Ryan 'Political Theater' Move Rejected


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Intel Chief Denies Ryan’s Request for Clinton to Be Blocked From Receiving Classified Briefings

OF COURSE he denied Ryan's request...as Ryan KNEW he would. There is no legal basis for denying the President of the United States (should she win) of Intel when she has been found guilty of NOTHING. This whole thing was nothing but 'political theater' by Ryan, trying to improve his declining poll numbers.

Political jackass....

Intel Chief Denies Ryan’s Request for Clinton to Be Blocked From Receiving Classified Briefings
Ryan is eleven points in front of his challenger and pulling away.

He will win easily, and Trump will lose badly.
Ryan makes the Republicans look even worse, now after the week-long shootings and threats to police, including the Black police chief of Dallas. AG Lynch was grilled not on that, but on charges already found not credible: Against a former Secretary of State. Another former Secretary of State, and a five-star, was never grilled about his first attempts ever: To bring high-tech email use to the protocols of international diplomacy, and foreign relations. An email from the address of the five-star likely was impressive. An email from the address of the former President, Bill Clinton: Was likely impressive. Both uses likely rose above the ordinary.

Diplomatic uses of emails are likely not set in stone, even now. The important role of ketchup in our world aside(?), an email from former Senator Kerry is likely expected to be on a government server, and not on a hamburger spice company server(?). "Eat At Speaker Ryan's Rib Joint," probably does make a lot of sense at RNC(?)! Speaker Ryan has shown monumental insensitivity to the role of international diplomats in international affairs. The insensitivity of the GOP, not asking the U.S. Attorney General, about the shooting of police, or the civil rights violations, police created: Is unconscionable. There is no basis for either the Republicans or Democrats bypassing pressing problems of the ordinary, in the street. The further discussion of the diplomatic protocols problem was inappropriate, and is likely everywhere, so regarded. So even the Committee grilling Lynch pulled a Trump, went off narrative, and further noted the brand to be a liability, for anyone running for elective office, anywhere.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, not Stirred!
(Who was that mascale, anyway? "He's the Lo-o-o-ne White Man! Tune In! And see if he's dead yet!" (Propriety is in the eye of the beholder!))

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