Black Middle Class or the Brown Middle Class or the Purple Middle Class or the Gay Middle Class. The AMERICAN MIddle Class. Drop the fucking hyphenations. Come up with some NEW IDEAS that fit a rapidly changing and more competitive global economy. Modify and streamline existing ideas like Unions, Vocational Schools and Retirement Plans. I swear it wouldn't be that difficult.

Anyone who was here before 2016 knows that I was considered evil by the LEFTIES here because I was screaming this every fucking day. I had "Political Correctness Derangement Syndrome". I was called every name in the book and squabbled with every lefty on the board over it. Turns out I was right.

You just described the foundation of the Democratic Party for the past 12 years.
As well as their controlled media. They would have to completely rewrite how they make the news.
/—/ democRATs need to stay just the way they are. Any attempt to move towards the center will end badly for them.

Actually, I agree. Americans will quickly realize what a complete mistake it was to put Trump back into power (if they haven't figured that out already). Democrats need to stand by their principles, which most Americans agree with anyway.
Actually, I agree. Americans will quickly realize what a complete mistake it was to put Trump back into power (if they haven't figured that out already). Democrats need to stand by their principles, which most Americans agree with anyway.
/——/. A perfect example of democRATs not moving far left enough. It’s time for the Left to
Double down.
California's Soros-backed progressive experiment collapses after a decade
California's Soros-backed progressive experiment collapses after a decade
Why did the retards think legalizing theft would be OK in the 1st place? :cuckoo:
/——/ Because it’s reparations for the down trodden who had their wealth stolen by evil greedy corporations.
The retards think corporations have zero overhead and 100% profit. Even if they all don’t think that, they see profit as evil and shoplifting is payback.
I know, I used to be a Libtard and hung out with like minded retards.
/——/ Because it’s reparations for the down trodden who had their wealth stolen by evil greedy corporations.
The retards think corporations have zero overhead and 100% profit. Even if they all don’t think that, they see profit as evil and shoplifting is payback.
I know, I used to be a Libtard and hung out with like minded retards.
Personally I think it was more of a financed and organized destabilization campaign funded by the Soros family and possibly some ActBlue. Sowing chaos and betting on currencies is their thing.
/——/. A perfect example of democRATs not moving far left enough. It’s time for the Left to
Double down.
California's Soros-backed progressive experiment collapses after a decade

Guy, Fox News isn't a source that is credible.

California still has the same problem it has before Soros came along. They don't have enough prison cells for the real criminals, much less the petty offenders.

Soros is not hiding under your bed.
Guy, Fox News isn't a source that is credible.

California still has the same problem it has before Soros came along. They don't have enough prison cells for the real criminals, much less the petty offenders.

Soros is not hiding under your bed.
/—-/ Sorry, butt CNN won’t report on the failures of socialism.
This is getting a little fucking silly. Now, everywhere I look, I see article titles like "Dems Searching for Answers After Electoral Catastrophe"


This should be very easy. Now that the party is lying in a steaming puddle of goo, it has nowhere to go but up. And all it will take is two (2) steps:

Step One
Drop the whole destructive Political Correctness/Identity Politics fiasco NOW. Stop dividing Americans into little pieces and pitting them against each other. Stop screaming and intimidating and punishing people for saying what they think. Stop ruining family businesses for refusing to bake a fucking CAKE. Stop deplatforming conservative voices on college campuses. Stop pretending there are 58 (or whatever the number is now) genders. Stop having flamboyant transsexuals read books to parents' young children in class. Apologize for terms like "Toxic Masculinity" and "Cultural Appropriation". You blew it. This was stupid from the start. Fucking DROP IT.

Step Two
Focus like a fucking laser beam on the Middle Class (assuming it isn't too late, and it may be). No, not the Black Middle Class or the Brown Middle Class or the Purple Middle Class or the Gay Middle Class. The AMERICAN MIddle Class. Drop the fucking hyphenations. Come up with some NEW IDEAS that fit a rapidly changing and more competitive global economy. Modify and streamline existing ideas like Unions, Vocational Schools and Retirement Plans. I swear it wouldn't be that difficult.

Anyone who was here before 2016 knows that I was considered evil by the LEFTIES here because I was screaming this every fucking day. I had "Political Correctness Derangement Syndrome". I was called every name in the book and squabbled with every lefty on the board over it. Turns out I was right.

I started to come on this thread to comment, but I can't do any better than that. Well stated!

Yes, the Democrats can go back to being a viable party, but they have to take the too steps you list, and also stop obsessing about Trump and his supporters.
/—-/ Sorry, butt CNN won’t report on the failures of socialism.
The Democrats lied to Amrerica for the last five years. They lied about the original of Covid, they lied about masks, they lied about the vaccine preventing you from getting Covid, they lied about inflation not being bad and then blamed Trump, they lied about the border crisis, they lied about people not struggling in this economy, they lied about men could become women, hell, they still can’t define what a woman is, Biden claimed inflation was 9% they day he took office, they lied about the health of the President for four years, they lied about them forcing Biden out of the race, Biden lied about not pardoning is son, they lied about violence in black communities, Harris lied about agreeing with every Presidential decision Mande, Harris lied about her view on fracking, she lied about her position on illegal immigration, lied about Trump being a Nazi, lied about the number one concern women had in America, abortion, lied about Trumps view on abortion, lied that Trump left office with the worst unemployment rate since the Great Depression, lied about being for free speech, lied about forcing social media to take down posts that didn’t go with their agenda.

They have no high ground to stand on.
Guy, Fox News isn't a source that is credible.
LOL.....................and your credible sources have been proven to have been lying to you and your clown posse for years, if not decades. And still, you have been so co-opted by propaganda, you still believe your sacred media sources.
LOL.....................and your credible sources have been proven to have been lying to you and your clown posse for years, if not decades. And still, you have been so co-opted by propaganda, you still believe your sacred media sources.
/——/ And ABC was sued for $15 million for libel against Trump. Is that JoeB131’s “credible” source?
I started to come on this thread to comment, but I can't do any better than that. Well stated!

Yes, the Democrats can go back to being a viable party, but they have to take the too steps you list, and also stop obsessing about Trump and his supporters.
I disagree. They're hosed.

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