Ryan already vomiting on American workers

from the article:

“Many small businesses playing by the rules, including many employers in the 6th Congressional District of Virginia, rely heavily on seasonal employees with H-2B visas to support industries such as forestry and tourism,” he added. “Unfortunately, the Obama Administration has issued regulations that are overly burdensome for the small and seasonal businesses that play by the rules and use this guest-worker program to hire a legal workforce.”

But critics say Goodlatte and the GOP establishment are bending the facts, making it sound like it’s mainly struggling small businesses who will benefit from this bill, even as they attempt to appease their corporate backers in the tourism, forestry and hospitality industries. Companies like Walt Disney, which has used the guest worker visa to replace American employees.

In 1970, fewer than 1 in 21 U.S. residents were foreign-born. Today is it nearing 1 in 7, and will soon eclipse every historical watermark and keep rising. Meanwhile, the wage compression enabled by long-term low-skilled migration has helped employers keep wages down beneath 1973 levels.
House GOP seeks flood of foreign ‘guest workers’

He is a Rubio amnesty pig. Ryan will always have as his first priority the welfare of rubio's money masters.

Yo, I suggest you vote for Ted Cruz or Donald Trump, and stop bitching!!!

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House GOP seeks flood of foreign ‘guest workers’

He is a Rubio amnesty pig. Ryan will always have as his first priority the welfare of rubio's money masters.

This is what Reagan did in 1982 by signing the largest Amnesty Bill in American history. He flooded Southern California and the greater Southwest with cheap Mexican labor to weaken union control over agriculture, construction and food service.

Listen, Libertarians believe that there should be no obstacles to the the coupling of capital and labor - only then will production reach its lowest cost, thereby incentivizing investment and economic growth. Reagan drew up the blueprints for the "Super Highway" uniting North America into one economic block, whereby corporations could shift production from Detroit to Mexico in an instant, depending on which country could offer the cheapest costs to investors. Libertarians believe that Borders/Language/Culture are obstacles to the flow of capital. They believe that there should be one unitary globe with the same language and laws so that all the world's investment capital can have instantaneous access to all the world's resources, from natural resources to human labor. When a capitalist has to pay a higher cost of production because he can't have access to illegal Mexican labor, productivity and efficiency suffers, and the incentive to invest goes down. Corporations lose time and money when they have to hire expensive lawyers and translators to move their products across every border.

Reagan was a libertarian. He used conservatism strictly as a populism to peel-off Southern Dixiecrats and northern catholic workers from a democratic party that had become increasingly disillusioned by the Left's pivot to race, gender and lifestyle politics. The fact that most Republican voters don't know the difference between Libertarianism and Conservatism - and the fact that they don't know that Reagan was a Libertarian and not a conservative - paved the way for the intellectual incoherence of the modern Republican party, which cynically used God to harvest the bible belt, which resulted in a coalition every bit as powerful as FDR's New Deal Coalition (which welcomed Southern Racists with open arms). This is the price the Left was willing to pay for the New Deal - a price the Right would later pay starting with Goldwater/Nixon/Reagan and the Southern Strategy. Politics is a fucking dirty business.
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